Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1388: Zall crisis, consider recruiting new

At this moment, Xia Duo held such a box with hundreds of thousands of Arcane Crystals in his hands, as if holding hundreds of thousands of standard 10-level spells.

Even the uncompleted Miser nuclei can have such productivity, what kind of power should all the perfect Miser nuclei have!

At this moment, Xia Duo could not wait to immediately start arranging the production workshop to let Iolum experiment as much as possible, but at the moment, there are still some small things that he needs to deal with first—

Iolum has decided to use his plan and handed over the entire laboratory to him, but before that, he needs to dismantle a small part of the Austrian flame device that has been built in the laboratory. The next laboratory transformation makes room.

Before leaving Iolum's study, Chateau then asked, "How is the situation in the Northland now?"

"After the establishment of the Northland Alliance, the countries are in peace for the time being, but the underground situation is not so good. The news I have now is that the army of drow's demons has taken shape and is very powerful! Far beyond ordinary people's imagination, Dan Zuo can only rely on various weapons of war and passive defense. The only few active attacks are not very effective. Without the assistance of the alliance countries, Dan Zuo may have died now."

"Is it so bad?"

Xia Duo's heart tensed, stopped, and continued to ask: "Last time in Evreska, didn't the Alliance negotiate a second battlefield? Is there any news now?"

"The second battlefield has been opened up, but at present, all kinds of war materials and equipment are in short supply and need to be given priority to Danzo. Amarinda's second battlefield is mainly harassment for the time being, and the battle situation is fairly stable."

After finishing talking, Iolum sighed, pointed to the box in Xia Duo's hand, and said: "I am so anxious to complete the Austrian fire device. In addition to the intuitive sense of crisis, the main reason is that I want to Zall gained a decisive force before rushing out of the surface."

"Teacher is so pessimistic? Don't you think Danzo can't keep it?"

"It's not a question of Danzo's defense, but a question of when Zall wants to rush out of the surface. Remember the ground vein detector you sent to Seventon before? Zall sent scouts to look for weak points in the veins. , To say that they found nothing, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Xia Duo shook his head.

He could find a drow assassin in the south, and there will definitely be more assassins elsewhere. He had heard that the Austrian Law Federation had also caught several drow assassins.

Presumably Iolum knows more details, maybe even the weak points of the earth veins near Sevinton!

"That's it, grasping the weak points of the earth veins, they can open up a channel connecting the surface at any time, and it is only a matter of time before they rush out of the surface. The current Netheril will definitely not be able to resist the demon army of Drow. Once Drow appears In Netherland, it will be an unprecedented terrible disaster."

Iolum sighed again. In the past, he had been entangled with the orc tribes in the Nether Territory for nearly a hundred years. Finally, with the help of the mage's high mobility, he continued to bleed those large tribes to win the final victory.

But he would rather fight the orcs for a hundred years than see Drow in Netherland.

It is not a question of not being afraid, but that war will inevitably interrupt the development momentum of Netheril's ascendant stage. If the next Comanso makes a little bit of damage, it will not be impossible for the country to subdue.

After leaving Iolum's study, Xia Duo felt a little heavy. It seemed that the Northland Alliance was formed, and the nations supported Danzo, but in fact, the flames of war could burn to his side at any time.

At some point, Zall didn't want to smash Danzo. It would be too troublesome to open underground tunnels everywhere.

Xia Duo remembered that he had posted a mission in the Tower of Time before, asking the members of the Tower of Time to take his self-made earth vein detector to check the geological conditions near the Daxia collar and the Savile collar.

When the weak point of the ground pulse is detected, the ground pulse detector will sound an alarm.

Up to now, there is no news from the Mission Management Office of the Tower of Time. It seems that this is the best news!

"Drow, Drow!"

For a long time, Xia Duo regarded the elves as a future competitor, or even an enemy, but somewhat ignored the drow who was already in front of him.

However, it is not too late to wake up. Although he will not go to the dark area to fight against the drow himself, it is also very necessary to provide some assistance within his capacity in the rear.

For example, [Demon Slaughter Arrow], [Demon Slaughter Amulet]!

Xia Duo just heard Iolum mentioned that the [Devil Slayer Talisman] is the most indispensable consumable in the underground war. Without the [Devil Slayer Talisman], Danzo's defensive line will immediately collapse.

The devil is born with a terrifying aura that shocks people's will. If you want to face the devil directly, you must offset that terrifying aura, otherwise you have not started the fight, and you will be scared to urinate a lot. Is there still a fight?

As for the Demon Killing Arrow, in the current underground war, it is mainly used to assassinate the demon summoner of the drow. Once the summoner dies, the demons under his command are unconstrained and will almost certainly fight other demons or drow madly.

It can be said that no matter how many demons are killed on the frontal battlefield, as long as the summoner does not die, they can continue to be summoned later, endlessly killing them.

Only by killing the summoner can it be considered that the war potential of drow has been reduced on the ground.

Therefore, [Demon Slaughter Arrow] can also be regarded as a just-needed material second only to [Demon Slaughter Talisman].

Back in the laboratory, Xia Duo was not busy dismantling the Arcane Fire device, but first contacted Niya and asked about the production status of the [Devil Talisman] production line of the Magical Mechanics Department.

"It's all done according to your previous arrangements. What's wrong? Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I got news from here that the war situation in the dark region may not be very good. The Demon Slayer Talisman is just needed for the war. I think it is necessary to open another production line."

In addition to selling the produced amulet to Lord Haran, or other people, you can also keep a part of it for your own use. In case Drow hits the surface one day, this is a proper strategic reserve.

Of course, UU reading is also now.

Regarding Chateau’s proposal, Niya naturally would not refuse, but she also raised a very critical question: "The Tower of Time now has only a few high-level mages from us. If we open another production line of Demon Slayer Talisman, we will not So much personal time!"

The Demon Slayer Talisman comes with a 5-level spell, even if the process is split, it is indispensable for a high-level mage to link the magic net for the elements related to the fifth layer of the magic net.

At present, the only people in the Tower of Time who can do this kind of work are Chateau, Nia, Abbock and De Parker. Chateau is now in Sevinton. Nya wants to study communication fan locks, and Abbock wants to study divine arts. Transformation, only DeParker has a little more time.

But the wool can't always catch someone else, if it delays the opponent's advanced arcanist, it will be more or less worthwhile.

Xia Duo realized that the Tower of Time does not lack the most basic apprentices, nor does it lack the great arcanists who carry the beams above it, but lacks the middle and most backbone high-level mage!

The number of high-level mages is insufficient, and there are too many projects that cannot be carried out. If you wait for the apprentice to be promoted, you will have to wait again.

"Maybe we can collect some wild high-level mages in Sevindun?"