Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 999: First perception, astral wind

The Tower of Time, the Plane Exploration Layer, the Astral Perception Area.

Xia Duo saw Devine here, who was almost the master of the exploration plane, but unfortunately, since becoming a full-time Astral Master of the Tower of Time, Devine has not discovered even a projection plane.

In this regard, it is impossible for Xia Duo to say not to be disappointed, but seeing Devine with bloodshot eyes and messy hair like a bird's nest, he could not say anything urging.

Now Seventon can't go there for the time being, and he can only participate in the exploration by himself.

Before Niya brought back information about the plane scholars and the astral mages from the Giles Tower, Xia Duo mainly studied the plane scholars, but he also knew about the astral mages.

The reason why the astral mage chooses priests is mainly because the priests have long-term perception training, and the perception is strong. In a spiritual world like the astral world, they will be more sensitive than ordinary wizards.

Of course, since he is called an astral mage, he must also understand magic. Otherwise, let alone making relevant judgments, even the most basic operations to explore the array are very troublesome.

Devine still has some foundation in this respect. He was an apprentice of a mage before, and later accidentally sensed the Holy Power due to family reasons, but he still stayed in the Tower of Time and continued to receive magic education.

And this is the main reason Xia Duo cultivated him.

As for Chateau himself, he has experienced many blood awakenings. He believes that his perception ability will not be weaker than that of Devine. Now he wants to participate in the exploration personally, and Devine has just become his guide.

After all, in terms of proficiency in the operation of the exploration array, and even the exploration experience in the astral plane, Devine, who has been working here for more than a year, is obviously better.


After setting the relevant parameters of the exploration array a little rusty, Chateau was ready to project perception, and in the process, Devine also gave his own suggestions:

"After you project your perception into the star realm, don't rush to perceive or discover anything. Let your heart calm down first, until you can look directly at Yinhui who is all over the field of vision and consider other things."

"Yeah." Xia Duo nodded, expressing understanding.

What Devine said was not mentioned in the related materials of the Astral Master that Niya brought back, so it should be regarded as his experience.

However, when Xia Duo was on the journey of the projection plane before, he had the experience of consciously staying in the star realm for a short time, and was mentally prepared for the general appearance of the star realm in perception.

Of course, he would listen to Devine's suggestion, after all, this is his first astral perception, so it's better to be safe.


With the activation of the perceptual projection zone in the plane exploration array, Chateau soon felt a similar feeling to the previous journey of the projection plane.

Consciousness suddenly separated from the body, and then rose rapidly. After experiencing a scene similar to the space transition in a science fiction movie on Earth, it entered a magnificent and expansive silver void.

If he is still on the journey of the projection plane at this moment, then he will incarnate a specific creature in a projection plane in the next moment.

But it is not.

He is perceiving the astral world, so this silver void always occupies all of his "vision".

Xia Duo collected his mind and tried to calm himself down, but faced with this vast and unchanging silver void, his heart could not be controlled, and a feeling of emptiness and fear was born.

It's like the "deep space phobia" that is often used to make a fuss in science fiction movies on Earth.

And just when he was born with such negative emotions, he felt a breeze rising from nothing.

The wind was extremely weak in perception, but it appeared to be extremely strong, swaying the void Xia Duo felt at this moment.

Furthermore, he felt like he was being moved slowly by the breeze.

No, it should be falling more accurately, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Such encounters made Xia Duo unable to help but worry about the ultimate goal of the fall.

Is it some mysterious and unfathomable abyss? Or fall back to the main plane?

Subconsciously, Xia Duo wanted to leave, so, just like in the projection plane, when he had the thought of leaving, his consciousness shrank again.

Relive the previous scenes that resembled the transition in space, and then returned to the body.


Feeling the familiar and solid ground under his feet, Xia Duo felt a kind of inexplicable peace of mind from the bottom of his heart, and calmed down a bit, he asked Devine beside him:

"How long have I just passed by?"

Devine froze for a moment, and then replied: "Less than a second!"

Hearing this answer, Xia Duo was not surprised, the projection plane also has a similar nature, with independent time lapse effects.

Generally speaking, no matter how long you stay in the projection plane, the time on the main plane will not change a bit, but once you leave the projection plane and return to the main plane, the time experienced in the projection plane will take effect instantly. .

In other words, if someone hides in the projection plane for ten years, the moment he returns to the main plane, he will be ten years old.

Now the star realm looks like this too. Although Xia Duo quickly returned from the star realm just now, the time he perceives is obviously longer than one second.

As for the time rules in the astral world, UU reading will not be able to get a glimpse of the second perception projection experiment. More systematic experiments are needed.

At present, Chardonnay has no plans in this regard.


Having settled down, Chateau quickly asked Devine about the situation of the fall in the astral world. This was not within the range recorded in the astral mage training manual that Niya brought back. He wanted to hear about Devine. Wayne's view.

"Breeze? Falling?"

After listening to Xia Duo's simple description, Devine looked at him in surprise, his eyes full of incredible, "You can actually set off the wind of the stars?"

"Astral Wind?"

The first time Xia Duo heard such a term, he hurriedly asked Dewanen, "What is the wind of the astral world? This is not the content of the astral mage manual!"

"The wind of the star realm is the spiritual storm in the star realm. It is the result of the intense contact between the powerful consciousness and the spiritual world of the star realm."

Devine first explained the concept of astral wind, and then he said the origin of the information he knew, "I heard it from Master Kasa, but at most I can only make a ripple in the astral world. , I didn’t expect that Xia Duo, you are so powerful now, you can actually set off a spiritual storm!"

Xia Duo ignored Devine’s exclamation. He noticed the somewhat familiar name "Kassar". If he remembers correctly, this Kassar mage should be a low-level mage and was assigned to the Academic Affairs Office of the Tower of Time , Belongs to the sequence of teaching staff.

But a low-level mage actually knows information about the astral world?

Xia Duo couldn't help being interested in the Master of Casa. Before hearing the name of Casa, it was during the interview that the Tower of Time was all official wizards.