Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1380: Possibility of refining fakes, guesses a

Xia Duo can think of two more feasible directions—

One is to deeply simulate the birth process of the new natural sacred power, so that when the leaders participate in a certain order cycle, they will have a high degree of identification with this order, and thus perceive the sacred power corresponding to this order.

However, there is one thing that Xia Duo is sure about, that is, the power of sacred power is related to the power of faith.

Can the power of faith that is generated just for a certain order reach the threshold of the birth of holy power? This is a difficult question to circumvent, and it is almost impossible to answer at the same time.

Maybe when the number of people is increased, and the number of people participating in a certain order cycle will increase, it will be self-evident, but now, it is still a little worse.

As for the other direction, it does not consider the power of belief or even the ideas of the people themselves, and the power of realizing order is guided purely by the cycle of order.

Chateau is more inclined in this direction.

After all, the emergence of sacred power means the emergence of new conceptual entities. Perhaps it is just a sacred power transformation mechanism, not a self-conscious existence like God.

But in any case, Xia Duo still doesn't understand the principle of this, and he is quite jealous of this.

There is another question, that is, whether these order cycles are completely under his control, whether new conceptual entities can be born is still a question.

Will he be sent to the seat of God? Or make these order cycles out of control?

The risk is not small. In the case of other options, Xia Duo will not give priority to the option of sacred power transformation.

In the code sculpture, Xia Duo constantly perceives the focus and dispersion state of the order network, and in the process, constantly tries to influence reality.

But what makes him depressed is that no matter how he operates, even if he deliberately breaks the cycle of a certain order of force, it has no effect on the real world.

It's as if this real power is a virtual existence!

After repeated attempts to no avail, Xia Duo couldn't help being a little discouraged, "Is the power of order really just some kind of virtual conceptual power?"

But even the virtual existence in the projection plane can be manifested as a real existence, so what is needed for the manifestation of the power of order?

"Is it possible to go around and then to the power of faith? Or is the force missing?"

Xia Duo closed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thinking. In his consciousness, countless sparks of inspiration kept flashing and extinguishing, and it took him a long time to open his eyes.

It's just that there is still a trace of confusion in the eyes, "If the power of order is a virtual force, then the ascension ceremony and the gods need to be reconsidered."

As a result, Xia Duo thought of the phrase "refining the fake to become true" in the ancient books of his hometown. Perhaps the power of faith is the key to this world's refining of fakes to become true!

Thinking about it this way, even the birth process of the conceptual entity of the new natural idea seems to have an explanation.

It's just that this possibility seems particularly terrifying to Xia Duo, which means that as long as the human heart is manipulated, all possibilities can be realized, which almost negates the objective reality and practical significance!

Also almost denied all the ideals of Xia Duo!

Because, if the power of faith can really make the fake into the real, then the boundary between reality and virtuality will not be so clear, and the reality in the eyes of believers is the real reality!

All of Chateau’s ideals are based on objective reality and practice. If objective reality is easily changeable, can it be called “objective”?

In a world dominated by subjective will, what is the point of practice and hard work?

Just keep fantasizing!

For such a world, Xia Duo is absolutely unacceptable!

For a while, Xia Duo was also shocked by his own speculation, but it was related to the power of belief. For a long time, he could not prove the correctness of this speculation.

It was like a thorn always stuck in his heart, making him very unhappy.

"Forget it, wait until all the powers of order have completed the cycle, try again, the power of order is not necessarily a virtual power!"

Regardless of the nature of this world, since Xia Duo is already in it, the only thing he can do is to make himself work hard to adapt to this world, and then talk about further understanding and transforming the world.

"There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, still loving life after recognizing the truth of life!"

Chateau did not consider himself a hero, but he definitely did not lack the courage to continue living and hope for the future.

If this world is a subjective and idealistic world, then he can at least hold on to his bottom line of "I think, therefore I am."

Of course, Xia Duo hopes that this world is an objective world that can be understood.

After leaving the Codex Square, Xia Duo did not continue to patrol the territory, but returned to the Niya study on the top of the Tower of Time, and observed the territory through the projection window.

Although this method lacks a lot of details that can only be observed by real contact, it is not bad as a supplementary means of patrolling the territory in a short period of time.

When Niya was not there, Xia Duo sat alone in front of the projection window. Although he was observing the territory, he still had speculations about the power of belief and the nature of the world in his mind from time to time.

This state continued until near noon, when Lord Collins' summons were received.

Maybe it's just idle, and if you have something to do, you don't want to.

Savile collar, town hall.

Here, Chateau personally hosted Lord Collins from afar. In addition to the standard hometown food, he was accompanied by the Orepus chief of the Silver Leaf family.

During the dinner, Collins asked about the Tove investigator. This question was asked by Orips to answer this question—

"The Mooncrown Family is one of the top high-ranking families in Komanso. In the past ten thousand years, the high-level mage inheritance of this family has never been cut off. In other words, the current Moon-crown family also has at least one high-level mage.

"As for the Tove investigator—"

Having said that, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Orips glanced at Chateau and saw that Chateau did not respond before continuing: "According to my friends in Comanso, the heir of the Mooncrest family is not Tove, but that Tove is absolutely It's not simple. According to Lord Xia Duo, that person is very likely to be a high-level mage in the future."

Collins nodded. Although he had long had the idea of ​​opening up the elven market, he did not know much about the elven society, especially for Comanço, whose relationship with Netheril was more subtle and more hostile.

Hearing Orips’ introduction at this moment, Collins actually didn’t have much in his heart, but as a lord and a senior arcanist, he naturally had his own set of logic:

"Do you think that Tove is credible? I want to hear your opinion."

"My friends in Comanso are too low. It is almost impossible to get in touch with members of the Mooncrest family and verify Tove's identity. However, in Comanso, there are still very few elves who dare to impersonate the upper family, especially their identity. The higher you are, the more you will be proud of your family and will not pretend to be other families. I personally think that Tove's identity is relatively credible, but her purpose is hard to say."

"Lord Chateau, what do you think?"