Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1553: Ambition is cute again, the right path

Netheril has not yet formed a unified conclusion on how to deal with the accident that occurred in the Austrian Law Federation, but the elven world seems quite calm about this.

Evriska, in a hidden residence in the Old Teng district.

Farrow and other high-level mages gathered together again, and Hildarana mixed with the members and cast strange glances at Farrow from time to time.

"Everyone, I must have received the news! A noble compatriot has unfortunately fallen into the hands of human beings. I think we need to do something!"

As soon as Farrow finished speaking, and the high-level mages were still thinking, Hildarana couldn't help but jump out and sing the opposite:

"Your Excellency Farrow, the intruder was sent by Comanso? ​​This is unreasonable. Why would you pull us into the water?"

Her words also largely represented the thoughts of the non-Comenso higher mages. This did not actually exceed Farrow’s expectations. It was just that she jumped out so impatiently that Farrow sank on the spot, cold. Said coldly:

"Hildarana, what evidence do you have to prove that the compatriot was sent by Comanso? ​​Here, I can tell everyone responsibly that the elf was not sent by Comanso. If you don't believe what I say, then Yili Don’t you believe what King Sormian said?"

"Did the Elysse's crown confess it himself?"

"Yes, before I came, I deliberately went to see King Mian, and he personally told me that the elves in the Sevinton incident had nothing to do with him, and he didn't even know beforehand!"

Farrow said that, and many high-level mages present in the audience were all relieved. This world is so wonderful. If it is determined that the elf was sent by Comanso, they will shirk in every possible way.

But if it's not, then it's time to play.

The reputation of the crowned king of Elytheel in the world of the elves is still positive, especially in terms of credibility, even the elves of Ilfaran are difficult to pick on this.

But if it hadn't been sent by Komanso, who would send a high-level mage to invade Sevindun at such a critical moment?

There is almost no need to think about it. The advanced mages who are accustomed to all kinds of conspiracies immediately popped out a name-Ilfaran!

Although it seems a little unintuitive, a golden elf high mage who has never been seen before, probably only Ilfaran can come up with it.

Hildarana was also taken aback by his own assumptions. At this stage, Ilfaran and Comanço are in a close relationship. How could it be possible to make a mistake at this time?

Once such a thing breaks out, it will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries in the slightest, and it may directly tear the skin. In any case, it will be a double defeat.

"Your Excellency Farrow, if the elves were sent by Ilfaran, do we need to do anything for them?"

"That's a good question!"

Farrow glanced at the little prince appreciatively, “Ilfarang and Netheril’s relationship is too close, which is not conducive to the overall unity of the Northland Alliance. We have the responsibility to keep their relationship in a normal state.”

Farrow did not say what is the normal state of relations between the Northland countries, but the elves present also have their own understanding of this.

Suppressing the rise of mankind has become a self-evident unspoken rule, followed by the interests of countries and families.

But countries are different, and their interest needs are naturally different, and there are even irreconcilable conflicts between them.

As far as Hildarana is concerned, she doesn't care whether Netheril rises, but she doesn't want Yerlan to be involved in this matter. Valley

Haidley has the same idea as her. Although Haidley and Hildarana have some differences in their attitudes towards the reform of the domestic crown king, they hardly need any advancement in maintaining the overall interests of Yerland. Discuss, you can reach an agreement immediately.

"Yerlan is not involved in this matter and does not want to be involved."

After Hydley made his statement, the rest of the mages of the Yerlan camp also expressed their views, including Hildarana and the two high-level mages of Sluvend and Sharvin.

In this scene, Farrow’s eyes jumped, but he still couldn’t stand his temper. Prince Sear, the youngest grandson of Elytheel, pointed to Hydley in disbelief, and subconsciously reprimanded:

"Mage Hydley, you—"

"Little prince, pay attention to your words! Please also pay attention to your identity!"

Prince Searle was interrupted on the spot by Hydley before he finished speaking. After that, he didn't look at Prince Seare, who was blushing. Instead, he calmly watched Farrow and raised objections:

"Your Excellency Farrow, let Prince Sear listen in out of respect for King Elisir, but he is not a member of the organization. If there is another next time, then you will play by yourself!"

Haidley's remarks were very heavy, and Farrow was annoyed but had to make a round of it. At the same time, in his heart, he also had a strong dissatisfaction with the excessive intervention of King Elisir.

Farrow realized that a situation like today might happen again in the future, and UU read more and more frequently with the deepening of the authority of the king.

However, he also noticed that Haidley's attitude is very different from before, at least there is a considerable contrast, the Northland Alliance!

This time, Farrow's ambitions that had been suppressed by the change of Elysell's king's policy reignited again. Perhaps from the beginning, he should reject the influence of the king and let the organization become a true multinational organization!

After the episode of the little prince, when nearly half of the members of the organization expressed their opposition, the proposal to make a fuss about the wizard mage in the Sevinton incident was temporarily shelved.

But Farrow understands that Comanzo will not remain indifferent, otherwise he will be backing Ilfaran. Although the current situation is not clear, Farrow still believes that Ilfaran is more suspicious.

"Let me say some good news. Regarding the Treaty of Limitation of Demons, Ilfaran has already relaxed a bit, and the Netheril family alone can no longer fight the general trend."

"This is indeed good news!"

"I am afraid that human beings did not expect that the Northland Alliance, which they had tried so hard to establish at the beginning, has now become a means to restrict them!"

"The short-born species don't know the subtlety of the alliance, this is what our ancestors have played long ago!"

Speaking of excitement, a crowd of elves called for drinks and drank.

"By the way, there is still good news to share with you. The Lord God once again confirms that the future of the elves will be bright. This shows that we are on the right path today. For this reason, the Lord God will give us a blessing day in the near future. I hope you don’t miss it!"

"I won't miss it!"

The elves responded with excitement on their faces, Hildarana also smiled, but in her heart, she had a question—

Is this really the right path now?