Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1437: Grey Eagle sees and hears, meet in Ances

In the evening, Xia Duo's integrated multiple device design drawings based on the experimental results during the day and integrated the improvement plan for the whole machine experiment other than the design problems.

Together with the corresponding drawing plug-ins required by the Davy string component automatic preparation machine, they were handed over to Iolum in the morning of the next day.

After confirming that the newly transferred high-level mages from Iolum territory still had some tasks to be handed over, and it would take a few days to arrive at Seventon, Chateau simply used this time to go to Langa. Plains.


Grey Eagle Tribe.

Xia Duo's arrival was silent, but when he arrived, he did not make any further cover.

And when he met Mr. Yarman, Master Fisher, and others, the invitation of the chief and great shaman of the Grey Eagle tribe also followed. It was the youngest adult child of the Grey Eagle tribe who came to invite. Ackerman.

"Formidable Lord Nishite, father and great shaman invite you to meet at the Ancestral Hall!"

Xia Duo carefully looked at this young Langas man wearing refined leather armor and a wolf-head hat. Although he had observed the opponent through probing spells many times, it was the first time he saw him in reality.

Perhaps equally robust, but closer to being honest and docile than ordinary color-resistant people, Ackerman is undoubtedly full of wildness, like a little wolf who dared to grin at the tiger when he had just grown sharp teeth.

Even if he knew that the person he was inviting was a powerful human spellcaster, there was an undisguised eagerness in his eyes.

Seeing the other party, Xia Duo couldn't help but think that the Langas people may still lack the ability to make progress, but they definitely do not lack the determination to make progress.

Just give a chance, they will be able to surprise you.

"You are Ackerman, I made the talisman on your neck!" Xia Duo said with a smile.

At first he noticed the [Soul Soul Amulet] hanging on the opponent's neck. The silver-white amulet was dyed into a brown similar to the leather armor, which seemed very different at first glance.

But no one would have thought that the secret of resurrection was hidden there.


From the yurt where Yarman and others are located to the ancestral hall where the Grey Eagle Patriarch is now, Xia Duo saw a more real Langas tribe up close.

Perhaps it was because several big tribes had spoken out to encircle and suppress the Gray Eagle Tribe. At this time, there was a slight tension in the tribe, and many women even had a trace of hatred in their eyes when they looked at Xia Duo.

Of course, at this moment, they are more preparing for the next possible war, making arrows, polishing weapons, or extracting herbs.

Almost every household is quietly busy.

Along the way, both Chateau and Ackerman were silent, and they walked to a tall building with walls made of stones, pillars made of wood, and fur-topped.

This is the ancestral hall of the Gray Eagle Tribe, and of course this is also a removable and removable mobile building.

At this point, Ackerman spoke again: "The powerful Lord Nishite, father and great shaman are waiting for you inside!"

As he said, he showed a provocative look.

This wasn't necessarily a real provocation, but it was definitely full of the evil taste of wanting to watch the excitement. Xia Duo knew where the other party's expression came from.

Mainly because the ancestral spirits enshrined in this ancestral hall suppressed foreign spellcasters.

Like before, the three of Fisher came to rescue Yarman and his party. It was also because the action took place far away from the area where the ancestral hall was located. If it was here, then it might be Fisher’s three highs who were beaten to face. Order Mage.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there will not be any tribe that will keep captured people in the ancestral hall, and there are very few situations in the vicinity, especially when outsiders are captured.

Therefore, the gray eagle patriarch and the great shaman invited Xia Duo to the ancestral hall to meet, both to show respect and to secretly deter.

In this case, if it is a malicious person, then he will most likely not dare to approach the Ancestral Spirit Hall, unless he has no knowledge of the related secrets of the Ancestral Spirit Hall.

However, Xia Duo didn't worry that the other party would be disadvantageous to him. On the one hand, he came with kindness, and on the other hand, he came from his own strength and even his background.

He smiled slightly at Ackerman, and then strode in.


At the moment when he entered the Ancestral Spirit Hall, Xia Duo felt as if he had entered a special field, and his feelings with the surrounding magic nets became detached.

It may still be able to cast spells, but the spells may show up with unexpected results.

In fact, on the way to the ancestral spirit hall, he felt the existence of this alien force, but this alien force seemed to be based on the ancestral spirit hall, and the external influence was minimal, and it suddenly increased as soon as it entered the ancestral spirit hall. Big.

Xia Duo was not sure whether this was the special amplification effect of the Ancestral Spirit Hall, or whether the building was built on the boundary of the ancestral spirit's strongest effect.

In the ancestral hall, although it is just a wood carving of a gray eagle that looks very ordinary and only the size of a human head, it has more presence than the two adult humans standing in front of it.

After Xia Duo came in, he was attracted by the wood carving of gray eagle enshrined on the altar. Judging from the artistic aesthetics he nurtured from the elves, this kind of wood carving is almost even made by young elves who are learning to carve for the first time. Does not come out.

It was too crude, and even if it weren't for the glamour contained in it and the location where it was placed, Xia Duo even thought it was a bird-shaped toy polished at will by children of a certain tribe.

"Is this the ancestor spirit?" Xia Duo thought to himself.

Don't know the difference between the ancestor spirits of the Langas tribe and the totem poles of the orc tribe?

Maybe it's the same thing Maybe there are indeed differences.

However, he has not seen the totem poles of the orcs, and it is even more impossible for the tribal ancestors of the Langas to play and study at will. The similarities and differences are estimated to be unknown in a short time.


"Welcome to the Grey Eagle tribe, the noble Lord Chateau."

After the two parties met, the patriarch Gray Eagle greeted him first. His attitude was both close and alienated, just like the little one who wants to eat biscuits but is afraid of being hot. child.

In response, Xia Duo just nodded slightly in greeting, and then straightened out:

"I am here this time for hunting by several big tribes against the Grey Eagle tribe. Before that, I need to know the Grey Eagle tribe's clear attitude towards migration."

Perhaps it was Xia Duo's direct attitude that disrupted the pre-prepared remarks. Patriarch Grey Eagle subconsciously retorted: "Those tribes are just talking, it is impossible to really attack us."

After speaking, he later realized that there was something wrong with this, but he persisted.