Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1551: Stand first, Scom’s careful thinking

Seventon, Austrian-French Federation.

In the corner of the administrative area, Hechenis was chased by seven or eight directors, constantly asking about the results of the accident in the core laboratory area.

As Iolum's most loyal assistant, Hechennis certainly knew the significance of taking care of the overall situation. Even if he knew that these directors might not be well-intentioned when they appeared here, he still patiently explained and comforted him.

"Don't worry, the president will handle this matter properly and give an explanation to all members of the federation!"

Just at this moment, Hechenis suddenly received a piece of news, and his eyes that seemed to be mild at first froze. He barely managed to control his emotions, and then said coldly:

"This incident is not an accident reported outside, but a deliberate destruction by the elf invaders. The elf was not stopped that day, causing him to break into the core area of ​​the Federation and cause heavy losses. Everyone is responsible!"

After finishing speaking, he also stopped paying attention to these seven or eight directors, but walked straight to Iolum's study.

And after Hechenis left, the seven or eight directors also changed their faces immediately. They were not as impatient as before, but they all looked at one of them in unison:

"Kabor, what do you mean by him? Drag us into the water?"

"Why? Wasn't the dead zone created by the person himself? Can't just push the blame on us just because we didn't stop the elves!"

"Yes, that elf is obviously not something we can handle. He did such a dangerous experiment in the first place, so he should take these unexpected circumstances into consideration!"

Several people babbled all kinds of things, but this time Kabor, who was in the center of the crowd, was not as good as Hechenis, and saw him walk out impatiently, but It seemed that something had been thought of and stayed.

He could probably guess what news Hechenis had just received, and only these people in front of him didn't even know, but for the sake of his brother's plan, he had to get involved with these people.

"It may be that the situation in the laboratory area has changed. Has anyone of you been there afterwards?" Kabor asked.

"No, I was worried that I would encounter elves when I went in. Later, when those from the Seven Towers came over, the president even prohibited us from having authority."

After one opening, another one soon provided a new clue, "But I heard a friend of Morion Tower mentioned it, as if some kind of scarce resource appeared in it. Recently, a lot of personnel have been mobilized in the Seven Towers. , They are all strange faces."

"Lack of resources?"

Kabore was thoughtful. He could feel that the wind direction in Seventon had changed a bit in the past few days. Before, everyone talked about accidents and threats.

But recently, there has been a sudden increase in the topic of the magic restriction treaty. Kabor believes that this topic cannot come up for no reason. It is either true or just to cover up.

Was that elf invader really an accident?

Somehow, Kabor suddenly connected a line in his mind. Although some did not want to admit it, the magic restriction treaty is very likely to be true.

As for why the elves invaded the Federation, it was either related to the magic restriction treaty, or it was related to the unclear so-called scarce resources.

It’s just that, in his position, many times when thinking about things, he doesn’t look at right or wrong, but only looks at the position and camp. He admits that Iolum is a fair arbiter, but the resources required for the rise of the Green Tower cannot be derived from it. Obtained in justice.

Someone has to decrease, and someone can increase!

"If you have free time, you might as well come to my residence to talk in detail!"

"Okay, that would be great!"


On the other side, Iolum's study.

"Except for Your Excellency Cliffe, several others will rush to Seventon in the near future, especially Cross. He has made it clear that he wants to convene a joint meeting of the Great Arcanists to discuss the solution to this matter."

Hechennis had just finished talking to Iolum about the news he had just received, but Iolum just smiled at it, not much surprised.

"I see. Their reactions are within my plan. Except for Cross, he is still a little anxious, but don't worry. He doesn't count if he says it alone. It depends mainly on the Seven Towers. Say."

"What do you say about the seven towers?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Iolum's face gradually diminished, "The core of the twisted phantom is an important method for the seven towers to control the number of high-level mage towers. They will definitely hesitate if they just open it up like this.

"There is another point. Although they didn't say it, I also feel that hunting on the etheric plane may not be as simple as we thought."

That's it!

Hechenis thoughtfully, then asked: "Then they will eventually refuse to build a forward base?"

"Not necessarily. If the Austrian Law Federation can get most of the benefits, then they will have a high probability of agreeing."

Speaking of this, Iolum shook his head suddenly, "Forget it, don’t talk about it, I have full confidence in letting them agree, but there is a question I haven’t figured out yet, so go ahead and let me do it. People wait a minute."


Hechenis replied, as if he was about to leave, he thought of something, UU reading hurriedly asked: "By the way, Kabor wants to gain access to the blocked area. I think they have gathered. Many people may force their authority to break through."

"Don't pay attention to them, let them go if they are willing to try, as long as they don't violate the rules of the federation, whatever they want to do."


This time, Hechenis really left, but he was not prepared to let Kabor and others mess around. There are 25 directors of the Austrian Law Federation, and only if more than half of them are gathered can they break through the restricted area's authority restrictions.

As long as they are not given a chance to gather more than half of them, Hechenis knows how to do it.

Giles Tower.

The seven controllers of the Seven Towers gathered here to discuss major issues. From the moment the first person arrived, the smile on Skum's face had not stopped.

Although he had tried very hard to cover it up, none of the others was older than him, and none of them had more experience than him, and he still couldn't see how careful he was!

When the seven arrived, Skum immediately announced: "This time there is another important person to participate in our discussion. Let us welcome Master Aiden!"

Even though the other six people had already begun to scold Scombe at this time, they still had to get up and welcome together, not for anything else, just because it was Master Aiden.

At this time, there was a young apprentice outside the conference room who helped an elderly elder and walked in slowly, but when the elder came in, he didn’t even look at Scombe, but said to the other six people. :

"Sit down, don't be polite."

After taking the six people to sit down, he slowly turned around and tried to raise his head. When Scum saw this, he squatted down slightly, but what was ushered in was a reprimand:

"How many times have I told you, don't engage in your territory in the Seven Towers!"