Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1402: Verify the problem, ask Kieran for help

However, the protection mechanism in the preparatory teleportation hall is far more than the magical suppression field that is almost a magic net dead zone, there are also powerful restraints, and even expulsion spells.

  Especially restraint, it is almost an enhanced version of the static spell.

   Just as Xia Duo was still happy, Niya finally took the shot, but Nia would deal with him as well. When her thinking came to a halt, Xia Duo still vaguely perceives the outside world.

   seemed to be teleporting, and the next moment, his eyes lit up, and he realized that the environment he was in was no longer in the previous preparation teleportation hall, but had become Niya's bedroom.

   And Niya herself stood beside him and said apologetically: "Sorry, I can only separate you in this way."

   "Where is that person? How long has it passed now? Have you confirmed his identity?"

  You can't perceive the passage of time in a static state. Xia Duo still retains some perception just now. He is not sure if it is an illusion, but it is clear that time must not be the time when the previous battle took place.

   As for how long it has passed, it depends on how long it took Niya to relieve him of his stasis.

   "I just took you back to the bedroom and promised me not to do it lightly." Niya said softly, taking his hand.

   "Okay, I promise you."

   Xia Duo agreed, and now this situation is considered the best result, the next step is to confirm the identity of that person.

   "By the way, Niya, what about that person? Where did you put him? Can he be sure of his identity?"

   "In the minus-floor prison, you suddenly acted like that just now. I thought you found something, so I temporarily put him there. If he is really a great-grandfather, what should I do?"

   At the critical moment, Niya still believed in herself more. Xia Duo felt very pleased, but Niya's current appearance of suffering from gains and losses also made him feel a little distressed, so he comforted:

   "Don't worry, if it is Saville himself, after confirming that he is not malicious, I will apologize to him and ask him for forgiveness. I think, as an elder, he should forgive us!"

   "This is hard to say. When I was a child, I often heard my father talk about great-grandfather, the look of admiration and fear. I still remember it very clearly to this day." Niya whispered.

   Savile had been punished and exiled by God before Niya's father was born. The two of them should have never met, but they still have such deep feelings, which can only be passed on from Niya's grandfather.

   Maybe Niya's grandfather felt more deeply, but it's a pity that Niya's grandfather had passed away when Niya was born. If there were no orcs, maybe Niya's grandfather would still be alive now!

   It would be interesting if I saw Savile who had returned from "serving his sentence" at this time.


   No matter how worried Niya is, she must personally confirm whether the person who appears on the summoning circle is her great-grandfather.

   The Tower of Time is on the first floor, and the No. 1 prison.

   When Xia Duo and Niya appeared here, the person in the prison was still in a static state, with gray hair and simple clothes, almost like an old farmer in the countryside, not a powerful spellcaster.

   But the eyes of the old farmer in the country are not as sharp as the person in front of him. The sharpness makes people impressed even if they just look at it.

   By this time, Xia Duo had time to carefully observe the other person's appearance, and I don't know if it was preconceived. This person's eyebrows and Niya's father Epps are indeed somewhat similar.

  Especially the withered look when Eps was hit by the curse of aging two years ago, it is almost 70-80% similar to the people in prison now.

   "Niya, do you have a way to determine his identity?"

"The notes left by the great-grandfather mentioned that when he was a kid, he strayed into the trap of a hunter in the forest because of playfulness, and because of this he left a disability on his feet. Later, because of his remarkable talent as a wizard, the disability was cured, but his great-grandfather always stayed. I used the scar on my foot to warn myself. If this person is a great-grandfather, he should still have that scar."


Xia Duo was speechless. How to check if this person is in a static state, even if it is hit with a hammer, once the static state is lifted, the other party will see that he is in jail and have to take off his shoes for verification. This is simply humiliation. what!

   is not true, it's fine, if it is Savile, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not leave a thorn in my heart.

"Is there any other way?"

   "There is also to ask him about some of his great-grandfather's past. If you can answer it, it should be true."

   "It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate."

   Xia Duo still shook his head, still the same sentence, if it's not true, it's fine, if it's true, then everyone's faces are not pretty.

   "Then what do you say?"

   This is not okay, that’s not okay, Niya was a little anxious, and even prepared to let her out first. Xia Duo quickly stopped her and proposed a more feasible plan:

"Kieran Tower is good at the bloodline field, and there may be spells to verify the blood relationship. I will go to Seventon and wait until I come back. Anyway, he is in a static state and has no concept of time. It doesn't matter if he waits a little longer. "

   Niya hesitated, but there seemed to be no better way. She didn't want the meeting with her great-grandfather to be too blunt. Xia Duo had already attacked before. If she had another interrogation, it would be too bad.

   "Well, how long are you going to go?" Niya asked.

   "I will pass now, and I will return tomorrow at the latest. You stay at home, and then think about any other verification methods, and wait for me to come back."


   Niya nodded, and tried to avert her eyes, forcing herself not to see the person in the prison.


   Soothed Niya, UU Reading Xia Duo stepped on the teleportation circle to Seventon, and as soon as she arrived at Seventon, Xia Duo received a message from Iolum:

   "Is there anything urgent to come to Seventon so late?"

   Xia Duo was almost taken aback by this sudden call, knowing that he had just arrested a person who was suspected of Saville, and Saville was a student of Iolum, it really felt like a catch.

   Before coming to Seventon, Chateau still wondered whether he would ask Iolum to go back and help verify it. Now he hesitated a bit. After all, Savile’s guide beacon was considered a secret.

   hasn't really been determined, he still doesn't want to talk to Iolum.

   And if the one who came back is true, the more insiders there are, the more embarrassing it might be for Saville.

   Therefore, Chateau is still prepared to wait for all the dust to settle before notifying Iolum, and now he is still asking for help at Kiran Tower as originally planned.

   After dealing with Iolum on the grounds of personal matters, Chateau immediately summoned him to the director of the Austrian Law Federation, Brunds, who had previously had ties with him, and asked him if he had time now, and he had something to discuss.

   Fortunately, although the time is relatively late, for an archmage who has a role in the Austrian Law Federation, it is probably the time to be active.

   It was almost less than a minute after Chateau's transmission, and Brundes’ reply arrived—

   "Lord Chateau, I am honored to receive your invitation. I have time now. Do I need to go to the Tower of Time?"