Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 841: 3-year covenant, fuzzy cast

When Niya and others were busy contacting the middle-level mage he knew, Xia Duo himself was not idle. He knew that this joint operation, or the expanded plane war, had recruited all the pioneers.

Not all of the pioneers were born in the Seven Pagodas. In fact, most of them did not belong to the Seven Pagodas, such as Xia Duo.

Although he became involved with the Seven Towers after becoming a Trailblazer, before then, it could be said that there was no direct connection.

Xia Duo didn't know much about the trailblazers, but only some information about the trailblazers who were famous.

Of course, even Xia Duo himself will be very proficient in the invitation of strangers who have no intersection, but there may not be any intersection with him among the pioneers.

For example, the newly promoted mages of the two pure white towers with whom he had gained the status of pioneer. Savile leads the first three in the arcane competition ╭ァんttps://www..cΘmヤ

The pure white tower is the mage tower of Great Arcanist Brod, and Brod is a student of Iolum, and belongs to the same family as Niya's great-grandfather Saville Great Arcanist, and maybe there is a personal relationship.

Inviting Butler and Todd to join him and Niya's team is also reasonable.

It’s just that Xia Duo hadn’t seen the two of them before, and now it’s too crowded to cast detection spells, so he can only conduct vague transmissions based on the appearance of the two in his memory——

"Butler, Todd, do you remember Chateau led by Saville? Lord Saville, a student of the princess-Niya Saville invites you to join her team, and come to the northeast corner if you want."

Xia Duo did not invite in his own name, although he knew that he had already spread a certain reputation, but that reputation was more brought by the "Daxia Collar Standard Development Guide" and the [Arcane Fan Club].

If Butler or Todd still remembers him, it is probably very imaginative that the time has only passed two and a half years on the main plane. At the beginning, Chateau, who was a newly promoted mage, has now realized the ultimate dream of most of the color-resistant mages. ——

Become an arcanist!


Similar to fuzzy teleportation, fuzzy teleportation also uses fuzzy targets to cast spells, but Xia Duo still has not fully understood the root mystery of this.

I only know that this is a miraculous magical effect, similar to the legendary prophecy.

If you insist on describing it, it feels like the quantum effect of microscopic particles on the earth.

Pre-set certain conditions, the spell is issued in an uncertain form, like a probability cloud of particle position, and once the preset condition is reached, the magic effect will be determined immediately, like the specific position of the particle at a certain moment.

Of course, one thing is different from the quantum effect on Earth, that is, the caster who casts a spell in a fuzzy way can know from a more detached perspective whether his spell is in an uncertain state or has been determined.

The more precise the preset conditions, the closer the fuzzy cast is to the cast with a precise target. This method of casting is most common in curse, or search and detection.

Once, Xia Duo was approached by the princess's teacher Byron Arcanist because of papermaking. The spell that could detect the complicated behavior of papermaking was almost prophetic.

It is also used to cast spells on the fuzzy target.

Correspondingly, if you want to avoid such spells, you can also use avoidance and detection spells, similar to spears and shields, just to see who has a deeper grasp of the essence.

With Chardonnay's mastery of magic, if Butler and Todd were determined to be here, it would be difficult to escape his search.

Almost immediately after the completion of his spell, he noticed that the state of fuzzy communication similar to the probability cloud immediately had a definite goal.

There is no doubt that Butler and Todd are here, and have received his subpoenas.


In a moment, Xia Duo saw two familiar bodies coming out from behind the building, it was Butler and Todd.

Somewhat similar to Xia Duo, the two of them also took the [Pathfinder Scepter] in their hands and carried them with them. When they saw Xia Duo holding the Scepter, their footsteps suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, it was a little slower than Butler and Todd, and a few people came out from behind the building and came towards Chardonnay.

As the first place in the Savile arcane competition, Todd was neither indifferent nor enthusiastic. It seemed to be a tacit polite.

"Mage Xia Duo, it's been a long time since I saw you! Before coming, Kim asked me to greet you on his behalf!"


It's another name that stays in the memory of the past. With Xia Duo's current memory ability, it is naturally easy to find all the memories about Kim——

A genius, a genius who has become an official mage before he is an adult, and has a talent even better than Niya.

It's a pity that I still lost in my hands! At that time, Kim had even talked, and three years later, he would challenge himself in the Tower of Time.

At that time, Xia Duo was still anxious about this, but now it seems that even if Kim does come, it is only a greater setback.

"Master Todd, Master Butler, long time no I also remember Kim, and welcome him to the Tower of Time again!"

"I will tell him, and now I will ask Master Xia Duo to introduce Master Xavier for me!" The genius remembered https://www..(com) https://m.

"it is good."

Xia Duo laughed secretly in her heart. He was probably considered a lucky generation, but it is true that if Niya was a man, then his situation would be very different from now.


Apart from Butler and Todd, the new mid-level mages were introduced to others by their respective contacts.

In the end, Butler, Todd, and Mage Daisy called by Niya joined Chateau's team.

Several people called by Belleira and Esus joined their team.

However, an episode also occurred during this period. Todd thought that Xia Duo was also a mid-level mage, and asked Niya who was another high-level mage in the team.

As a result, Todd did not dare to look directly at Chateau.


"Well, now even if there are a few more people, the team is still not full, Todd, Vincent, Daisy, you can also look for the more reliable mid-level mage you are familiar with, and find someone to bring over."

At present, Chatonia's team is still five players short, while the teams of Belleira and Essers are also four!

These nine people's gaps, their high-level mage temporarily can't think of it, let Vincent, Todd and others find it, it may be feasible.

Anyway, the final decision-making power is in the hands of these high-level mages.


Just when Xia Duo and others had begun to look for the final team members, on the other side of the camp, the new people who came yesterday had not yet completed the two or two teams of high-level wizards.

Time just passed bit by bit.