Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1570: Comrades are rare, make up the air

For the time being, Xia Duo's original plan will not change, and mass production of magic items will be used to harvest external resources, which will be transformed into internal development motivation.

In addition to population and resources, the most important thing to consider is the external environment.

Like now, it is a headache to suddenly come up with a magic restriction treaty. Xia Duo does not require much of the external environment, as long as he is stable and does not disturb him.

The most taboo thing about farming is a lot of trouble. As long as he is given enough time for stable development, Xia Duo is confident to push the Northland even more.

After careful consideration of many factors, Xia Duo decided to focus on the next level of development.

The main plane is too restrictive, and it is easy to attract prying eyes. On the contrary, it is better to find a blank plane that is not watched by people and explain that no matter what kind of social experiment you want to conduct, you can do it with confidence and boldness.

It's just that the secondary planes are hard to find, and the livable planes that can accommodate a large number of people are even more difficult to find. For the time being, Xia Duo only has the normal material plane of the Azurite Plane.

Although he is sick and the environment is not suitable, he is still saved and able to be transformed.

As long as it is managed properly, there is no problem with accommodating tens of millions of people. The only difference is time and population.

To some extent, Xia Duo's decision to bet the future on the plane realm long ago was completely foresight!

But in the future, I still want to continue working hard. In addition to actively exploring and discovering new subplanes, Xia Duo is looking forward to transforming the portable space into a portable and livable plane.

As for the territory of the main plane, of course, there is no need to give up, it is good to be a window to the outside world.

In addition to the objective reality environment, the external environment also includes various allies, partners, and even partners.

At this stage, Chateau’s closest ally is probably Iolum, but this closeness is more based on personal relationships. Even if there is a [Missera] device, it is actually not much. close.

Putting aside the factors of personal affair, his relationship with Iolum is probably not as close as his relationship with Mingshui Chamber of Commerce!

The Mingshui Chamber of Commerce acts as an agent for the various mass-produced magic items of the Tower of Time, and the Tower of Time purchases a large amount of magic materials through the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, there is also the recognition and promotion of the new coin, which can be regarded as a collaborator on the way to Shengshen.

As for Iolum, Shaduo hadn't heard of him yet, let alone his plans for the promotion of gods. It seemed that he was going to be the president of the Austrian Law Federation until he died.

In that position, no matter how good the personal relationship is, Iolum can hardly provide much support beyond what ordinary people can get.

Xia Duo's most important ally now is the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the actual collusion of interests, Xia Duo's rescue of Said is also a bonus.

Except for Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, it is Lord Collins.

Xia Duo runs a smuggling business with him, and of course he is also the Yerlan Elf Hildarana who has now blew himself up. If this is discovered by Komanso, the three parties will not be able to eat.

Leaving aside the elves, Chateau and Lord Collins were relatively firm partners in interest.

After that, either individual casters with fewer contacts, or they were brought together by a common enemy.

For example, Lord Rodney, the two sides should have been in the same situation, but Lord Rodney was also forced by the "thief" at the beginning, and the princess said peace, and Lord Rodney did the same thing anyway.

After that, the two sides were also able to talk, leaving aside other aspects for the time being, at least when facing Vader Arcanist, the two sides were on the same line.

As for the enemy, Chardonnay has always been kind to people, except for Lord Hawke, or the current Great Arcanist Hawke, and Great Arcanist Vader, who has said and temporarily put aside the previous grievances. Valley

These two are considered the most likely enemies.

As for potential enemies, there are too many.

As the source of change and the standard-bearer of the new era, whether he accepts it or not, there will always be countless people who are hostile to him. It is even possible that current allies and partners will become enemies in the future.

In this regard, the only thing that can be sure that Chateau is not an enemy, but only Iolum, a nominal teacher who has no interest in entanglement with him.

Iolum also changed outwards and agreed with education for all, but if he went further, Chateau could not be sure.

In fact, what he really believes is only the new generation that has grown up under the new system of the Tower of Time, and everything in the old era will let them pass away.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo suddenly lost interest in the so-called external operating environment. The intrigue is not what he wanted, and he still has to be crushed in an upright manner.

"Go to learn! Go to learn! I hope I don't let me down!"

After thinking about it carefully, Xia Duo decided not to think about the annoying things for the time being. The future will change and it will be useless to think, at least in Floating City.

Before, he could grasp everything.

As for the emergence of Floating City, it is even simpler. Maybe it doesn't take him to work hard to deal with the outside world, but the outside world has to adapt to him!

I don't know how long it has passed.

More than ten wind element plane channels in the vacuum collapsed and disappeared and reopened, always maintaining more than ten.

Gradually, Xia Duo felt that there was a slight breeze around him, and the turbulent turbulence gushing out of the plane channel was no longer immediately diluted by the vacuum environment as soon as it appeared, but became lasting. .

The howling wind is now able to spray out the plane channel for nearly a hundred meters without dispersing. It is not that the airflow flux in the plane channel has become larger, but the vacuum is gradually being filled.

Xia Duo did a simple test. Although the air in this space is still very thin, it can already make an ordinary person breathe.

According to calculations based on experience on the earth, the current density of air in this space is almost a quarter of that in a normal environment.

In other words, if these more than a dozen plane channels are opened for four times longer, it is almost possible for ordinary people to breathe normally in this space.

Of course, this is only a simple calculation, the actual situation may be more complicated, but it is enough for reference.

According to the current time, Xia Duo opened nearly a hundred plane channels in the deep sky in one breath.

Even if this place is turned into a normal air environment at one time, the process of element transformation is still unavoidable. Anyway, there is no rush to emigrate in a short period of time. Every time you come to add one point, it is also convenient to count the air attrition speed.

When the air factory is completed, it can automatically supplement the livable air according to the attrition speed.

Back on the island, Niya was still making the Ao Neng Crystal Extractor. Except for the first ones that were still a little out of shape, most of the latter were in line with the blueprint.

But this time, Niya kept the aberrant ones, perhaps to alert herself.

Chateau was very pleased.