Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1411: Confession, early knowledge, new views

This afternoon.

   Shaduo was supposed to complete part of the test experiment of the New Austrian Fire Project in the laboratory, but he went to Iolum’s study.

   Regarding the sudden arrival of Chateau, Iolum who was behind the desk just glanced at Chateau, and then re-invested in the paperwork on the desk, and asked Chateau at the same time as he gave instructions on it:

   "There is a problem with that part of the Arcane Fire spell element that is going to be tested today?"

   "No, I'm here for another thing."

   Listening to Chateau’s different serious tone from usual, Iolum finally put down the pen in his hand and looked up at Chateau, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and asked:

"what's up?"


When it came to his lips, Xia Duo didn't know how to speak. Some of the words he prepared when he came here seemed a bit awkward to him now. After thinking about it, he directly moved the tenth layer of the magic net between the two of them. The string.

   A mighty energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in this not-so-large study room, and at the same time a dazzling magical light also bloomed on the string of the magic net.

   Of course, Xia Duo didn't really want to cast 10th-level spells here, he just tasted it, and it was enough to show that he had already touched the tenth level of the magic net.

   However, Iolum's reaction seemed a bit beyond Chateau's expectation. There was no surprise, and no surprise. Even the frowning brows just stretched out. It seemed that all of this was so geographically taken for granted.

   It's Xia Duo's turn to frown, "Teacher, you already knew?"

   "Of course, those you discussed with me these days, if you haven't really touched the tenth level of the magic net, how can you have such a clear understanding? Of course this is not the most important—"

   Speaking of this, Iolum also specifically sold a pass, and Chateau naturally asked very cooperatively: "What is the most important thing?"

   "The most important thing is-I saw a battle between you and him from Saville!"


   Xia Duo has always attached great importance to his own counter-detection measures, but this can only guarantee that he himself will not appear in the enemy's detection spell feedback.

   He can't take care of people who have been in contact with him, such as Saville, if Iolum insists on going back to Saville's past experience, and Saville does not resist.

   It is not surprising that Iolum could see the previous battle.

   The battle that took place inside the Tower of Time, the most suspicious one was Xia Duo, and he deliberately laid the groundwork these days, if Iolum didn't notice it, it would be abnormal.

   And then Iolum's words made Chateau feel vomiting blood, "I asked Saville about the battle, and he told me everything. I thought you didn't want to say it, so I didn't ask."

   Xia Duo thought he was acting during this time, but I did not expect that the real acting school was Iolum.

   "Teacher, have you traced Saville's past experience?"

"of course!"

   Iolum's expression immediately became serious, "You can't be too cautious about the powerful forces involved in the alien plane.

   "If Saville is bewitched, suggested or persecuted, and does something that shouldn't be done, or even apostasy, who will bear the consequences?

   "Don't you think that after Saville comes back, I will let him leave without doing anything, and deal with the matter of the Alien Golden Dragon Mage!"

   Xia Duo frowned, but he didn't expect that there would still be such an appearance in it.

   But this is also reasonable. When on Earth, even astronauts returning from the space station must be isolated and observed for a period of time, not to mention coming back from an "alien planet"!

   "The teacher thinks Saville is trustworthy?"

   "At present, he is trustworthy. As for the future, I believe he is also trustworthy!"

   Iolum unabashedly expressed his trust in Saville, but the topic of trust was somewhat heavy. He didn't mean to go deeper, but quickly changed the topic, and stood up and gave a small salute to Xia Duo:

   "Almost forgot, congratulations, finally stepped into the pinnacle of magic!"

   "The pinnacle of magic?"

   Hearing Iolum’s description of the tenth layer of the Magic Net, Xia Duo was deeply moved. Is it possible that Iolum also stopped here?

   "No, sir, I don't think we have reached the peak of magic at this time. On the contrary, I think we have really started the road of magic now."

   Speaking of magic, Iolum suddenly became interested, and even walked out from behind the desk, came to Chateau, and asked in a more equal manner:

   "Your point of view is very novel. Do you think there is a magic net that is deeper than the tenth level? Or have you discovered something new?"

   "No, not yet."

   Xia Duo shook his head, "Compared to the teacher and other pioneers, I can only be regarded as a beginner in the field of magic net. What I want to say is not the magic net, but the whole world!"

"The whole world?"

   "Yes, in the concept of most spellcasters, magic is equivalent to magic net, but in my opinion, magic is much more than magic net. I think everything in the real world can be regarded as a part of magic."

   This is actually Xia Duo's private goods, connecting the concept of magic with the scientific concept on the earth. Magic is not only a spell, but also a way to understand and transform the world!

   To a certain extent, this will weaken the nobility and particularity of the wizard, but it greatly enhances the development potential of all individuals in the civilization, paving the way for the realization of magic civilization. UU reading

Iolum was very interested in this view put forward by Chateau, but he also pointed out the loopholes in Chateau's point of view, "Everything is in the magic net, affected by the magic net, can also affect the magic net, why should What distinguishes them from the magic net?"

   "No, no, no, teacher, I don't deny the connection between everything and the magic net. It is not me who distinguishes them from the magic net, but the vast majority of spellcasting."

   Talking, Xia Duo took out a gold coin from her pocket, pinched it in her hand, then let go with her palm down, and the gold coin immediately fell to the ground.

   In Iolum's puzzled eyes, Chateau asked a question: "Why did the teacher think this gold coin fell on the ground, and not in any other direction?"

   "Of course it is because the gravity in this area is downward." Iolum is obviously no stranger to gravity.

   But Xia Duo continued to ask: "Then why is the gravity in this area downward, and not in any other direction?"

   "This is a plane characteristic, some planes have gravity far away from the earth, and some planes don't have gravity yet!"

   "That's it! Teacher, you see, just the small matter of falling gold coins can be connected with the grand subject of the nature of the plane, which is related to the nature of the world. Do you think it is part of magic?

"What about other things? Such as the composition of matter, the flow of energy, and even the changes in the natural environment. It can be said that they are not directly related to magic nets or spells, but they are also part of the essence of the world and can also be regarded as Part of the magic."