Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1498: Proposal to limit demons, attitude of al

So, Xia Duo asked hesitantly: "Teacher, are you too sensitive? If the wizard wants to restrict us, why not before the start of the project instead of when the project is about to end?"

It's not that he doesn't believe in Iolum, but that, out of rational thinking, the independent Austrian fire device can basically be put into practical use.

What is lacking is more of stability testing, as well as detailed optimization in the production, installation, debugging, and practical processes.

Isn’t it too late for the elves to propose restrictions now?

"I also hope that the wizard's proposal has nothing to do with us, but unfortunately, I just made a shallow prediction, and the results show that the wizard's proposal is very relevant to our project and has a great impact."

"How could this be? Did the elf perceive something?" Broad wondered.

"I also want to know! The only thing to be thankful for now is that Comanso's proposal was not passed at the Northland Alliance meeting, but—"

Iolum sighed and continued: "In the morning, I learned from Badigar that Ilfaran had already sent a hint of interest in the proposal through the Netheril Embassy in Elintal. Do you know what this means?"

"Ilfaran and Comense have come together?" Broad asked.

"That's not enough, but on this issue, they obviously have common interests. It's not just them, including Yerlan and Danzo, who have shown interest in this proposal, especially Yerlan, who supported it at that time."


Not only Broad, but even Xia Duo was somewhat silent. This is the joint suppression of the rising forces by the first-mover countries, and it is not wavered because the two sides are currently allies.

It's interesting enough to be able to give a hint in advance.

The elven magic system is relatively mature, and various advanced technologies are mostly preserved in old paper piles and relics, but the color-resistant magic system is relatively immature and needs continuous improvement.

Various advanced technologies, even if they find inspiration and reference from the wizard magic, and want to completely transform them, they have to resort to a lot of experiments.

If large-scale magic activities are restricted, wouldn't it be "light" since the beginning?

Of course, what Xia Duo cares more about is the definition of large-scale magic activities by the elves and how to determine whether there are large-scale magic activities. This requires extremely sophisticated detection methods.

Thinking of this, Chateau hurriedly asked Iolum, "Teacher, what do the large-scale magic activities referred to by the elves mainly refer to? Did Budigaal mentioned how the elves can judge whether this exists?"

"Mainly refers to magic activities involving the tenth layer of the magic net. Comanso said that such magic activities will cause irreversible damage to the magic net. We all know that the magic net has a tendency to recover on its own, but we want to refute Comanso's This sentence is also very difficult, because the magic activities involving the tenth layer of the magic net require a longer time to recover the traces."

"Teacher, it's more than that!" At this point, Broad suddenly interjected, "They didn't even think that arcanists could also take the initiative to sort out and repair the magic net."

"Yeah, why would they take the initiative to consider us? Even if they consider it, they only consider our shortcomings and consider how to limit us!"

Iolum sighed again and continued to explain to Chateau, "As for how the elves judge whether there is a large-scale magic activity, hehe, they proposed two plans——

"One is to set up a monitoring tower in an area with more magical activities, and the other is to make a preliminary judgment by the elven master priest who has special magic skills, and then the Northland Alliance sends a joint investigation team to verify it."

After speaking, Iolum added, “Human nations don’t have to worry about the absence of human inspectors. As long as they are druids, they can go to the main temple of Komanso to receive the baptism of magical arts, so as to master that special magical arts. "

"What a Komanso!"

Xia Duo couldn't tell for a moment whether Komanso had spotted the clues of the Independent Olympic Fire Device Project, or whether he had nothing to do to trouble Netheril after the underground war was over.

The monitoring tower plan is absolutely impossible to agree to. Normally, it may only be a monitoring tower. At critical moments, it may not be a spell guide coordinate or a special component of a ritual spell.

This is simply the enemy's thunder buried in the heart in advance.

As for the priest's inspector, it is actually useless to oppose it. Since Comanso made this proposal, I am afraid that the inspector is ready.

The only difference is whether the follow-up investigation was conducted publicly in the name of the Northland Alliance or only secretly in the name of Comanso.

Xia Duo never expected that Komanso would be so disgusting as soon as the underground war was over!

"What is the attitude of the Seven Towers in this matter?"

"The attitudes of the Seven Towers on this matter are not consistent, but the opposition still accounts for the majority. If this matter is not handled well, it is not impossible that Netheril will fall apart!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Duo was silent again, but Brod, who was still a little ignorant, asked strangely: "This matter is obviously not good for us. Why can't the Seven Towers unanimously oppose it?"

"It's not good for us, but it's not necessarily bad for the Seven Towers!" Xia Duoyi pointedly said.

The Seven Pagodas have a great cause, even with these restrictions, they can still move large-scale magic activities to a different plane, but other people don't have this ability.

Not to mention whether it is possible to find a subplane suitable for large-scale magic activities, the additional research costs caused by the differences between different planes alone cannot be borne by ordinary organizations.

Don't you dare to directly move the results of the alien plane to the main plane without verification?

For example, the independent Austrian fire device, if it takes another route [True Independent Austrian Fire], it may be possible, but now this kind of [Imitation Olympic Fire Plan], which is just a larger magic item, needs to consider different planes. The difference.

Once the proposal of restricting large-scale magic activities becomes a resolution, there may be a wizard tower organization to abandon the Northland, or even abandon the main plane.

Or they are willing to bear higher costs and do not leave, and use the benefits of other places to make up for it.

But no matter what, this incident is a bad thing, even if the Seven Towers eventually become the last-take-all winner of Netheril, their strength will inevitably be damaged.

I am afraid this is also the reason why the opinions within the Seven Towers cannot be unanimous!


In the study of Iolum, the three of Xia Duo discussed for a long time, and finally they could only end with three sighs.

The next day, there was good news from the Seven Pagodas. Ilfalang sent a priest of the main **** to demonstrate the special monitoring magic. Of course, he was actually assisting Netheril in the research of shielding and monitoring.

The news is indeed good news, but from another perspective, it just proves Ilfalang's attitude on this matter!

Only by using the ally of Netheril did he have to express himself.