Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1514: Fusion assimilation, true name order

As his perception deepened, the power of order, which was still hazy and misty, suddenly collapsed and manifested, turning into independent but interfering order cycles. Starting from him, it continued to extend out, and finally again. From that no beginning and no end to yourself.

In Xia Duo's perspective, the power of order that is subdivided to the extreme is changeable, but the power of order is stronger as it goes up.

For example, the [Public Security Management Regulations·The Power of Order] cannot even complete the automatic cycle, and can only be cycled by other branch order forces that can automatically cycle, but above it, the [Great Summer Code·Power of Order] is An automatic loop has long been formed.

The tens of thousands of new people who joined last year, even if the number is several times that of the original people in the territory, failed to bring about a subversive change to the overall order of the territory. Instead, they were continuously assimilated by the order of the territory and became a real Daxia collar. civil.

This is also reflected in the power of order.

In particular, the order cycle that Xia Duo had completed before, nearly half a year after the tens of thousands of new citizens joined, some of the cycle of order power still has not been rebuilt.

However, the [Great Summer Code·Power of Order] still maintains an order cycle, and on top of the code order, [Xia Duo Order], which can embody more of Xia Duo's ideas and concepts, has not suffered serious collapse.

It's just that when the carrier of order has been doubled several times and has not yet been fully integrated, it will be a little messier than the clear and specific [Daxia Code Order].

However, Chateau still sees from the evolution and circulation of the power of order that the situation is constantly getting better, which also means that the territory is becoming more and more condensed into a whole.

The integration speed of the Grey Eagle tribe was much faster than he expected!

With the help of the power of the continuous cycle of order, Xia Duo's perception also seemed to follow the cycle to each carrier of order, and the tens of thousands of people in his perception continued to rise and fall like stars.

But when he wanted to perceive it in detail, the perception suddenly became blurred again, leaving only the mighty, endless, and endless power of order in the "field of vision".

Intuition tells him that something seems to be missing, but it should not be the power of faith.

The two most important parts of the ascension ceremony are to gain faith and guide the gathering of the original force, and the other is to guide the power of order and build a cycle of order.

Xia Duo has now over-completed the component order cycle part of the ascension ceremony. The ritual does not require all order powers under its own leadership to complete the order cycle, only one is needed.

In other words, it is theoretically possible to give birth to the "God of **** Working Group".

It's just that the **** born in this way almost naturally receives restraint from the higher-level organization, and one order can cancel the working group, so can the "god of the pioneering group" born in this way still exist?

It is still too early for Xia Duo to think about this question, and he is more concerned about the manifestation of the power of order.

He feels that the over-completed order cycle has a very positive effect on the realization of the power of order, but the quantity may also be very important.

For example, he had just perceived the carrier of order. Before today, he had never had such a perceptual experience.

Even before the new members of the Grey Eagle tribe joined, the [Xia Duo Order] cycle was more stable than it is now, and it was impossible to perceive the carrier of order with the power of order cycle.

Before the comparison, the [Chaduo Order] cycle was slightly more chaotic than in the past, but I felt it, which is enough to illustrate the role of the power of order.

Perhaps the realization of the power of order is related to quantity.

At the same time, this special perception experience also proved that the power of order is true. Although Xia Duo didn't deny this before, he still failed to find direct evidence to prove it.

In other words, ascending to god, but the principle is not clear to Xia Duo, and it is difficult to determine whether the force of order is working.

Perhaps it is like faith guiding the original force, and the force of order also guiding another force?

It's just that the elves conceal the key, and the excuse of the collision of the original force and the force of order can the divine fire be born. Its true-or more correct process of ascension may not be the case at all!

But now, since the power of order allows him to obtain the perception of the carrier of order in a detached state, and perception is to a certain extent influence and interference, then the power of order must be able to do more.

For example, he has always directly interfered with reality in his heart, similar to the form of holy power.

"By the way, I almost forgot that!"

Xia Duo suddenly thought that the order he led might not be limited to the main plane, and the small village in the boundless wilderness of the outer plane might also be counted.

He has determined that the reincarnated person "Skaberum" in that village with his own name, if not surprising, should be a leader who died just before the domain.

It's just that the "Skaberum" in the territory usually doesn't have much special features. In addition to a more active work attitude, all skills, craftsmanship, etc., can be said to be ordinary.

I don’t want the reincarnated "Skaberum" to "know how to build roads, fell wood, plant, and build wooden houses". The "Skaberum" in these work areas has indeed been engaged in it, but they are all in the assessment. The barely qualified kind.

Even his final death was related to his work. He was crushed to death by unstable wood while helping the new landlord to arrange the wood in the new land.

Throughout the winter, only four people died in the territory. The other three were old people who died naturally in their sleep. Only Scarberum died in the accident.

It can be said to be very aggrieved.

The reason why Chateau determined that the reincarnated Scarberum was from the territory, one was the name, and the other was that the appearance was very similar.

In this way, the small village in the boundless wilderness should be his natural territory.

With this in mind, Xia Duo had already decided to incorporate the dozen or so reincarnation leaders into the order cycle.

Theoretically, the power of order should be able to circulate across planes, otherwise the princess goes outside the outer layer, shouldn't the order domain of the main plane be eliminated?

However, Xia Duo is not yet a god, and at the same time, he promotes the circulation of order on the main plane, while the carrier of order is on the outer plane. He is actually not sure whether it will work.

With the deepening of perception, the original general and vast power of order began to differentiate in Xia Duo’s perception. After excluding most of the powers of order that had been included in the order cycle and those that did not belong to his own leadership, he finally perceives To an orderly force like an electronic cloud.

Perceiving carefully, Xia Duo determined that the power of this group of order was related to the dozen or so reincarnation leaders on the outer plane!

And it seems to be closely related to the name. The name that was once set at will has become a special order at this moment, and a cycle can be constructed based on this!