Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1384: The crisis is approaching, face to face

Mielian is a sweet-looking, innocent young golden elf woman, but as a high-level mage, her true heart is naturally impossible to be as innocent and innocent as she shows.

Not to mention that she was recommended by King Elisir to participate in the omniscience ceremony. Farrow was the first to point out that she had these considerations more or less.

However, after showing a smile, Mi Ellen shook her head firmly, "Except for a dazzling light, I can't see anything."

Hearing this answer, Farrow couldn't help frowning. "Dazzling light" was more like an excuse. This is the seventh omniscience ceremony. Why can't you find more? Still fooling the elves with information that I knew the first time!

Thinking of this, Farrow's heart faintly rose with anger, and then looked at the other three high-level mages recommended to the King Elisir, "What about you? What are you gaining?"

"We only saw a dazzling light, nothing else!"

This is the answer that was discussed in advance!

Farrow resisted without venting his anger, and looked at the real key participants in this ceremony-Hildarana and Omos.

They have had close contact with the suspected messenger of fate that they have explored before, and this time I think they will surely bring some new news!

But what made Farrow almost crazy is that Hildarana and Omos both shook their heads helplessly, and said: "The information we got this time is the same as last time, even less and more vague!"

"How could this be?" Farrow murmured.

According to his original plan, at least this time, he should determine who the real messenger of fate is, and then continue to send people to contact the real messenger of fate, and more information can be obtained in the next ceremony.

This cycle repeats until the truth of the destiny shown by the oracle is completely revealed.

"Could it be the Nishite who discovered the spell we are doing? Then took precautions, which interfered with the result." A elves made a guess.

But Farrow denied it, "Impossible. The omniscience ceremony is not so easy to find. If you don't believe it, you can experiment by yourself next time."

After speaking, Farrow took another deep breath and continued with shining eyes: "In this month, the two humans suddenly made some defensive measures. I think there is only one possibility. They are both gods. The messengers of fate as indicated by the oracle, and something they are doing this month is precisely the change indicated by the oracle!

"Yes, it must be so! Now it is necessary to determine what they did in this month! As long as you know what they did, you can guess whether the impact of that event on the elf is positive or negative.

"If it is positive, then there is no doubt that we will give them as much support as possible; if it is negative, then needless to say, you all know how to do it!"

At this moment, Farrow's passionate expression seemed to have grasped the corner of fate. He took out the main **** oracle again and perceive it carefully. Although he could not get more information from it, the will of the main **** also gave him great encouragement.

Before the oracle, some elves have begun to provide information they know—

"I know that just a few days ago, the two messengers of fate went to Evreska, and the Crown Elythel was there at the time!"

"Evriska, is the oracle related to the Northland Alliance? But why not directly reveal some of the more obvious characteristics of the Northland Alliance?"

"I don't think it's like the Northland Alliance, it should be what they did in Evreska! Of course, it may also be in Elinthal!"

"Elintal? If there, then I can't help it!"

At this moment, the spirits present, you and I say a word, have roughly sorted out the trajectories of Chardonnay and Iolum in the last month!

As for what you did in more detail and who you met, you need to investigate further.

Listening to these strange or ordinary speculations, Hildarana hesitated to say that Chateau was smuggling spices to Komanso.

This matter is said to be big or small, and the most important thing is that she played a disgraceful role in it.

Originally, the identity of Tove of the Mooncrown Family was only provided by Farrow to facilitate her contact with the messenger of fate, but she conspired to smuggle with humans for a bit of high-level spice. Once such a thing spreads, it is simply a shame for the Moonhorn family.

(Note: The Moon Crown belongs to Komanso, and Moon Horn belongs to Yerlan. Hilnarana is the first heir of the Moon Horn family. Of course, it is also the culprit of the ruins of Master Inosen. Most of Netheril’s high-grade Mithril From the Moonhorn family)

After hesitating for a long time, Hildarana did not say anything related to smuggling, but after she decided to pay more attention to the Lord Shaduo, perhaps through the smuggling, she could discover the true secret of the other party!

If she were to find out the truth about the fate of the Elf race as shown by the main **** oracle, then the conspiracy to smuggle with humans would naturally be too small.

From this moment on, Hildarana was born with the idea of ​​completing the task well, not just as an alternative way to obtain the secret scroll of ancient spells.

After the little meeting of the elves, the elves dispersed, and at the same time they started to take action, and Shaduo, who had no knowledge of this, had already arrived at Sevindun at this moment.

At the Austrian Law Federation, I met Badigar, the contemporary leader of the Gustav Tower and the Seven Towers foreign affairs officer, the Arcanist Badigar who had asked him to meet.

"Unexpectedly, I just separated a few days ago, but we met again under such a situation. Although I have known your choice from Master Iolum, I still have to ask if you are willing to send Atwood Give it to the Seven Pagodas. The Seven Pagodas will absolutely guarantee his safety. Once the situation stabilizes, he will be released immediately."

In this regard, Xia Duo's answer is-"Thank the Seven Pagodas for their kindness and tolerance, but I still insist on my opinion."

After Budigaar heard this, UU Read's face was a little stiff, but he didn't say anything ruthless, only that he could contact him at any time if he figured it out.

After speaking, he left the reception room.

Looking at the distant figure of the other party, Xia Duo didn't know whether he had chosen such a right or wrong.

But one thing he knew very well, with the senior arcanist status he had now shown, he rejected Budigaal face-to-face, regardless of whether it was his original intention, the two will definitely not be as harmonious as before.

Originally, the two had been in contact for a period of time during the snow melting competition the previous year, and the relationship was pretty good, but now, some of the previous goodwill is probably going to be forfeited.

Xia Duo thought of the construction permit for the Mage Tower he was applying for at the Seventon Conference, and couldn't help sighing "Sorrow and sorrow." If nothing else, the application is probably out of play!

That’s good. It’s a bit out of date to invest a lot of building a mage tower in a city that is destined to decline on the ground. It’s justified to hurry up and build Miserneng nuclear technology and build a floating city!

Thinking of this, Xia Duo also got up and left the reception room.

Iolum is still waiting for him!