Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 902: Cultural expansion, great sign

[Net] Atwood is Jabbas, but today Shaduo doesn't have much thought to listen to Jabbas about his adventures.

Besides, the remains of the scale-armored creature statue found on the territory, after Xia Duo mastered the [Incarnation Earth and Rock] method, he ordered it to be filled.

In the past few days, can we find any new ruins? With this thought, Chateau did not stop Jabas from speaking.

It's just that Jabbas didn't surprise him or frightened him, but he didn't find any new ruins in the past few days, and when Jabbas started telling the story again, Chateau interrupted him in time.

"Jabbas, if you are interested, I can find someone to write a biography for you, specifically to record your adventures. It is better to be brief at the meeting now!"

"Write a biography?"

Jabbas's voice suddenly rose several octaves, and his body shook suddenly. It was obvious that he was shocked by Chateau's words.

In his impression, only those well-known and legendary spellcasters have their own biography. He is just an ordinary adventurer, so what qualifications to have his own biography!

"Yes, write a biography, write a biography about you!"

Xia Duo repeated what he said just now. In fact, he did not make a temporary intention, but had planned it.

With the use of papermaking technology, there will be a lot of paper, not to mention the biography of adventurers, even if it is a special recipe, it is possible.

In fact, Xia Duo is also preparing to do so, to spread Da Xia Ling’s food and increase Da Xia Ling’s influence.

As for the biography of Jabbas, it is just to enrich the collection of the Tower of Time Library, and at the same time, it can also allow the Tower of Time wizards to gain different experiences beyond the biography of the wizard.

Of course, Jabbas is also very good. After all, there are not many adventurers who can live for so long. It is hard to say that he is a legend, but at least it can be called "rare."

In the future, these adventure novels personally reviewed by Xia Duo, or some other forms of literary and artistic works, can even become publicity brochures for exporting Daxia culture to the outside world.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

Some things can now be prepared in advance.


When Chateau reconfirmed the biography, Jabston was so excited that his body trembled and became helpless. He didn't even dare to look at the other people in the conference room, as if he was afraid that it would provoke ridicule.

Upon seeing this, Xia Duo motioned him to sit down first, and then said to everyone: "The biography is not only for Jabbas, but also for each of you. As long as you work hard, I guarantee that you will have a biography!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the conference room, but in front of him, everyone did not act rudely, just the excitement on their faces.

Xia Duo could see that biographies were still very attractive to everyone, but it was a pity that Netheril didn't have cheap paper in the past, and ordinary people didn't even see a few books, let alone any biographies.

However, this situation will be greatly improved after the popularization of papermaking. Of course, the premise of all this is that there is sufficient food. Only when you are full can you have the strength to think about other things.

But if you want enough food, this is not difficult to solve. If it is really ancient on earth, it will be difficult. In the magical world, magic can easily break the routine.

The simplest way is to move the Arcane Garden from the Mage Tower and share it with more ordinary people, then the increase in food production will be easy to achieve.

Of course, the construction of the Arcane Garden requires a lot of investment. If it is only to meet the needs of a few wizards, it can still maintain a balance of payments. If the restrictions are released and unlimited production, then it is estimated that no one can afford such expenditures.

But what Xia Duo wanted to do was not to build an arcane garden for everyone, but to popularize the advanced productivity brought by magic or knowledge to ordinary people.

These advanced productive forces may be arcane gardens, or methods of breeding and seedling, or spells for gestation and birth, or some efficient harvesting tools.

In short, only by incorporating the most common people into the cycle system of the entire magic civilization can it be regarded as a true magic civilization.

Encouraging countless wisdom to make progress together, it is far stronger than a few mage enclosing self-advance.

Of course, at that time, the definition of ordinary people was not necessarily the "unlawful group" defined now, but it was certain that ordinary people were definitely not the small group of people with the highest power.

Representing the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people is not necessarily a sign of a powerful country, but it must be a sign of a great civilization.

No matter from an ideal point of view or a utilitarian point of view, Xia Duo will not abandon ordinary people. This is also his most important awareness of the future.


After the biographical episode, I went to the military to report on the territory.

At present, the territory guard has not been independent, and Leiden can also command, so Chateau did not appoint a separate military commander.

In other words, the current territory guard system is in charge of four people, each of whom only has the level of qualifications, and the actual authority is completely the same.

When reporting, Gibb, Joe Qi, Simon, and Meri, the captains of the four territory guards, also reported on their work.

Including daily patrols, guards, guards, outings for exploration, drawing maps, cleaning up beasts, etc.

As for Aiva, because he is a follower of Chateau and is close to Aiva, he did not hold a specific position in the guard system.

Only responsible for training scouts in the training ground and training ordinary soldiers to use magic items, such a day is almost a vacation for Aiva after revenge.

And under the persuasion and introduction of Gibb, Aiva has already taken a wife in Daxia, and now only has a son, even if he is completely rooted and has a destination.

Chateau is also very concerned about Aiva's marriage.

On the dark side, it is easy to control with family members. Of course, Xia Duo is not dark. He hopes that his taciturn follower can have a more happy life.


Aiva's report can be said to be the most concise among the members of the congregation. It only said that 25 new people learned to use the magic scroll and it was over. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Xia Duo had known Aiva's character a long time ago, and it was no surprise. As for the fact that 25 new people learned to use the magic scroll, he didn't take it too seriously.

Twenty or thirty people have learned it before, and now there will be no qualitative change if there are more than 25 people, and when those of the right age who are sent to the Tower of Time to learn magic return to the territory, this kind of thing will not happen. It is worth mentioning at the meeting.

Soldiers in the future territory must use people who have been enlightened by magic. All mages (apprentices) are standard equipment, let alone use magic scrolls.

In addition, after seeing the effect of the Resonance Spell Book, Xia Duo also doubted how much ordinary soldiers could play in the face of real magical warfare.

Even the [Spellbreaker Troops] that Xia Duo has always been thinking of, its prototype is a group of special mages, rather than ordinary warriors armed with magic items.

Of course, it is not feasible or realistic to want perfect soldiers at this stage. At present, we still need to strengthen the armed construction of ordinary soldiers.

And this is exactly what Xia Duo is going to say next.

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