Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 898: Natural response, sublimation

At the moment when he was exposed to this huge amount of information, Xia Duo decisively stopped the spiritual connection, and Atwood seemed unaware of this, and was still immersed in the interaction with nature.

Xia Duo didn't wake him up when he saw it, but leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair. The solid texture gave him a lot of support.

At the same time, waves were already in his heart. After a little analysis, he knew what that huge piece of information was!

Almost all is Atwood's perception of nature.

From a drop of water to a grass, from a tree to a forest, from an animal to a race, from a land, a sea to an entire plane, and even the sun, moon, stars, and thousands of weather.

All of this is almost all-encompassing.

Sure enough, he is the pioneer who has implemented the new natural concept!

However, there is a problem

Chateau easily discovered the difference between him and Atwood's perception of certain specific things, most of which were concentrated in the field of magic.

According to Atwood, the magic net is full of mysterious and unknown energy, and the string of the magic net is not as easy to operate as Xia Duo understood.

In addition, Atwood believes that the entire world has only the main plane, and there is no concept of sub-planes at all, and at the micro level, he has no idea of ​​the elemental energy nature of matter at all.

As for his cognition of the forest, there may be something unique to the magical world, but in Xia Duo's view, it is still easy to spot errors and omissions.

Atwood has no understanding of concepts such as the food chain and ecosystem, and his understanding of forest ecology is still very static.

It can be said that Atwood's understanding of nature or the world is incomplete, one-sided, and has a strong personal view.

Quite a part is still wrong.

Is this the so-called "natural response"?

If not, it would be hard for Chateau to believe that Atwood could share so much information with him in an instant, which almost opened up his whole body and mind. At the same time, he had to block personal privacy-related information and only share information related to the worldview. (Personal privacy is actually shared, but it is not together with this share of information)

is it possible?

But if this is the so-called "natural response", will it naturally feed back Atwood's worldview?

But this so-called "nature" was originally a concept created by Xia Duo, and Netheril's mainstream concept of nature refers to the elves' concept of "nature is forest".

If the natural will really exists, why not feed back forest information, but feed back the [big nature] (the world or the universe) described by the "new natural concept"?

Is it true that you will give feedback on what you believe?

Then this "natural will" is really casual!

For a time, Xia Duo fell into confusion and contemplation.

In fact, in his mind, he had already made a vague judgment, but this kind of conclusion was challenging his three views, which made it difficult for him to accept.

That is, the existence of concepts such as thoughts and ideas may indeed form some mysterious objective entities, which manifest themselves as a certain kind of god-like will.

Here, Atwood perceives the objective entity formed by the new natural idea, and is regarded by him as the natural will, and there may be natural sacred powers afterwards.

But this kind of conclusion will lead the essence of the world to idealism, which is difficult for Xia Duo to accept. Even if he knew that the essence of this world is energy before, it did not make him so difficult to accept.

After all, energy is essentially a matter, or it is an objective existence, and the foundation of its existence in an ideal world is very illusory.

At least in the eyes of Chateau, who was accustomed to the primacy of matter, it was very illusory.

This will even make him feel that the journey is just a dream, and he feels that his current efforts are meaningless, perhaps he has forgotten completely when he wakes up.

This situation reminded him again of the fact that he didn't want to think about it in the past, that is, this world is very similar to a game he played on earth!

If you think deeply about it, maybe the earth does not exist at all, everything is an illusion!

"No, you can't just think about it!"

Glancing at Atwood, who was still immersed in perception, Xia Duo got up and paced, but felt unable to relieve it.

He walked out of the study rather irritably, and flew out from the terrace at the end of the corridor to the sky, and the unobstructed cold wind penetrated the weak elemental balance field of the robe and blew on Xia Duo's face, making him refreshed.

He simply closed the elemental balance field that came with his robe, let more cold wind blow on his face, and deliberately flew extremely fast in the direction of the north wind.

Xia Duo calmed down until he approached the village south of Savile, and didn't go back. He just stopped in the air and thought blankly.

As he said before, the nature of the world is meaningless to him now, and he is far from reaching the time when he needs to study the nature of the world in depth.

As for the question of whether the world and even the memory before the journey is illusory, it is actually very easy to solve, and there is a solution in Xia Duo's memory——

"Cogito ergo sum!"

As long as I can think, what if everything outside of consciousness is virtual? At least it shows that the subject of thinking-self exists.

And existence itself is meaning, there is no meaningless.

Even if the world is illusory, he can still perfect himself here, which is also meaningful.

It doesn't make sense to say.

After calming down, Xia Duo's intellect once again prevailed. Even in the ideal world, it is only a matter of the first nature of spirit and material.

There is no absolute correlation with whether it is true or not.

It is meaningless to blindly fall into self-denial.

What's more, his current understanding of the nature of the world is not comprehensive, but it is based on some theories on the earth, whether it can be used in the magical world, there is a question mark!

How can it be used as an absolute guide to negate its own meaning!

People should actively seek the meaning of existence, rather than negate the meaning of existence.

At this moment, under the baptism of the cold wind, Xia Duo's mental realm had already sublimated.

In fact, tracing back to the various theories in memory, I did not find the content that teaches people to deny everything. Instead, most of them are positive and pursue a better future.

In the past, Xia Duo often claimed to be an advanced representative, but now he clings to falsehood and is no longer advanced.

However, this is indeed a strong impact brought to him by the so-called "natural response". After trying to understand all this, Xia Duo once again looked forward to the future.

With all kinds of variables and unknowns, the future will be more challenging and worth looking forward to!