Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1492: Recommendation, 1. Zero RC

The original Ascension Ceremony manual given by the elves is basically shared among all the great arcanists in Netheril, including Xia Duo, who had obtained a copy from Jenna a long time ago.

From this point of view, Horn must be aware of some actions of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce. Based on this, it is not difficult to infer that Jenna is interested in the commercial field, so his intention to get involved in the commercial field is a proper initiative to cause trouble.

At first glance, this logic is indeed true. As one of the largest chambers of commerce in Netheril, the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce should be within the scope of Horn's attention.

The only explanation is probably that Horn didn't know that Jenna was a grand arcanist. Before making that kind of decision, he didn't think that the business field "has an owner", so he chose it at random.

Because there is no competition, there is no need to notify or not to notify.

Xia Duo told Jenna his guess, but she didn't want Jenna to still shake her head, "How could he not know that the cooperation between Mingshui Chamber of Commerce and Kilan High Tower is not a day or two, and even Horn entrusted us in private I have picked up a lot, if he doesn’t know my identity, how can he tolerate the development of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce to the present level with Qita’s consistent domineering style! Besides—”

Jenna didn't say the following words, but Xia Duo had already guessed her identity. Both the princess and Master Byron knew her identity, and she belonged to the Seven Towers. Perhaps she had shared information with Horn long ago.

It's just that Jenna would never say this in front of another ally when she clearly doubted her ally.


This time it was Xia Duo's turn to shake his head, "President Jenna, I think it is necessary for you to have a frank and honest chat with Horn, even if he is really interested in the business field, the business field is so vast, he can't take it all by himself. , maybe even become an ally."

After Xia Duo finished speaking, Jenna's face was cloudy and uncertain. At this time, Xia Duo added another sentence, "After you have talked with Horn, if you still need me to contact the Kelsey Crown King for you, I will do so." Do, but now, I hope you will seriously consider my suggestion."

Based on Xia Duo's understanding of the Seven Towers, even if Horn's chosen domain of Ascension Order really conflicts with Jenna, there is a high probability that Horn will compromise with the overall situation in mind.

Of course, some exchange of interests is inevitable.

"I see, thank you for your reminder, I will seriously consider it."

After that, the two of them didn't talk about business anymore, they just chatted all over the world for a while, Xia Duo declined Jenna's dinner invitation and left directly.

Of course, this has nothing to do with what he said earlier about going back to Iolum.

After leaving the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, Xia Duo continued to hide his body and wandered around the old city for a while before returning to the Austrian Federation.

In the next few days, he put Jenna's matter behind him, and devoted himself to the design and discussion of the new plan of the independent Austrian fire device.

Until this afternoon, Xia Duo had just come out of the laboratory inspection where the David string project team was located, and was about to meet with Iolum to inform him that the new plan might have to be redesigned again.

Just at this moment, Jenna's summons arrived—"I've already talked with Horn, and there is indeed a misunderstanding. In addition, I have to ask Lord Xiaduo to contact the Crown King of Kelsek. We will discuss the details after meeting." .”

The meeting time was set tonight, Xia Duo thought about it, and finally agreed.

Austrian Law Federation, Laboratory No. 03.

In the central experimental area, Lowe and the others are busy building an independent Austrian fire device experimental machine, while in the open space on the side, Brod and Iolum are discussing something with their heads down.

Seeing Xia Duo come in, Brod immediately asked, "What's going on over there? Could it be another breakthrough?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. I just confirmed it. There is indeed a new breakthrough there. The original projection process is too rough. After continuous improvement during this period, the new David string material is more stable than before. More than double!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Duo looked at Iolum again, "Teacher, you must make a decision. The project team over there may still make a breakthrough in half a year. Will it be redesigned at that time?"

"Then what's your opinion?" Iolum didn't give a direct response, but asked Xia Duo back.

"My opinion is to consider breakthroughs in materials in advance, and to lock in certain properties of the Davy string, as a benchmark version, first to create an independent Austrian fire device that can be put into practice, and then to talk about other things! Otherwise, every time there is a new Progress and new breakthroughs require redesign and verification of new solutions, which is too procrastinating."

In fact, Xia Duo had mentioned this issue with Iolum before, and even a few days ago Iolum proposed to integrate the mechanism of the arcane energy field into the new plan. If it is, it will also take time to do it at that time, so there is no clear objection.

As far as Xia Duo is concerned, he still hopes to develop the independent Austrian fire device first, and other applications, whether it is applications or higher-end versions, can be later.

After all, the current Netheril is not at the level where the country will be destroyed immediately without super weapons of war.

However, the practical independent arcane fire device can bring Xia Duo countless arcane energy crystals. If it is used to expand the portable space, it may really expand an independent plane!

With such a comparison, Xia Duo knew which one to lean towards!

"I think what Xia Duo said makes sense. We shouldn't be the only ones involved in the research of such a complicated project. The David string material is relatively simple and easy to produce results, but the general direction cannot be changed at will, otherwise it may not be until next year. In the next year, we will not be able to produce a truly practical device!"

At this time, Brod also expressed his support for Xia Duo, and UU Reading's attitude was relatively clear.

Iolum looked at Lowe and the others who were busy at the side, and sighed softly, "That's it, let's use the current materials as a benchmark, and set the new plan as [Spherical Radiation Configuration Independent Austrian Fire Device 1.0] ] version, first get the 1.0 version installed, and then talk about other things!"

Hearing this, Xia Duo couldn't help being a little relieved. The naming method of "1.0" originated from him, but Iolum didn't like this naming method.

Now adopting this new naming method may also take care of his emotions.

In addition, strictly speaking, this new solution should actually be called version 2.3.15.

The configuration of the device has gone from the initial cross-sectional configuration to the current radial configuration at the center of the sphere, and under the radial configuration at the center of the sphere, it has undergone at least dozens of improvements, among which there are at least three major improvements that can be called version changes. !

As for the "1.0 version" that Iolum said, it is about the "2.3" official version, or - based on the existing materials, it can be put into a practical independent Austrian fire device.