Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 921: Attempt to treat, no consciousness

After receiving the bishop's affirmative reply, Chateau only briefly introduced the situation, saying that he was going to save a person, and then quickly teleported him to the location where he was previously projected with Bishop Ambrill.

   The terrain on the edge of Lake Mecht is flat and the forest is sparse. In addition, it is autumn and winter. As soon as Ambrill arrived here, he found a humanoid object lying on the edge of the lake not far away, so he hurried forward.

   was about to rescue, but Xia Duo stopped him, "The bishop wait a minute, this man is a senior arcanist, and there may be some guardian spells or magic items on his body. Let me suppress them first, and the bishop will save!"

   Ambrill was shocked, knowing that he was too urgent, but when he thought of the situation in Savile Town, he couldn't help feeling anxious, but he still waited patiently.

   At the same time, Chateau also knew that the situation was urgent, not only that Said needed first aid, but also that he could not be away for a long time in Saville, let alone bring Bishop Ambrill.

   In the face of the almost endless wave of murlocs, Bishop Ambriel, who can comfort people and rescue the wounded, can play a greater role than ten wizards!

   However, the steps that should be taken are still indispensable. Don't look at the current Said almost falling into a desperate situation, but once contact, who knows what will be triggered!

   For a senior arcanist, Xia Duo had to act cautiously, especially in the presence of the ontology.

   He first approached and shouted a few loudly, and after confirming that Said still had no response, he started casting spells to suppress the spells on the opponent.

   For casters who don't resist, even the Great Arcanist, Xia Duo has full confidence in dealing with it. Caution is an attitude, and confidence is the result of ability.

   The so-called suppression is actually the removal of magic, that is, forcibly suppressing the magic net environment in a certain area and returning it to its original state.

   When encountering dispelling magic, the spell will collapse, and the magic item will temporarily lose its effectiveness. In other words, it will turn a spellcaster into an ordinary person.

   Under normal circumstances, no spellcaster would be indifferent to such a spell, but obviously it is not normal now, and Said can't resist at all.

   After several consecutive dispel magic spells of up to 7 levels, the magical aura on Said suddenly dimmed a lot, and Xia Duo saw that the situation was almost the same, and quickly let Bishop Ambrill take over.

   The resident spell can be dispelled, making it disappear completely, but the magic item cannot be destroyed in this way. It can only be suppressed for a short time. If it is a battle, it doesn't matter, even an instant can play a decisive role.

   But now to save people, Xia Duo couldn't determine the specific time needed, so he had to hurry up!

   "Bishop, hurry up, I'm not sure how long I can suppress it, and give priority to awakening the other's consciousness!"



   After getting confirmation from Chateau, Bishop Umbrill stepped forward and turned Said over so that his face was facing up, then summoned a ball of holy light, lingering in his palm, and then covering Said's forehead.

   Only for a moment, he withdrew the holy light, raised his head and said to Chateau: "His consciousness may have fallen into a certain illusion, and I could not perceive the existence of his consciousness."

   Xia Duo heard it, and her brows frowned. This situation is not so good!

   Thinking of this, my heart was agitated, but there was no other way at the moment, so he said to the bishop: "Then check his body first!"

   was talking, Xia Duo suddenly thought of a problem, and quickly added: "First remove the water plants from him, be careful, this kind of water plants may have a problem!"

   This kind of aquatic plants was seen by Xia Duo when he met Mingshui Chamber of Commerce and others in Lake Mecht. At that time, Chris and others initially judged that the murlocs lost control and even gave birth to wisdom may be related to the aquatic plants.

   Xia Duo did not pay attention to the follow-up of that incident, but it is conceivable that the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce will continue to maintain the farm here, and it must be to clear the water plants.

   And not long ago, Chateau was in Savile Town, and he found similar plants again, and there was another murloc "combined corpse" similar to the previous giant aquatic plants.

   Now Said is also covered with water plants like this, which may be the real reason for his absence!


   Hearing Chateau's reminder, Ambrill rubbed his hands subconsciously. He just turned his hands on Said directly, but now he has no time to care about it.

   Ambriel looked around, spotted a branch of the tree, and was about to get up to pick it up, when a blue-glowing fine gold knife was handed to him.

   Of course, it was given by Chateau. Ambrill took the dagger and didn't cut the water plants rashly. Instead, he untied the knots and opened the water plants.

   During this process, he did not forget to pay attention to the other party's vital signs from time to time, to ensure that the other party is still alive, despite this half-dead state.

   "Stop for a while, the magic items on his body will be restored!"

   Xia Duo noticed that the magical aura on Said was strong like breathing, and knew that he needed to be suppressed again, so he stopped Bishop Ambrill.

   performed the dispelling magic again, and saw that the aura continued to dim, and he let Ambrill continue.

It is inconvenient to use a knife to pick up the water plants, but the finishing is completed quickly. The rearranged water plants look like an octopus monster. The tips of seven or eight "tentacles" penetrate Said's robe and plunge into him. Inside the body.

Of course, compared to the real octopus, this group of aquatic plants does not have a main body. According to the results of Ambriel’s arrangement, seven or eight independent aquatic plants are entangled and plunged into Said’s body. .

   Seeing this scene, Xia Duo didn't have much confidence in himself. Perhaps Said's brain had been eaten, and his soul had already been separated. Now the few vital signs are only maintained by water plants.

   But in any case, he couldn’t have let an experienced arcanist die in the South, and he still asked Ambrill hopefully:

   "Bishop, how is the situation now? Can it be saved?"

   "The situation is very bad, this water plant plunged into his body, and it seems to be changing something. Sir, must I save him?" Ambrill asked suddenly.

   Hearing the front, Xia Duo secretly said that it is not good, why is this so like a parasitic seizure! But after hearing that, I finally felt a little relieved, knowing that Said might still be saved, but the cost of saving him might be very high.

   But after thinking about it, he couldn’t make the decision to sacrifice himself to a stranger, so he said:

   "If the cost of saving him is too great, there is no need to force it. We have done enough. I will contact the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce and let them send someone again!"

   "My lord, it's not what you think. It does require a certain price to save him, but it is not too big for me to bear. If this person is really important, then I think it is necessary to save him."

   Xia Duo looked at Ambriel's firm eyes, and couldn't help asking: "What is the cost, tell me first, and I will make a decision!"