Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 9: All household goods

I have experienced so much today, participating in the assessment of the mage tower, the firework show of the mage, the super-healing ability of the troll, the magic of the Karatu bard, the malicious gaze of the old Neil, the residual effect of the magic and the vigilance, Xia Duo didn't fall asleep until midnight.

   Listening to the outside bonfire party, the sound has gradually diminished. In a daze, Xia Duo seemed to hear someone downstairs saying "tomorrow...outside town...brand...the price is easy to say...".

Xia Duo was suddenly a rousing spirit. He sat up from the bed, got down in a low voice and moved behind the door, listening carefully. Old Neil was talking downstairs, and there was a strange rough voice. At this moment, they seemed to have reached an agreement. Just listen to the voice saying:

"No problem, don’t worry about the credibility of our wild wolf group. When the time comes, you will register the slaves under the name of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce, and the people will be yours. The head of our group and the manager of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce are brothers. You can rest assured Right."

The words "slave" and "use" reminded Xia Duo of keywords such as "outside town" and "brand" that he had heard in a daze before, and his breathing suddenly became stagnant. It seemed that Old Neil had already become malicious. Put it into action.

   Xia Duo really didn't think, except Xia Duo himself, what else could Old Neil have to go with the slave.

A slave is not expensive, of course it is expensive. According to Chateau’s understanding, a healthy dwarf slave in Savile can sell for at least 150 gold coins. Human slaves are slightly cheaper (short lifespan) and require a certain identity. Status can be purchased.

   Old Neil is obviously not qualified to own a slave, but the phrase "register the slave under the name of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce" makes Xia Duo feel like a thorn on his back.

The price of slaves seems to be expensive, but generally only two or three years can be used to pay back, and then they are all profitable. Sometimes Xia Duo can not help but imagine that after becoming a mage, he must buy more slaves, start farming and climbing ( Magic) technology mode.

   He is willing to let Xia Duo use a slave, but if he is allowed to become a slave, he is definitely not willing, not only unwilling, he wants to kill the person who said it on the spot.

   But at this moment, Xia Duo obviously couldn't beat the strange adventurer downstairs, and even Old Neil might not be able to beat it.

   is really sad!

   The fate of the weak is always so fragile, or the weak can only use fate as an excuse for their powerlessness.

   Xia Duo didn't want to be a weak person forever. At the moment, Old Neil didn't have the idea of ​​turning him into a slave immediately. This was Xia Duo's opportunity. He wanted to leave the hotel immediately.

   At this moment, the image of Mu Yan, a Karatu man with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin like him, suddenly appeared in his mind. Perhaps he could only seek refuge from him at this moment.

   In the huge town of Savile, Xia Duo couldn't find a trustworthy person. He could only pin his hopes on a stranger who had only met once. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

Chateau felt this feeling silently, remembering it in his heart, and then carefully came to the bedside, opened the hay mat under the sheets, and carefully counted the income of the past six months with the dim bonfire outside the window. .

   A total of more than 100 copper coins, 150 silver coins, and 5 gold coins. Except for the 5 gold coins that Old Neil paid for "purchasing" Chateau pajamas and slippers, the rest are all wages during this period of time, and part of the rest is spent.

   If you count it, there is no one silver coin a day.

   You must know that in Savile, the wages of hotel entertainers and helpers are at least 2 silver coins a day, which means at least 6 gold coins a month, while Chateau’s 8 months' wages are only 18 gold coins.

   There are a lot of copper coins, which is inconvenient to bring. Xia Duo didn't count the copper coins, but he used it, and he knew it in his heart. This pile of copper coins seemed to be many, but it might be less than two if they were changed into gold coins.

Xia Duo took only those five gold coins from the "sell" pajamas and slippers, hid them next to her body, grabbed a handful of silver coins, and wrapped them tightly in a strip of linen from the sheets, and then used them again. The wide cloth strip he used as a belt was wrapped up and tied around his waist.

   There was nothing worth taking the rest, but Xia Duo didn't have any desire to shop. He only had a set of worn linen clothes. Old Neil asked for 2 silver coins when he sold it to him.

   Later, he learned that the new set out there was only 1 silver coin. The one he is wearing now is.

It was just after midnight, and the crowd attending the bonfire party had not completely dissipated. Xia Duo did not immediately escape, but lay down on the bed again, but he was not ready to go to bed, but raised his ears to listen to the movement outside the window. .

   Now I can see the benefits of living on the side of the street. Although it may be a little noisy and may be thrown up by the bear kids in mud, it is really a critical moment, this is an escape route.

Xia Duo couldn't help but praise for her foresight, completely ignoring the fact that this cubicle was too small and too noisy, not many guests liked it, and it was empty all the year round. If there were frequent guests, Xia Duo might have to live in the basement. Up.

   It would be difficult to escape if you encounter this situation.


Time passed bit by bit, Xia Duo had been tense and could not eat anymore, sleepiness hit, UU reading Xia Duo could only pinch his thigh, reminding himself that if he fell asleep, tomorrow May be a slave.

   Suddenly, there was a tumult downstairs. Xia Duo was shocked and listened carefully. It turned out that the guests staying at the hotel had returned from the bonfire party. Listening to their uncontrollable laughter, it seemed that they had gained something.

   Whether it is free holy water, or something else.

   A few guests who fell asleep early were also awakened, cursed a few words, and then stopped. When everything in the hotel was quiet, there was no sound outside.

   But Xia Duo still did not act. At this time, it was not a short time before dawn, and the gate of the town had not yet opened. With the night watchers that might appear at any time, Xia Duo did not dare to provoke the order of the territory.

   Most of these night watchers are followers of Jego, but they are not recorders who focus on recording life and death, but ruthless people who focus on the field of power. These people regard Jego’s doctrine and the law of the lord as life.

  Any nightcrawler who does not get permission can make himself a member of the night watcher, of course, if they are willing to exist in the form of undead.

  Basically, in Savile, everyone, including the wizard, is afraid of night watchers.

   Xia Duo is not so clever enough to want to see if he is special.

   Waiting patiently until the movement of the night watchers disappeared, Xia Duo gently pushed the window open. At this time, the window was silent, and the street was full of messy traces of Midsummer Festival celebrations and bonfire parties.

   Fortunately, at this time, the moon had just risen, and the soft light of Surun quietly spilled down, seeming to be guiding Xia Duo's escape.

   But Xia Duo still did not act, and continued to observe and wait by the window, until Su Lun disappeared among the stars, giving way to the coming Lord of Radiance.