Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 767: Difficulties and data collection of micr

Based on the experience on the earth, once the magic computer is born, it is likely to develop at a speed beyond imagination, and the complexity of the array will directly affect the strength of calculation.

   The energy consumption of the magic array has nothing to do with the volume, but only related to the number of monochord elements involved in the magic net.

   This is like a ring-shaped magic item. In essence, it is the same as a human head-sized magic item. They all use the same magic circle. The string combination, change, and energy flow involved are also roughly the same.

   The higher the purity of the mithril, the smaller the magic circle components can be, and the greater the energy flowing per unit volume.

  Even if micro-integrated arrays appear in the future, the energy consumption of a single element will remain the same. That is to say, the more integrated, the more monochord elements in the magic computer per unit volume, and the more energy it will consume.

   If energy leakage is included, this kind of magic computer is not a bomb that may explode at any time.

   And it is conceivable that a large number of magic net strings must be linked to this highly integrated magic circle. Once it explodes, it may be even more terrifying than the explosion of the puzzle.

   At the same time, this highly integrated magic circle is unlikely to be manually connected to the magic net, either from a machine that automatically links the magic net, or it is not powered by the magic net.

   But no matter what it is, it is extremely high-end new technology.

   The former means mass production of real magic items, or even automatic production of magic items, while the latter means an energy source with super-high output power, perhaps [Misser Energy Core].

   Based on various considerations, Xia Duo gave up on magic computers at the very beginning. The simple ones may be possible, but the practical significance is not great; while the complicated ones have too high a threshold.

   The two things have in common that they are very time-consuming, especially the latter. It is difficult for Xia Duo to imagine how much time it would take to build a magic computer with computing power comparable to that of a mobile phone.

   Probably only if there are more arcanists trained in the academy style of the Tower of Time, is the best time to study!

   And now, after Xia Duo awakened his bloodline, he gained the memory traceability ability by changing his soul shape, and to a certain extent he also possessed a portable computer.

   It's just that this portable computer focuses more on logical operations, such as induction, deduction, abstraction, etc., but for the calculation of specific numbers, it is not much different from before.

   The only difference is probably that he can now list specific calculations and calculation processes in his mind instead of writing them on paper. It is also a mental arithmetic ability.

   But compared with a real computer, it is a thousand miles away.

  In fact, Chateau did not enjoy the real computing convenience from this so-called portable computer.

   After all, this is not a computer in itself?   It might be more appropriate to say "memory".

   This memory fits his original mind?   It makes him feel like he has a portable computer, but isn’t it?  The gap is still very obvious.

Naturally, Xia Duo would like to have a real portable computer?   Or intellectual brain, system or something, as long as you shout at it "deduction", "calculation"?   even "add points", everything is done automatically?   That feeling Don't be too cool!

  Of course he is very clear in his heart?  Thinking is just a reverie. After all, the future will still be created by himself, and it is unrealistic to expect supernatural power to complete it automatically.


  Exploratory layer of the tower plane of time.

   In the operating room?   Xia Duo looked a little discouraged at the detection data projection that was still scrolling on the table?   The pen in his hand also stopped.

   Looking at the thick stack of transcripts on the table, he found that he had done something stupid. There are only three arcanists in the Tower of Time, and it is impossible for all three to come to study the plane.

  It should be the plane scholars who really do these things, but the Tower of Time is now?  Only Chateau and Ebbock are barely considered plane scholars.

  Just two people, what can be researched?  Just sorting out these detection data will take a lot of time.

   There is no need for Xia Duo to waste time on this. There will be more plane scholars in the future?   Some of these jobs are done by people, but now?   He just needs to be convenient for himself.

   Then move most of the sorting process to my mind?  Can definitely save a lot of time?  Even if there are more plane scholars behind, he can quickly keep up with his research progress.

   Thinking of this, Xia Duo simply put away the pen and paper on the desk, leaned against the seat, found a more comfortable angle, and then ordered Taring to display all the detection data.

   For a time, the operation room was almost flooded with dense light spots, and Xia Duo hurriedly called to stop, letting Taring redisplay the data in the previous rolling projection method.

   Of course, now he is recording with his eyes, and the speed of the projection transformation has increased countless times compared to before, almost as flickering.

   But even so, it flickered for nearly an hour. Xia Duo only knew that there was a lot of detection data before, but he didn't expect it to be so much.

   There are more than 10,000 data, most of which are passively detected by the plane exploration array through the fixed perception field existing in the etheric layer.

  The existence of the inter-etheric plane that can nurture the plane has a special "flow" phenomenon on the space-time level. Even in a fixed field of perception, a large number of different signals can be collected.

   We must know that the plane detection array of the Tower of Time has only been put into use for more than a year, and it has collected more than 10,000 different signals, which shows that the "position" of the perception field has changed at least 10,000 times.

   As for active search, since the act of projecting the perceptual field into the etheric layer itself is a very energy-consuming behavior, even if Xia Duo tried a lot some time ago, the absolute number is actually not much.

   Compared with the passive detection data of more than 10,000 times, it is almost negligible.

   And the most important thing is that whether it is the [Yellow Sand Demiplane] or [Azurite Subplane], the suspected signal is passively detected and then found by a second search.

   has nothing to do with Chateau.

   is just a new-level plane scholar like Xia Duo, and it is not enough to make active search more efficient than passive detection.


   Nearly an hour of data collection made Xia Duo's eyes a little sore, but she didn't use it anymore. Xia Duo went back to her residence, lay down on the bed, and closed her eyes to remember.

   At this time in his mind, or more precisely, in his consciousness, as if time is going backwards, the data he just saw began to renew one by one, until a sea of ​​light appeared, including all the data.

   Among them, each detection data is a group composed of more than 1,200 simplified arcane geometric symbols, which are well-defined.