Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1477: Abnormal performance, life extension beg

In the cemetery, the confrontation between Broad and Saville did not last long, and it ended with Saville's voluntary departure.

On the other side, Seventon.

The swift life extension scheme based on directed cloning has also been effectively verified on the elves. In addition, when the deadline is approaching, Akola urges him tightly, and Chateau returns to the Tower of Time again, and goes to Akao via the Astral Projection. pull.

Same as the last time I came here, the location where Xia Duo responded to the arrival of the magic circle was still the previous secret room, but the endless corridor outside was not opened again this time.

The elf female officer took him directly to the previous reception room, which was still the three previous elves-Akoala Crowned King, Crowned Uncle King, and Prince Foss.

"Lord Chateau, is it your idea to temporarily replace the new plan? Do you know that Akola is on the verge of subversion today? What is your purpose for doing this?"

When Xia Duo arrived, what greeted him was not the expected gratitude, but the questioning of Uncle Mian Wang, military adviser, and high mage Aisi Lan.

This made Xia Duo couldn't help feeling astonished, and subconsciously looked at the crowned king Akola. The only thing that day was he and the crowned king Akola were present. Xia Duo must have done nothing himself, and then only the crowned king Akola would be the only thing.

But at this time, Akola was crowned king, but he didn't have the fierceness of Netheril's request in the secret room that day when he asked Netheril to change the plan. Instead, he had a strong sense of pleading.

At the moment when Esperan turned his head, the other party regained his majestic look, as if that pleading look had never appeared before, and followed Esperan's words and questioned:

"Lord Chardonnay, do you have to offer any non-discriminatory conditions this time?"


Xia Duo really wanted to make a **** at this time, but in the memory of King Akoala's pleading eyes just now, it was so clear, what the **** was this?

However, there is no point in arguing on other people's territory. He simply stated his mission, and this time he did not save Akola's face like the last time:

"I am here this time to be entrusted by the Seventon Parliament to cast a spell on the crowned king to extend his life!"

Upon hearing this, the faces of the three elves in the reception room were not pretty, and Esperan continued to question: "Are there no other conditions?"

"My mission does not include those." Xia Duo said coldly.

"We have run out of time, can the new plan have time? Is it definitely useful?" Aisibilan continued to provoke.

By this time, Xia Duo could see that the new agreement between Netheril and Akola had been signed, and I didn't know if this was really unaware or pretending to be unaware.

And this family seems to have always hoped that he would use his previous heart plan. Isn't the elf named "Dale" not the other party's biological son?

For a time, Xia Duo thought about it a lot, and he faintly felt that he was involved in a certain conspiracy, but he couldn't say anything wrong if he insisted on saying something.

The only certainty is that King Akola must know something, but the other party did not pass the anger with him in advance, which made Xia Duo a little annoyed.

Next, he didn't explain anything anymore, just watched Esperan's performance in silence and Akola's indifference.

In the end, Prince Foss couldn't make it through, and said, "We have signed a formal agreement with Netheril, I believe they will not deceive us."

But with the preconceived notion, Xia Duo still thinks that Prince Foss may also have some problems. How do you put that sentence-"In ancient times and today, how can there be a prince for forty years!"

Prince Foss has not only been the "prince" for 40 years, perhaps he does not want Akola to continue to live, only limited to the current situation has to support the crown king Yanshou.

It's completely possible to actually plan some conspiracy secretly.

However, Xia Duo didn't want to consider the many undercurrents below the surface of the water. He would say what he said literally. As long as his side was impeccable, he would eventually have to fall on the bright side.

However, Yangmou will ultimately be attributed to its own strength, unless Akola completely invests in Komanso, then it is unlikely that their internal conspiracy will affect Netheril.

As for whether Akola will fully invest in Comanso and be willing to be the other's stepping stone, Xia Duo thinks that it is unlikely. "I would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen of the cow" is a hometown proverb, but it is about human nature. .

And the elves are undoubtedly regarded as "people" in a broad sense.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help feeling distracted. He planned to complete the mission and return home as soon as possible, so he looked at King Akola again and said directly: "Please also King Mian arrange a magic environment for me."

Without concealing his impatience in his tone, King Akora stopped the chatter between Prince Foss and Asperan, and then ordered Prince Foss to arrange a court dinner.

As for Xia Duo, the former elf female officer took him to the secret room behind an aisle that the banquet must pass through, waiting for blood to be collected.

All the procedures of Xia Duo, except for the details of the spells that need to be kept secret, have been notified to Akola in advance.

In fact, the entire process of his mission was negotiated by the Seventon side and Akola, leaving little room for Chateau to play freely.

Therefore, it became more and more that Uncle Mianwang's performance was too abnormal.

If there is a problem, it should be raised as early as the negotiation stage. Why should UU read the book embarrass the performer of this task!

During the waiting time in the secret room, neither the king, the counselor of Esperan, nor the prince of Foss had ever sought out Xia Duo.

In this way until the evening, the elf female officer reminded King Xia Duo's blood relatives to pass by, and at the same time King Akola also came to the secret room, Xia Duo cheered up and prepared to cast the spell.

The first is blood detection. This spell must be cast in the presence of the crown king. This spell originally came from the elves. In this mission, Akola also specially provided an elven magic version of this spell.

There is still a certain difference from the previous translation version of the color-resistant magic provided by the Kiran Tower. The most intuitive feeling of Chardonnay as a spellcaster is that the translation version omits many elements and can only perceive whether the targets are related by blood.

The original version of the wizard is more comprehensive. In addition to including all the functions of the translation version provided by the Kiran Tower, it also has the function of searching for blood close relatives from a distance and sensing the degree of blood closeness.

Of course, Xia Duo didn't think that the color-resistant version was necessarily worse than the wizard version. It may be that Kiran Tower had only produced a castrated version, but they still kept the full version.