Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 887: 3 series of spells, [firm will]

In Netheril, magic, of course, also specifically refers to spells, which can usually be divided into three categories, namely creation, change and mind.

The creation, as the name suggests, often involves being born out of nothing. Of course, this is obvious. Everything has its origin, but at least it looks like something is out of thin air.

For example, spells such as [Mage Armor], [Fireball], and [Summon Mount] can all be classified as creation.

The change system is mainly the change of the object's own state. Of course, the object is not limited to living or dead, even the plane itself or some conceptual event.

For example, [Mage's Hand], [Flying Skill], [Incarnation of Earth and Rock], [Dispelling Magic], [Teleport], etc., are all transformation spells.

The final mind system involves consciousness, senses, and even soul and self, such as the judgment spell series mastered by Chateau and the newly created [Mind Link] later in this category.

These three categories are not absolute. This is just a simple distinction made from experience. A spell spans two categories, and even three categories are not impossible.

For example, the magic on the dragon skin scroll that Xia Duo possessed from the elven refugees blocked transmission and restricted flight on a large scale. This was obviously a change system.

And indiscriminate lightning attacks other than the caster, undoubtedly belong to the creation system.

In other words, this spell contains two types of elements at the same time, so it is actually possible to classify it in which type.

In addition, there are some special spells, such as necromantic spells or prophecy, which can actually be classified into these three categories, which are classified according to the specific spell effects.

From this perspective, magic is actually more like an applied technology. Most people study spells not for the various principles behind the spells, but to achieve a certain purpose.

Even if they are arcanists, there are a few who are dedicated to pursuing the highest state of magic, and do not care about the external influence it brings!

Becoming an arcanist is not closer to the truth, but closer to the pinnacle of power and power. Even for Chateau, the original purpose of learning magic was not pure.

Even now, there are only more ideal colors, ideals can be combined with reality, and there is the possibility of realization, that is ideal.

If not, it can only be called fantasy.

Xia Duo didn't have the qualifications for fantasy for the time being, maybe those great arcane masters could have it, and they could even pull people from all over the world to accompany them to fool around.


While reading the writings of Great Master Greta, while diverging his thoughts as much as possible, Xia Duo felt as if he was going to fall asleep.

Fortunately, the tea leaves were soaked in time, and the original fresh smell of Bonu's original leaves had become nonexistent at this time.

Occasionally, the smell makes people feel refreshed, but this kind of stimulation is still too shallow, Xia Duo didn't care that the water temperature was still a bit hot, so he took a sip.

First, the tea itself was piping hot, and then a strong sense of cooling exploded from the mouth and directed towards the forehead.

It's a bit similar to mint. Xia Duo has eaten mint candy on the earth and drank the spirit mint wine after crossing, but the coolness is still only on the direct touch of the flesh.

But the tea made from the original leaves of Bonu is different. The water temperature itself is very hot. The coolness is more like reflecting on the soul and refreshing people.

The bigger difference between it and mint is that after mint is cool, it is still cool. The taste of mint itself does not have a sense of layering, while Bonu tea becomes warm and moist after cooling.

The warmth and softness of the spiritual level, as if there are pairs of invisible little hands soothing the tired spirit, but this soothing does not cause sleepiness, but makes people extra awake.

I have to say that this Bonu tea is simply the best thing for the caster!


While drinking tea, Xia Duo continued to read "Greta's Psychic Protection". Except for the introduction of the principle of psychic spells in the beginning, there was almost nothing in the back.

The principle introduced by Greta is actually not much different from what Xia Duo himself researched. This also confirms Xia Duo's research.

The so-called psychic spells really take the caster’s own mind as the core, projecting part of the consciousness and will to affect others.

As a result, two branches may eventually be derived. Xia Duo had speculated before, but this time, he also saw a similar statement in Greta's book.

Some wizards who specialize in spiritual spells tend to strengthen their own mind and will, so as to enhance the impact effect when projected.

Some wizards are more inclined to enlarge the influence of their own mind and will during the projection process, and at the same time, they also weaken the target will.

Of course, it can also be done at the same time, depending on the level of attainments of the specific mage in the field of spiritual magic.


The Great Master Greta knows mind spells. Xia Duo has known this for a long time. The princess sent her to interrogate Aguilain about Lord Hawke before.

But whether Greta specializes in spiritual magic, Xia Duo is not sure, but now, through the "Grita's Psychic Protection" in his hand, he feels that the other party may be really deep in the field of spiritual magic. !

When the two traded, they said that they exchanged [Mind Barrier] for [Mind Link], but in fact, there is not only one [Mind Barrier] spell in this book.

It's a whole series of spells about mental protection!

There are 1 to 3 [Strong Will] series. UU Reading mainly focuses on strengthening one's will to resist spiritual magic. This is also the common spiritual protection spell attached to [psychic amulet] on the market.

From the 3rd ring to the 5th ring, there is also the [Will Shield] series, which mainly focuses on external protection, which is mainly reflected in the will. If the enemy attacks from consciousness or other angles, the effect will be discounted.

After that is the fully protected [Mind Barrier], from 6th to 8th.

This is almost a novice mage, a perfect upgrade route from scratch to the path of a spiritual protection master!

Of course, this book does not have much space, and it does not record all the spells of these three series. There is only one level 1 [Strong Will], one level 3 [Shield of Will] and one level 6 [Mind Shield].

However, Greta gave the idea of ​​raising the ring and the effect that the corresponding high-ring spell should have in the book, which may not be enough for the average mage.

But for Chateau, how is this different from putting the entire series of spells directly in front of him?

And what he paid was only a 7-level [Mind Link] learning scroll, which is really a lot of money!

Well, perhaps the Great Master Greta really wanted him to show his favor, and was investing in him. After all, in that case, the other party could say nothing and not mention the transaction!

Xia Duo thought about it, perhaps Greta said that the seven towers spread his fame for him.

After he had no soul worries, he re-examined the matter, and his attitude changed slightly.