Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1538: Telepathy, the origin of Ta Ling

"Teacher, why are you in such a hurry?"

"I said I was worried about Brod, would you believe me?"

Iolum made a rare joke, and then reminded Xia Duo: "Pay attention to my casting, this spell is not difficult, the key is whether you can think of it."

Xia Duo held back his doubts at this moment, and was stopped by this sentence, but since Iolum had already said so, he could only observe patiently.

The spell is really not difficult, and just after the first few key element units are completed, Xia Duo has already determined that this spell is a spiritual spell.

Afterwards, the spell continued, and he felt very familiar with almost all the elements of the spell, but until the spell was completed, Xia Duo didn't find anything unusual.

Is this what it looks like?

If it was someone else, Xia Duo might really think so, but for Iolum, he would always involuntarily find reasons for the other party, it must not be so simple!

Analyzing the principle of spells, because it is too simple, is like asking what is the use of holding a convex lens. What else can it do besides being a magnifying glass?

This spell can't even see any external effects, and can only be preliminarily judged to be related to perception. Is this the perception spell in mind spells?


"Do you understand? Come and try!"


Xia Duo agreed without hesitation, at least he didn't see any harm in this spell. Although it was an imitation cast after only reading it once, the spell itself was not complicated.

Coupled with the familiarity of the relevant elements, Xia Duo succeeded once, but what happened after the success? Although it feels like there is a little effect, but actually can't find any effect?


"Don't worry, let me explain to you slowly."

Although he said he needed an explanation, Iolum still chose a diagonal upward direction and quickly flew up, and Xia Duo could only continue to keep up.

In the fog of ether, Xiaduo and Iolum flew higher and higher, until they reached a height of about one thousand meters before Iolum stopped.

Xia Duo approached and was about to ask, but saw Iolum looking up at the ether fog above and the random magic that gradually decreased at this height, and sighed:

"It seems that the incident this time is a bit big. If I knew it would be like this, I would have waited for a while, alas!"

Xia Duo was also deeply touched by this. Even if this matter did not go to the Northland Alliance, the Seven Towers would definitely ask for an explanation. After all, such an out-of-control incident in Severton would have too bad an impact.


Xia Duo wanted to comfort Iolum, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only let out a long sigh.

"You! I am in trouble, why are you sighing!" Iolum said angrily.

"Isn't the teacher's troubles my troubles!"

"Forget it."

Iolum put away his sad face, and finally began to explain to Xia Duo, "The spell just now was not for fun. Do you know how much we paid for this spell at the beginning? This is a mind-type perception spell. The maximum Its purpose is to search for that distorted phantom you encountered before."

"Searching for Twisted Phantom?"

Xia Duo had guessed that Iolum's sudden inability to speak might be related to that kind of distorted phantom, but he didn't expect it to be true, so he hurriedly asked:

"Then how do we search? And what's the use of that kind of distorted phantom?"

"How to search?"

Iolum smiled slightly, "Aren't we just looking for it? The spell just now can greatly enhance our perception of the powerful but undisguised mind. Well, there is no such thing in this area, let's go to the next area. "

After finishing speaking, Iolum flew away again, but this time he did not fly obliquely, but chose to fly flat. Combined with what he said just now, Xia Duo suddenly had a guess in his heart.

After catching up again, Xia Duo asked: "What the teacher said just now greatly enhances our perception, does it refer to the area below us to the ground, and even above?"


Iolum did not stop flying, but explained to Xiaduo while flying: "The twisted phantom will leave a very special core after death, which is the basis for the existence of the tower spirit.

"Although Savile didn't say anything after he came back, I can see that he still wants to rebuild the mage tower. Also, the independent Austrian fire device is too delicate and too dangerous. It will be safer to use the tower spirit to control it."

"The basis for the existence of Taling?"

Xia Duo suddenly had question marks on his face, "Does the existence of the tower spirit still need a carrier? Doesn't it mean that the tower spirit is closely connected with the essence of the master, and if the master disappears, the tower spirit will also disappear?"

"You are right, but what is the essence of the spellcaster, can you tell? Of course, what I said is not completely accurate. It should be said that the special core is the basis for the long-term existence and inheritance of the tower spirit. "

"What the **** is the Taling? How was it created?"

Xiaduo had asked this question a long time ago, but Savile didn't leave any information related to Tarin, and he didn't find a suitable opportunity after that, so he didn't ask Iolum.

It would be foolish not to ask now.

In this regard, Iolum did not hide it, but said: "How the tower spirit was created, I can't tell you until I get the permission of the Seven Towers, but you don't have to worry too much, the Seven Towers are very happy to ask any great arcanist Sell ​​related spell scrolls, and even if you crack it, they won't hold you accountable."

"I don't want to pursue it because without their core, the tower spirit I created in private cannot exist for a long time, right?"

"Of course, otherwise, do you think they don't care about this extremely valuable spell?"


Sure enough, the world is as black as crows, Xia Duo asked again: "Then the teacher hasn't said what the tower spirit is?"

"Taling is not a specific and realistic existence, but a conceptual existence. You can understand it as a collection of one or more device functions, or that one or more devices themselves. Of course you understand It is also possible to become a soul, but it is more focused on consciousness and mind, but there is no such thing.”

Iolum's explanation is a bit convoluted, UU reading www.uukanshu. com But when it comes to consciousness, Xia Duo can understand it almost as soon as he hears it. He is very clear that consciousness is different from soul, and what is special about consciousness.

In this world, the soul is a concretely existing "thing", but consciousness is not. Consciousness is just a state of the soul. Mind and consciousness are similar, and both are related to the concept of self-existence.

It's just that Xia Duo has never thought that a pile of dead objects can produce independent consciousness, and it is even a question whether his own consciousness can exist independently.

In the process of [Residing in the Heaven and Earth], although his body and even his soul were dispelled, if the heaven and the earth were gone, would his consciousness still exist?

In addition, it is really puzzling how a bunch of dead things can produce consciousness!

For such an unscientific thing, Xia Duo immediately thought of psionic power, and at the same time, he also remembered why the multi-faceted crystal beads that fell before gave him such a familiar feeling.

In fact, it was because of the few psionic magic items he brought back from Evereska before, and it felt like they had some indescribable commonality!