Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1334: Seeing and hearing in the spirit world,

Almost forty to fifty meters away, Xia Duo could clearly see a tower-like existence exuding strong magical aura in a hazy and bleak mist.

   If someone who is familiar with the design blueprint of the Tower of Time sees this scene, it is not difficult to find out that the dazzling tower-like existence in front of you is the Tower of Time.

   Outside of the Tower of Time, it is not the Daxia collar that Xia Duo is familiar with, but a group of misty forests, but compared to the last time he came here, the topography and topography have undergone more obvious changes.

   This is not the result of beggar-thy neighbor after the failure of the demiplane experiment, but every time I come here, there will be a different and paradoxical scene here.

   Xia Duo didn't understand the reason for this for the time being, so he could only regard it as a special attribute of the etheric plane that was different from the material plane.

   Of course, the special features of the etheric plane are far more than that.

   Xia Duo just focused a little bit and discovered another world hidden in the mist—the main plane.

   He can see the scene where the Codex Square overlaps the forest, and he can also see the scene of the Daxia leaders who occasionally pass by the Codex Square through the forest of the etheric plane.

   What's more, Xia Duo's body was penetrated by a flagpole next to Code Square at this moment, but he didn't feel the slightest pain.

   Even when he walked forward for a step or two, the flagpole "cut" out of his body directly, without any hindrance at all.

   is like two completely parallel worlds, neither can disturb each other.

   Of course, it just seems.

   There are actually many spells that can affect one plane on another plane. Otherwise, the protection system of the Tower of Time would not extend to the etheric plane.


   In order to avoid another failure in the etheric plane experiment and affect the main plane, although this possibility is extremely small, Xia Duo still as far as possible away from the area where the Great Xia collar can be seen.

   In an unfamiliar virgin forest.

   Xia Duo took the lead in constructing a protective position and a wider guard area before returning to the protective position to start today's second test.

  —【Root Shaping】!

   The etheric plane belongs to the natural creation area, and Xia Duo does not need to overlap it with the material plane, and the pre-work such as magic net analysis and casting adjustment has been completed early, and he can now create the roots of the plane.

   (You can also create demiplanes on the material plane, but it’s more troublesome)

   The roots of the plane in the pure etheric plane are more ethereal and illusory than the previous scenes during the experiment in the Tower of Time.

   It seems that you can blow it out easily if you breathe next to it, but in fact, it is very stable.

   Soon, the root formation of the plane was completed, and then, Xia Duo finally realized the benefits of experimenting on the etheric plane.

   Although the environment of the experiment just now took into account the common characteristics of the physical plane and the etheric plane because of the overlapping planes, it is still different from the pure etheric plane environment after all.

   and it's very different.

   The most intuitive feeling of Xia Duo is that the speed of element filling is much faster than before!

   As for the evolution process after the root of the plane is filled with elements, it is not significantly different from the experiment just now. After all, the blueprint is a blueprint.

   Next is the waiting time—

   only took about three and a half hours, compared to before, it saved nearly half of the time!


   As in the previous experiment, as the element filling gradually comes to an end, the initial shape of the demiplane gradually becomes clear.

   But compared to before, this time it is a truly independent small world!

   Chateau can even see the complete outline of the demiplane, but when he wants to reach out to touch it, it feels like a dreamy bubble, completely inaccessible.

He waved his arms and walked around in the half plane. This scene made Xia Duo feel a little funny and a little shocked. If he were bigger, would he be able to see it from this perspective, " Touch the main plane?

   Or, is there an unimaginable great existence looking at the main plane from a transcendent perspective at this moment?

   Natsuta shook his head, as if trying to throw this unrealistic idea out of his mind, and counting the time, it was almost time for the plane to disintegrate during the experiment.

   But at this moment, the demiplane still exists very stably in front of Chateau.

   "Is the plane disintegrating just now really caused by the experimental environment?"

   Looking at the demiplane through the etheric plane, the field of vision is actually greatly hindered, and the perception is not comprehensive. Xia Duo directly cast a spell to project the field of perception into the demiplane.

   With this, the whole world became clear in an instant.

   But it is a pity that the demiplane still has a disintegration phenomenon, but it is different from the previous disintegration to the bottom of the material, which disintegrates the material into elements and energy.

   Now it's just the disintegration of the plane itself, the matter in the demiplane still exists stably, but after the plane's disintegration is complete, it is difficult for the matter to remain.

   may fall into the "nearby" material plane nearby, or may transform into a special existence that can exist in the inter-etheric plane under the extreme environment of the plane's disintegration and continue to stay in the inter-etheric plane.

   It's just that Chateau doesn't have time to wait for it to completely disintegrate now.

   Temporarily consciously came to the etheric plane to continue the experiment. Now that several hours have passed, Niya will probably be worried if she doesn't go back.

   If the purpose of research is not to make life better, then why is it necessary to continue research?

   Xia Duo is not an extreme person with only the truth in his eyes. In essence, he is an ordinary person with a little ideal, a little enlightenment, and a little accomplishment. UU reading


   After returning to the Tower of Time.

   Xia Duo was directly "caught" by Niya to the study, but when he leaned forward to get close, Niya turned around proudly and turned her back to Xia Duo.

   "Niya, sorry for worrying you."

   Xia Duo stepped forward and hugged Niya from behind, whispering soft words in her ear, not knowing whether she was itchy by the disturbing breath in her ear, or she did not want to admit that she was persuaded again.

   Niya broke free from Xia Duo's arms, sat angrily on the chair in front of the projection window, and turned her head to look out the window.

   Xia Duo saw this, but was extremely pleased. He knew that Niya had exceeded the limits of the current era under his influence, and had the characteristics of some women in the new era.

   Awareness of equality.

   is not only equal to men, but also equal to the strong.

   This is what Xia Duo is looking forward to seeing. If it is just a so-called civilization constructed by pure power, what can be expected?

   However, looking forward to anticipation, joy to joy, the wife still has to continue to coax.

   So, Xia Duo also sat down in front of the window, facing Niya, imitating Niya, and looked out the window. With this, Niya broke the defense.

   "Can you stop learning from me!"

   "Can you not learn from me."


