Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1341: Invitation to go abroad, delivery of ord

At this time, Iolum also talked about Chateau’s arrangements that day, "When you come, you will go with me, and while you are young, you still have to go for more walks."


Chateau agreed immediately. In fact, he understood what Iolum meant. It would be more troublesome to go abroad after becoming a Great Arcanist, because others would doubt your purpose.

This is similar to deploying nuclear weapons in other countries on the earth, or restricting going abroad in order to protect the safety of important scientific researchers.

The Great Arcanist possesses both the attributes of nuclear weapons and important scientific research personnel!

In fact, Xia Duo wanted to hide his current situation, largely because of this. Senior Arcanist and Great Arcanist, the degree of attention they receive is completely different.

After leaving from Iolum, Chateau went straight to the Azure Manor on the edge of the old town. Of course, he did not forget to inform Lord Harlan and Evans to pass.

And when he walked outside the Azure Manor, Lord Haran happened to arrive, and Charles Haran greeted him expectantly as soon as he met Charles Haran:

"Lord Chateau, I finally waited for you! That, that order matter—"

"Lord Harlan, don't you believe me!"

Xia Duo shook his head, ignoring the anxious look in the other party's eyes, and deliberately paused before saying: "Don't worry, the order has been completed, and if you call you to come over, I will let you inspect the goods! Let's go inside and talk about it!"

As he said, Xia Duo stretched out his hand and pointed to the inside of the manor. At this moment, Aiva, who heard the movement, greeted him.

Although Charles Harlan was very anxious in his heart, he didn't even have time to wait. Accompanied by Chateau, the two followed Aiva who came out to greet him through a shallow grove. Go to the front of the villa.

At this point, Aiva retired and left, and then Xia Duo took Lord Haran to the main meeting room on the first floor of the villa.

Of course, Lord Haran himself is very familiar with this place, after all, it belonged to him before, but now it has been changed to a new owner.

After entering the reception room and both parties seated, Xia Duo did not continue to hang people's appetites. He immediately took out three small boxes without a cover from the portable space, cast a spell, and pushed them to Lord Haran:

"There are the 100 Demon Slayer Talisman we have agreed on, Lord Haran may wish to check it."

The inside of the small wooden box was divided into 6*6 small grids, and the 100 demon killing amulet filled two boxes with 8 spaces in the last box.

Charles Harlan only took a glance to confirm that each of the 100 items exudes a bright and stable magical aura. He picked up a two-finger-sized talisman from a box and checked it carefully.

The surface of the amulet is very simple, without the complex patterns of common amulet, only a smooth silver mirror surface.

Looking at the link between the talisman and the magic net, Charles Harlan frowned. He didn't care whether to encrypt it or not. Anyway, the design drawings were not his, and the goods were for the dwarves, but the link seemed to be a bit problematic.

While hesitating to ask if he wanted to ask, Xia Duo had already taken the initiative to speak, "Lord Haran, what do you think is the problem with these Demon Slayer Talisman?"

"Lord Chateau, these Demon Slaying Talisman are indeed high-level magic items, but they don't seem to be made according to the design drawings!"

Although Charles Harlan failed to become an arcanist, it didn't mean that he had a very low level of knowledge in the field of magic. It just happened to be slightly behind at that stage.

Even if there is a layer of encryption as a disguise, he can be sure that the manufacturing method of this amulet is entirely the color-resistant magic system, not the wizard magic system in the design drawing.

In this regard, Xia Duo’s explanation is, “In order to facilitate the production of other people in the Tower of Time, I converted the wizard magic in the drawing into color-resistant magic. If Lord Haran needs it, I can also use the color-resistant magic version. I give you the blueprints."

"This, this—isn't it troublesome?"

"Hehe, of course it's not troublesome."

Xia Duo smiled slightly, and took out the prepared color-resistant version of the Talisman design drawing from the portable space. Of course, this design drawing is only the translation and transformation of the wizard version, and there is still some difference with the mass production version used by the current tower of time. Different.

However, there is no essential difference between the core functions and the current ones.

Of course, due to the conversion of different magic systems, whether it is the design drawings he has now taken out or the 100 finished products, there is a slight difference from the original Elf Slayer Talisman.

Similar to the difference between √2 and 1.414.

Some magic is directly converted, and there may be a gap that is difficult to ignore with the original version. This requires a targeted optimization of the casting of two magic systems at the same time.

However, this time the conversion of the Demon Slaughter Talisman was quite clever, and the differences were negligible, otherwise Xia Duo wouldn't be able to come up with the design so easily.

Just because it is a literal translation, just find a high-level mage who knows a little about the principles of wizard magic, and take a moment to get it out.

As for the subsequent local optimization, and even mass production design, more professional people are needed to do it.

In fact, Lord Haran didn't even ask the question about the conversion difference. He just looked at the design drawing for a while, and then used the appraisal magic to test the function of a few talismans, and the inspection was completed.

"Lord Chateau, this is the gold coin exchange voucher of the Austrian French Federation, a total of 100,000 gold coins!"

After confirming that the goods were correct, Charles Harlan also happily took out the OEM fee, a total of 100,000 gold coins, and an average of 1,000 gold coins for each talisman.

This is really not a small expense, but compared to other spellcasters, the price of the Tower of Time is already relatively low, and Charles Harlan paid the money more willingly.

As for Xia Duo, he simply checked, and after confirming that there was no problem with the redemption voucher, he put it away. In fact, even without these foundry fees, Tower of Time would not lose much.

You know, the yield rate negotiated by the two parties was 70%. That is to say, at that time, Lord Haran gave 140 copies of materials, and the extra was the wastage rate.

If the yield rate of the Tower of Time is less than 70% and 140 parts of materials are not enough, then you have to make up for 100 parts of the materials yourself.

And if the yield is higher than 70%, the extra materials will naturally not be returned to Lord Haran, which is a pure profit.

With this order, the yield of the Tower of Time is close to 90%, and the profit can be imagined.

Coupled with the 100,000 foundry fee, even if you deduct the magic mechanic's salary, and the maintenance cost of the Tower of Time facilities and equipment, you can earn almost eighty to ninety thousand!

And if the materials that should have been included in the loss but have been preserved are made into amulets of slaughter and sold at a price close to the market price, then more profit will be made.

Basically, Xia Duo can be sure that this order, the Tower of Time, as a foundry party, will definitely earn more than Lord Haran!