Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 850: Subsonic kinetic energy weapon

   You must know that the magic flying sword is a bit like a rocket on the earth. It can be complex, precise, and powerful in theory.

   However, the greater the power, the weaker the durability. After all, the flying sword obtains energy from the magic net, and the energy that the flying sword's energy core can buffer is limited. Every increase in the price will be doubled.

   The energy core of Xia Duo Feijian uses Arcane crystal, which is the best material currently.

   If the Arcane Crystals are stacked, the volume of the flying sword will also increase. At that time, the stacked Arcane Crystals may not be enough, and so on until the limit is reached.

   is similar to the chemical rocket capacity limit often said on the earth.

   In addition, under the premise of ensuring the strength and stable function of the sword, the less Mithril is required, the better. In other words, the Mithril purity of the core functional components must be high enough to make it small enough.

   There are many restrictions, even if Xia Duo wants to upgrade, it is not so easy.

   is enough now, and he believes that Feijian will not be outdated for quite some time!

   To be honest, when everyone has no idea about the invisible flying sword, this is almost a mortal weapon.

  Even if it is conceptual and defensive, it is difficult to deal with it. After all, the speed is so fast, the attack is so strong, and it can be invisible. Except for a few spells that can be triggered automatically, it can only be hard to resist.

   It's too late to rely on the caster's own reaction.


   After solving a few elves, Xia Duo did not try to track the druid that ran away, but fell to the ground with the thin clouds of mist that surrounded him. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Mage Badelis, Chateau is here to help!"

   "Ah! It turned out to be Master Xia Duo!"

  Badliss mood at this time can no longer be described as overjoyed. The shock caused by the extremely suppressed mood once released, almost made him a little disappointed.

   "Thank you Master Xia Duo for your help!"

   While talking, the resident delayed teleportation on Xia Duo detected someone nearby and temporarily suppressed the thought of delay. He just summoned the flying sword closer and adjusted its position to launch an attack at any time.

   "You are welcome, you and I have made an agreement before, but now it's just fulfilling the agreement. I believe that Master Badliss will not refuse me when he receives my request for help!"

   "No, no! As long as Mage Xia Duo or Your Excellency Savile sends a message, I will go to support immediately!"

   At this moment, about ten meters away from the two of them, beside an elf corpse, the magic net was violently tangled together, and then quickly opened.

   A familiar figure appeared there with dazzling magical aura and vigilant eyes!

   "It turns out to be Master Rodit!"

   Xia Duo breathed a sigh of relief.

   This Roddit mage was also the captain of a team that had previously reached a support agreement with Chateau, and was also a trailblazer. Not long ago, he participated in an exchange meeting that Chateau commissioned Bellera to organize.

   After Rodit came over, he immediately found the corpse on the ground. While greeting Chardonnay and Bardlis, he turned his eyes to the corpse beside him from time to time.

   He kicked the corpse on the ground with his feet, smiled and said, "Two, am I late?"

   "It's not too late, it's not too late, it would be nice if Mage Roddit can come!" Bardlis said quickly, "Yes, I almost forgot, the crisis has been resolved, no one else needs to come over!"

   After finishing speaking, he quickly cast a spell to call.

   But unfortunately, before he finished casting the spell, several more advanced mages who had received a request for help sent over.

   When the transmission was completed, nearly ten high-level mages had gathered here.

   After briefly inspecting a few elven corpses, everyone exchanged a few words. In addition to sharing information during their mission, many people were very interested in the efficient killing methods that appeared here.

  The corpses left by the elves are all brain penetrating wounds, and the residual aura reaction is extremely weak. Either the attack is too fierce, or the elves have no resistance.

   Under the introduction of Bardlis, it is obvious that these two points are satisfied at the same time, which further illustrates the power of this efficient killing method.

   It's just that Xia Duo didn't want to make the flying sword known to everyone, but during the mission, the flying sword was inevitably used. After all, the flying sword was designed and manufactured to kill the enemy.

   When something appears, it must arouse other people's temptation. Instead of letting them guess randomly and cause unnecessary trouble, it is better to give them a reasonable explanation.

   then explained that it was an improved force field spell, similar to magic missiles, and agreed to communicate again, and everyone left happily.


   As for the force field spells that Xia Duo said, it was not a lie to them.

   Force field spells can indeed cause similar effects, but there is one thing that Xia Duo did not say, that is

   Flying sword and force field spells have completely different defense difficulties!

Force field spells can be offset by using force field shields, only energy level differences are involved, but the material attack of flying swords, force field shields can indeed resist, but it is not very effective. The effect is probably only two or three out of ten. !

   Some people might also think of letting the sword fly up and attack, after all, Xia Duo once rejected a magic sword that could fly out to kill the enemy by just chanting a spell.

It was when Savile took the lead, he and Orips of the Silver Leaf family "buy" it from the Elf refugees, but the magic sword was obviously not as good as the flying sword of Xia Duo. When he divided the spoils, he chose other things. Instead of choosing a magic sword.

  There are indeed flying swords in this world, but there is still a certain gap between flying swords and flying swords.

   At least Xia Duo's flying sword comes with invisible and vacuum domains, invisible, without trace, without a trace, and even without aura reaction, it can be called a first-rate assassination weapon.

   And the magic sword that is worth a lot of money to make a family of fallen elves refer to as a heirloom, only has a simple flying attack ability. UU reading

   The only commendable thing is probably the intelligence of the sword to attack automatically! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   But the intelligence is not similar to Taring, but it must be locked in the user's line of sight to attack. It is not so much intelligence, as it is preset with a more complicated attack program.

   If you understand its program, you can even play with it like a fool.

   Xia Duo had guessed that the magic sword might be used by ancient elves to train swordsmanship.

   When it comes to the ability to kill efficiently, it is far inferior to flying swords.

   In other words, Xia Duo's flying sword has long been separated from the concept of sword, but it uses the name of a flying sword. If it is placed on the earth and placed in modern times, it can be called a "subsonic kinetic energy weapon"!

   Of course, supersonic and hypersonic speed are also the future upgrade direction of Feijian!


   Back to the position of Niya and others, Xia Duo didn't explain anything. Niya had already learned about it through detection spells, as for other mid-level mages.

   Xia Duo also simply explained two sentences. They can’t get the information shared by Niya through the soul link to understand the situation, and they can only blame them for their inability.

   They themselves refused to share most of the information, but Xia Duo did not prevent them from obtaining information at all.


   After a rest, Xia Duo replayed the mind link, adding back the people who had broken the link.

After    the team continued to move forward.