Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1462: The light of civilization, extremely eff

After listening to Iolum's explanation, Chateau did give birth to a little retreat. In the past, he couldn't rush to catch up with this kind of thing.

   But if all goes well, the potential benefits contained in this are very amazing. At least they will get the friendship of King Akola's family and the reward that can be seen by the naked eye of Netheril.

   The most direct one is naturally the life extension spell. If you want him to cast a spell for the crowned king to extend life, how can you do without the related spells?

   Even though Chateau believed that even if he didn't do this, Iolum would still give him life-extending spells as long as he spoke, but he was more inclined to the latter than the latter.

On the one hand, this is due to Chateau’s sense of morality. On the other hand, it is indeed a rational decision to a certain extent. It is directly beneficial. Maybe Iolum would not say anything at the time, but it would also reduce the feeling of difficulty getting along. point.

   Of course, the benefits alone are not enough to allow Xia Duo to participate in this kind of mission with higher risks. What really makes him dare to participate is because of the current situation in the North.

   First of all, it is Akola's crown family. They definitely don't want Akola to be annexed by Komanso, but want to maintain their rule, even if the current territory has been reduced to only the corner of the Ristar Forest.

   Next is Netheril, or more accurately the Seven Towers. I certainly don't want Akola to be swallowed. This means that there will be no buffer between Netheril and Comanso in the future.

   Take a step back and say that the future rivals or even the enemy will become stronger, and they will never be what they want to see.

  The divided Ristar Forest is a good Ristar Forest, so that Komanso will not think about expanding abroad. Even the Ristar Forest can’t be unified, so what is the face of expansion!

   Xia Duo knows more about Comanso. Unifying the forest of Starr should be said to be the most anxious thing for King Comanso, which is related to the legitimacy of his rule.

   And the rest of the Northland countries, including Yerlan, which has a good relationship with Komanso, do not necessarily want to see a unified Listar Forest.

   Comanso is the only hindrance. What reason does Xia Duo dare not do?

   As for conspiracy, it could only be that Akola had been secretly controlled by Comanso, but that was basically impossible.

   Even if it is true, it is only to pit Netheril, a great arcanist, which is not worth it, and it can be used in more critical situations.

   Xia Duo feels that there is indeed a risk in this, but the risk is only that the future will face him and Comanso on the bright side, but the real world is not black and white.

   The logic of the game between countries lies in the benefits and losses. As long as he can bring benefits to Comanso, or make him unable to bear the loss without his own, then it will be regarded as a direct hostility, and Comanso will try to protect himself as much as possible.

   There is no doubt that Xia Duo has the ability to do this, especially in the future, after the rise of the floating city, after the arcanist's power is greatly expanded, except for Xia, who will look at the elves in the face?

  By then, perhaps the humans of Netheril hate him as a traitor even more!

  From low self-esteem to arrogance, it is often only in a single thought. Once the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time burst out, even Chateau will be unable to cope with it.

   Thanks to the establishment of the Northland Alliance, Netheril has obtained the long-awaited status as a great power, and human beings have also achieved equality with the elves to a certain extent.

   It’s just that the power of a big country is not cultivated overnight, and how it will develop in the future is really not certain!

   The history of color resistance learned before Xia Duo traveled is simply a nightmare history for non-spellcasters. Whether it is a human or an elves, as long as the Arcanist needs it, he can put it on the experimental platform at any time.

   Or even if you don’t even need a purpose, play "Destroy you, what to do with you"!

   Of course, Netheril in that period of history was eventually destroyed by someone's arrogance.

   For Xia Duo, a country like that cannot be called "civilization". It can't even be self-continued. Why is it called "civilization"?

In that period of history, Comanso, although not destroyed by Netheril, was also violated a lot. The direct cause of its final demise was drow and time, but it was inseparable from Netheril. Open relationship.

   There is no doubt that Xia Duo is the light of the future civilization. In addition to his confidence that Komanso will not attack him even if he is hostile, he also has the confidence to become the mainstream within Netheril.

   Ordinary people still account for the majority in this world. As long as they can represent the interests of the majority of ordinary people, they will undoubtedly be trusted and protected by the majority of ordinary people.

   As long as we adhere to the scientific concept of development and stick to the right path, a very small number of "elites" will not be able to overcome any waves and will only drown in the vast ocean of the People's War.


   After a conversation with Iolum, Chateau got his wish and got a brand new life extension spell. Of course, correspondingly, he also needs to take a trip to Akola at the right time. UU reading

   Finally, Iolum confessed: "The body of an elf is different from that of a human being. I have listed several feasible alternatives above, and I believe you can handle it."

   Xia Duo flipped through a thick notebook, nodded, and solemnly said, "Don't worry, I will make sure that nothing goes wrong before I take it."

   was just the moment the note page was flipped, and Xia Duo caught a glimpse of keywords such as "elven heart" in the note, and he had some guesses about how Iolum developed this life-extending spell.

   Of course, it is not necessarily a bad guess, it may also be a volunteer who volunteered for the medical cause like in [Projection Plane·Remains of the Empire]!


   after returning to the residence.

   Xia Duo took out his notes and looked at it in detail. This spell was named by Iolum as [Extremely Effective Longevity Spell]. Like the longevity spell stored in the Tower of Time, it is a transformation spell.

   But this spell is much more complicated, and Xia Duo can even see the shadow of the Tower of Time Shou Shou spell from it. Of course, this may have to be said the other way around—

   should see the shadow of this spell from the tower of time extension spell!

The basic principle of    is to restore the body to its youthful state and provide a certain constant effect. The life span of the soul itself is extremely long. For the time being, there is no need to make a fuss about it.

   However, this spell uses a special consumable when it is cast, which is not mentioned in the Tower of Time Longevity spell.

   And this consumable was named [The Source of Life] by Iolum, and its source is naturally normal life, and the younger the better.