Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1526: Director inquiries, elves are noisy

It's just that as soon as Gavani said his guess, Brod immediately glared at him, "Rotti won't, there must be an accident. You go out first, and I'll go find him."

As he said, he looked at Xia Duo, "You take them out first, if you can, don't mention Lowe when you see the teacher."


Xia Duo nodded, he could see that Broad also had some doubts about Lowe's whereabouts, and only found such an excuse for the face of teachers and students.

Of course, it does not rule out that Lowe has indeed encountered an accident. The magic net in this area is chaotic, and it is difficult for the detection spell to work. If you want to investigate, you can only look for it a little bit.

And it must be fast. Iolum seems to have controlled the situation, but the magic net here has not yet recovered, and even slipped in a more chaotic direction.

Maybe, a big "firework" will appear here in the next moment.

"In some cases, I will find a way to notify you." Xia Duoyi said pointedly.


Brod immediately understood what Xia Duo meant, and didn't say much, just glanced over the three of Gavani, then turned around and staggered away from everyone, and quickly left in the other direction.


On the next path, except for random magic that became more frequent, more powerful, triggered by induction, and even appeared out of thin air, Xia Duo and others did not encounter any accidents.

In a short while, they smoothly walked out of the dead zone. As soon as Xia Duo and others appeared, more than a dozen council members gathered around and started to ask:

"Dear Lord Xia Duo, what the president did in it, it's all in this situation, why didn't you show up?"

"Yes! The Austrian Law Federation is not his private property. Now that we are doing this, we must give us a reasonable explanation!"



The three of Gavani suddenly heard the questions of these directors, and they couldn't help feeling annoyed. They wanted to defend the teacher, but they were worried about causing trouble to the teacher. The performance was that they wanted to talk but stopped, which added to the arrogance of these directors. .

Chateau glanced around, and found Iolum’s assistant behind the crowd, the Archmage Hechennis who was also a director of the Ofa Federation, and Brundes, who was not too busy looking at the corner of the corridor in the rear, etc. people.

Although Brendes and others are also directors of the Austrian Law Federation, they are also members of the Seven Towers. They do not value this aspect of the Austrian Law Federation, but value the attitude of Iolum, a neutral person.

Chateau knows what these guys are thinking just a little bit, nothing more than hoping that Iolum or people related to Iolum will conflict with the directors outside of the Seven Towers, making Iolum more inclined in the future. Seven towers.

"This is really greedy!" Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh.

As the most powerful force of Netheril, the Seven Towers can be equated with Netheril to a large extent, and the interests of Netheril are equivalent to the interests of the Seven Towers.

In this way, Iolum, who upholds neutrality and puts Netheril's interests first, is more like a microphone and mascot launched by the Seven Towers.

The Seven Towers should support Iolum. Even if there are occasional conflicts of interest, shouldn't you be a little more majestic as a ruler?

For a time, Chateau didn't know that it was the time to complain about Netheril's social sciences to the point where it was so bad that a person with a high position and a heavy responsibility like Brendes could not recognize his own role.

It should be suspected that Brendes and others are deliberately undermining the overall situation of the Seven Towers.

Even if you don't want to help at this time, at least don't make trouble!

It is hard for Xia Duo not to suspect that there are no Seven Towers behind the troublemakers who are fanning the flames!

"It's all quiet!"

Following Xia Duo's opening, the directors who were still questioning each other just now quieted down one by one, focusing on Xia Duo.

"The teacher will explain this matter, how to make the decision of the constitution of the own federation, what does it mean that you are here now? Do you want to rebel?"

As a great arcanist, as well as being a student of Iolum on the face of it, Shaduo's remarks still have a lot of weight.

The directors who were a little bit brave just now drooped their heads like an eggplant that Shuang beat, and said in unison: "No, no, I don't dare."

"Lord Chateau also understand our panic. If there is an accident, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible. The more it drags, the more dangerous it is. You must know that this is Seventon!"

Finally, there is a clear idea. Xia Duo nodded, expressing approval, and then said: "I can understand your encouragement, but please also trust your president and my teacher!"

"we believe."

"Then let go first, if you don't believe it, you can leave the headquarters and Seventon temporarily!"

After speaking, Xia Duo separated from the crowd and took the three of Gavani to walk outside. When passing by Hechenis, the other party also followed up sensibly.

After walking to the outside of Iolum’s study, Chateau stopped and asked Hechenis: "You just told me that you have something to tell me. Let's talk about it now!"

"The Northland Alliance sent an investigator over and was blocked by the Seven Towers, but the Komanso embassy began to make noise again, saying that they were worried about the safety of Sevinton and forced the Seven Towers to deal with the abnormalities here. This is the reason. The Seven Pagodas cannot refuse, and even if it is delayed, it will not last long. What is the situation on the president's side and can it end in time?"


Xia Duo was stunned. He didn't expect that the Northland Alliance had already known about this matter, and even sent an investigator for it, but he also believed that the so-called investigator might not have come through normal procedures.

At least in the case of clear opposition from Netheril, it would be outrageous to have an investigation incident, and it was said that investigators were unilaterally dispatched.

Except for Comanso, Chateau hardly thought about it.

As for the noise at the Comanso Embassy, ​​this is considered a routine operation, but because of the routine, the Seven Towers can't ignore it.

After all, people’s requirements are within the rules of the game. If Netheril ignores them, it will break the rules of the game. Let’s not deal with it immediately. At least an explanation must be given Duo believes The Seven Towers must have given an explanation, but this matter is not only related to Comanso, but also to Yerlan, and even Netheril's closest ally, Ilfaran.

This is not just an explanation that can be concluded. There are indeed signs of a spell accident on the Austrian Law Federation, and it is a serious accident. At least an explanation must be given to the allies.

Xia Duo didn't expect that he was just trying to close the independent Olympic fire installation project as soon as possible, and it was now almost on the verge of a diplomatic accident.

The world is unpredictable!

But to say regret, let alone that Xia Duo didn't feel it at all, even Iolum, who was the main responsible person, would not have any regrets, at most, he had to be more careful in advance.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo told Hechenis, "This matter involves a lot of things. If the teacher didn't tell you before, then I don't have much to say now.

"But there is one thing I can tell you very clearly. Soon we won't have to look at the faces of the elves and act!

"Now contact the Seven Towers, ask them to mediate, and hold on for a while, wait until the teacher comes out to talk about everything!"