Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1456: Return to the territory again, deprive o

After listening to Broad's explanation, Xia Duo had a calm mind, and there was a gap between theory and reality. It was not applicable before, and it would be applicable after changing to new materials, which is not uncommon.

  Theoretically, if the Davy string can have the properties of a real magic string, the first version of Chateau’s design, which has solved a few design principles, should be the most perfect.

   It is precisely because of the gap with reality that it needs to be adjusted and applied continuously.

   After listening to Broad's explanation, Iolum showed joy at first, then he sighed and said, "Next, we are going back to the beginning."

  As soon as I said this, everyone was silent, not worried about repetitive work. After all, this is progress. There is nothing to worry about. It is just this seemingly endless progress that makes people feel heavy.

   Progress is never simple, it requires investment of time, manpower, money, and perseverance.

   In the civilized competition, for oneself, not being able to make continuous progress means regressing. At this moment, Xia Duo felt a heavy responsibility.


   Soon the experiment began.

   The process is the same as before. It is nothing more than recording data, collecting arcane energy, and processing the end of the hand. There are three great arcanists present, and there are no accidents during this period.

  Because it is an experiment with an old material device, the next one is going to be replaced with a new material. The summary of the experiment is a bit too sloppy compared to before.

   Iolum was talking almost the whole time, other people were listening, there was little interaction, and it was over in a moment.

   The next step is to prepare a local simulation test experiment of the new device based on the new material. There is also a relatively mature experimental process in this area.

   Because of the material project team, Xia Duo didn't take much responsibility for the simulation test experiment, mainly Brod doing it. During this period, he took time to return to the southern border.


   At this time, it has been nearly a month since the members of the Grey Eagle tribe joined the territory, but the new residents from the Grey Eagle tribe have still not been able to get all of their houses.

  Most people still can only live in tents on the two squares of the Codex and the Shrine. Fortunately, they also brought a lot of simple tents when they migrated. In addition, they will be satisfied with the purchase of Chateau from Sevendon.

  Although the current temperature has not dropped below freezing point, most of the working groups in the development department of Daxia have temporarily stopped the development work and turned to temporary workers in the house making workshop of the logistics department.

  Just woodworking still has some thresholds after all. Even if the wooden house has a standardized production process and is broken down into a number of simple parts, it is difficult to produce nearly 10,000 in a short period of time.

   Not to mention, there is also the issue of land.

   For a long time, Daxia has not lacked any land except for arable farmland, but now tens of thousands of new people have flooded into the territory, and the residential land has suddenly become tense.

   Not to mention that the territory cannot produce enough wooden houses within a month. Even if it can be produced, it is actually very difficult to arrange.

   Without Xia Duo's instructions, Leiden consciously came up with a set of solutions. On the one hand, it temporarily occupied part of the unallocated farmland, and on the other hand, it also urgently opened up to the outside world.

   only simply cleaned the ground, and did not do deep leveling for farming. It was not until Xia Duo returned to the territory in November that the problem of insufficient residential land was initially solved.

   Of course, there are a lot of follow-up problems, but at this time, it’s already very good to be able to take care of the present, and there will be a way to solve it in the future.


   Large summer collar, west of the Tower of Time.

   Chateau and Leiden stood one after the other, standing on the edge of the Codex Square, looking at the square full of various tents, Chateau's mood was much better than when he came back last month.

   These tents are now in order. Not only are several districts divided, each district is set up with food distribution points, emergency rescue points, and literacy teaching points, and there are security guards from the Gray Eagle tribe who patrol from time to time.

   The huge Code Square is just like a simple small community.

   "You did a good job this month. In addition to looking at the territorial situation, I also brought back a batch of winter clothes when I came back this time, so let's distribute a set to all the consuls!"

   "My lord, isn't this bad?" Leiden subconsciously felt something wrong.

   "It was inaccurate just now. It was to distribute one set to all the consignees who have been granted land, and the rest will be put in the logistics department, and the consignees who have been granted land can buy it by themselves."

   At present, Daxia collars only have real private property for those who have granted land, while other people who have not granted land are actually employees of the territory, and it is normal to issue employee benefits.

   As for the Gray Eagle tribe, it is purely for "loyalty".

   Of course, Xia Duo did not hope that any new leader from the Gray Eagle tribe would die in the severe winter.

   But it is precisely because of this that Leiden feels a little wrong. The concepts of "equivalent exchange" and "everything must have a price" are not just for mages, but also for those who believe in order.

   was just a simple cognition based on dogmatism, and Chateau obviously would not agree. He ignored Leiden’s objection, but gave instructions directly in the form of orders.

   He believes that Leiden will do it seriously.

   Of course, he also explained the reason why he did this, which is to expand his worldview for his capable subordinates:

   "I did not provide welfare to new residents free of charge, but based on the premise that they were new residents, it seemed that there was no cost, but I included them in the system and gained their sense of identity and belonging.

   "No dogmatism or formalism is allowed in We only know that to deal with problems in accordance with existing and specific principles and concepts, we need to have a holistic and developmental outlook.

  "Don't be obsessed with the legal text, but understand the spirit of legislation. Order is not an immutable mechanical dead thing, but a dynamic and stable system that keeps pace with the times, is full of vitality, and is positive.

   "I look forward to making progress together in the future!"

   After speaking, Xia Duo glanced at Leiden, who was thinking, and then continued to look towards the square.

   But the next moment, Leiden's exclamation made him turn his head again, and he saw Leiden clutching his chest in pain and muttering: "My lord, why are you doing this?"

   When Xia Duo saw this, he was shocked and wondered how he was related to the Lord of Radiance. Seeing Leiden's painful appearance, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and asked quickly:

   "What's wrong? What happened?"

   Layton closed his eyes and tried to squeeze out a sentence: "My lord has taken back part of the grace."

For priests with sacred power, there is a big difference between "consumption of divine grace" and "God reclaims divine grace". The latter is not just a decrease in virtual values ​​such as "credit line" and "favorite degree". There are more practical changes with practical effects——

   Deprivation of Holy Power!

   Although Xia Duo had never possessed or deprived of sacred power, he knew very well that it would be extremely painful when deprived of sacred power.

   The most typical example is Atwood in the realm. Because of different ideas, he was expelled from the Druid Order and deprived of his holy power by the Elf Lord.

   For this process, Atwood used to describe it as "life is better than death".