Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 893: Loyal to steward, embrace progress

In the past, Xia Duo had tried to make paper, but he had some omissions in considering the problem at the time, and was approached by the princess's teacher, Master Byron.

Byron reminded him that some people are paying close attention to new technologies with far-reaching impact, such as papermaking. Some support and some oppose them. Fortunately, Byron is not an opponent.

But even so, Xia Duo never remade paper later, even if it was inside the Tower of Time, without fear of being discovered by magic.

However, the current situation has changed from before. The biggest change is naturally Xia Duo's own strength, influence, and even his status within the Seven Towers Group.

Since the seven towers are famous for him, and at the same time, whether it is Greta or the princess, they directly or indirectly express their importance to him. Although Xia Duo himself had doubts, outsiders would not care about that much.

Right now he has the identity of the Seven Pagodas, even if he does something slightly outrageous and not too excessive, will the Seven Pagodas still leave him alone?

Of course, his own strength is Xia Duo's greatest support.

The trip to [Projection Plane·Dark Region] made Xia Duo really feel the power of the high wizard wizard, breaking his blind self-confidence in the past.

But at the same time, that kind of power is also very real and limited, no longer the unfathomable that he occasionally frightened and imagined.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself knows the enemy, and Xia Duo realizes that there is a gap between himself and the high wizard or the human arcanist. Although there is a big gap, the gap is visible, tangible, and can be effectively avoided. of.

This is also a kind of self-confidence re-established in an alternative way!

With this recognition, Xia Duo is naturally not as afraid of the conservative forces on the human side or the extremists on the elves side as before.

Even the refining of Mithril is on the agenda, so how good is papermaking!

Furthermore, whether it is to refine Mithril or papermaking, Xia Duo does not intend to make it public for a short time, and only uses the finished product inside the Tower of Time.

In this way, we are still fearful, so what are we talking about to attract the trend of the times!


Looking at Cecily with a slightly resentful expression in front of him, Xia Duoming didn't say anything, but in his heart he knew that he was a little negligent in terms of finances and materials.

"I will solve the paper problem. Next time I find any problems, I will tell me in advance. I am not a blindly arrogant person who cannot accept the opinions of others."

When Xia Duo said this, Cecily was a little surprised at first, but it was no longer the expression of resentment. She hesitated and said in a low voice:

"Actually, I have mentioned this to Niya before. She told me not to trouble you. I thought she would tell you. As a result—"


Xia Duo was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect that there would be this episode in it, but Niya was thinking about it this time, and covering up the problem did not mean that it was solved.

Only by facing the problem squarely, can the problem be solved, and it is right.

"If you have any questions next time, remember to tell me in advance, I don't think you want Niya to suffer losses because of this!"

Cecily nodded and did not reply directly. Xia Duo only found it interesting to see. Maybe she still wanted to report to Niya first?

Really a loyal butler!

Skip this section, Xia Duo took out some wood pulp paper he made before from the portable space, put it on the desk, and pushed it towards Cecily, motioning her to pick it up and take a look.

"Isn't this paper?" Cecily knew what it was after only a glance. She picked it up and turned it over a few times before asking questioningly, "Does your lord want it to replace parchment?"

[Paper] and [Parchment] in Nishite are not the same word, but two completely different words. The former often has a prefix-[elves].

The so-called "elven paper" refers to the existence of similar wood pulp paper. Netheril can also produce it itself, but it is expensive and cannot be used to make magic scrolls, so it is not popular.

Cecily's doubts were also here, but Xia Duo nodded and continued: "I know you want to talk about its price, but what if I tell you I have a cheap papermaking method?"

"Cheap paper?"

Cecily was taken aback for a moment, but then her eyes burst into joy, "My lord, is what you said is true? Is there really a cheap way to make paper?"

"of course it's true!"

"That, that—"

After getting the definite answer from Chateau’s mouth, Cecily was not happy for long. She quickly realized the problem. If there were really cheap paper-making methods and mass-produced them, the diffusion of knowledge would be almost inevitable.

What impact will this have?

Somehow, Cecily suddenly connected this to the changes that Chateau had made to the Tower of Time before, and a terrible guess gradually emerged in her mind.

"My lord, I can't decide on this matter. I must report to Niya."


Xia Duo didn't stop her, and couldn't stop it.

However, in his daily dealings with Niya, he had revealed his plan more than once, and he had also described the kind of future he envisioned to her.

Niya did not show resistance. If she really wanted to refuse, UU reading didn't have to wait for Cecily to confess, she would have done something.

In a sense, Niya can also be regarded as his comrade, and Xia Duo believes that the more talented spellcaster, the less he will resist such a future.

In the same way, the more talented the caster, the more powerful he can gain, which is also the biggest boost for change.

Only those who feel hopeless to move forward or who are satisfied with the status quo will resist progress, but once progress emerges and the situation is overwhelming, who can really resist it!

Unless the gods destroy the world, otherwise, the trend of progress may have twists and turns, but the general direction must be forward, and the threshold for longevity in this world is not high. It is the wise man who can move closer to the mainstream of real progress. What it does.


After Cecily left, the material department was also deserted, and Chateau did not wait much, and continued to the Horst research room.

However, he already knows the material application status of Horst's laboratory, and has predicted the progress of their mass production design research.

When I went there, he didn't expect it. Most of the new projects remained on paper, and they had not yet reached the stage of trial production.

Xia Duo encouraged a few words and left without putting them too much pressure.

At present, the Tower of Time is already on the right track. Of course, there are pains of change. As long as the internal stability remains stable, it will always be in a stage of rapid development, and everyone will benefit from it.

Once the results show up, it will also promote stability.

What we need to do now is to find out as much as possible to fill in the gaps, and solve the problems that were not noticed before or that were exposed in the development process.