Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1597: Confused Accounts, Brin's Death

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Shortly after Eorem's contact, Broad's subpoena also arrived. During the subpoena, Broad first apologized to Shado for his aggressive actions, and then promised to do his best to bring in population to the South.

As for why it is necessary to apply for 50,000 people at one time, the reason given by Broad is that the more people the better when there is a portal.

As for the portal, it was mentioned by Shado and Broad when they were negotiating the introduction of population. It was said that a portal connecting to the Great Summer Territory would be built in Broad's territory to facilitate population transfer.

But this can't be the reason for his recklessness!

And now, Broad's apology seems so sincere, and it is also in line with Broad's consistent character in Shado's impression in the past.

For a while, Xia Duo couldn't tell whether the other party did it on purpose or if it was an unintentional mistake, but this was still an unresolved question.

"Confused account!"

No matter what the original reason was, things have already happened, and the attitudes of all parties have also changed, so we can only look forward to it.

Xia Duo happily forgave Broad and invited him to play in the South, but in his heart he gave up his plan to outsource part of the floating city design to him.

After the storm, Xia Duo continued to sit in the Tower of Time. For the time being, he has won the favor of time. On the premise that the outside world does not change greatly, it is his best interest to maintain the status quo.

But on the other side, Everiska, a certain elf in a hidden private residence in the high street community, is not as calm as Shado.

Hildarana, who had just returned from a new round of gatherings organized by Farrow, pondered the more and more frequent organizing gatherings during this period of time, and became more and more clear about Farrow's idea of ​​organizing true transnational independence.

Although she was very dissatisfied with the fact that Farrow had humiliated her, once interests were involved, she would not fail to see the benefits of the organization being truly independent.

Just as she was thinking about how to cut a small cake for herself out of this, the sapphire hanging from a rainbow rope sash on her right wrist suddenly became scorching hot, with a real scarlet light flashing. .

Hildarana's face changed drastically, and she didn't care about revealing her identity in the mysterious lock, so she cast the teleportation spell directly in this secret private residence.

Yeerlan, the Moonhorn family.

Hildarana, who has been around for several times, attracted a group of family guards as soon as she appeared, but when they saw that it was Hildarana, all the elves were relieved.

But for the furious and restless Hildarana, this was just the beginning. She ran frantically to the Spring Dew Courtyard where her father was, and at the same time kept repeating the prayers she had forgotten for a long time.

"Bryn brother, you must be okay!"

After arriving at the destination, Hildarana looked left and right, but she didn't see Brin's figure, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the patriarch Yuejiao heard the movement and walked out from the inner room, looking at his daughter, who he had always been proud of. He was disappointed and distressed at the same time, and finally turned into a cry. sigh:

"Hill, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Hearing her father's words, Hildarana almost fainted, and she asked tremblingly, "How is Brother Brin?"

In fact, before Hildarana came back, she had a hunch about what had happened. The sapphire jewelry actually corresponded to Brin's life state, and the red color was almost irreversible.

It's just that she doesn't want to believe that it is the truth. At this moment, how much she hopes her father can tell her a different answer!

"Brin suddenly appeared in the family's secret room not long ago, and only had time to leave half a line of text on the ground, just-"

The Moonhorn Patriarch didn't seem to be able to say it, and Hildarana didn't ask. She couldn't bear to ask either, but when she thought that Brin was hurt entirely because of her mission, her heart was even more like a knife.

Holding back her grief, Hildarana said to her father, "Take me to see him one last time!"

"Alas—follow me!"

Under the leadership of the Moonhorn Patriarch, Hildarana quickly came to the secret room.

Outside the secret room at this time, in addition to the daily guards, there were also several clan elders, one of whom was a high-level mage like Hildarana.

Seeing the arrival of the patriarch's father and daughter, everyone thought of the rumor and could not help but make way. Even the elders, even if they were both high-level mages, didn't want to get in trouble at this time.

As soon as Hildarana walked into the secret room, she saw a pile of clothes soaked in blood on the teleportation circle in the center of the secret room, and it continued to exude a strange and powerful curse.

The clothes were exactly what Brin wore when he left. Hildarana clearly remembered that day, because she arbitrarily transferred brother Brin from his father's side, which made brother Brin a little angry.

If she had known today, she would never have done such a thing. It's just that it's too late to regret it now, all she can do is to avenge brother Brin.

Thinking of this, Hildarana continued to endure her grief, carefully examining the only relics left by Brin, as well as the last message he left. UU Reading

"Curse is a very common bloodline curse, but it is definitely in the hands of high mages, and this information - 'inspiration'?"

The last text Brin left was written with blood on his fingers, and it also exuded a distinct curse breath, but he was cursed and killed before he had time to leave the complete information.

The second half of the text on the ground was soaked in blood, and Hildarana was barely able to distinguish the outline of a few words. More specifically, it might have to wait until the curse is clear, and ask the family's spy who is proficient in trace identification to check in detail. .

But combined with the previous half of the text, Hildarana had probably guessed what message Brin wanted to leave, which made her even more self-blame.

Seemingly thinking of something, Hildarana hurriedly walked out of the secret room, and the elders who were whispering with the patriarch outside immediately shut up when they heard the movement.

But Hildarana couldn't care about them at this time, and looked at her father, "Father, I'm going to the Avando homeland, please help me here."

"Go to Avando's home?"

The Moon Horn Patriarch's expression changed slightly when he heard the words. After the elf died, he could indeed go to the home of Afando to continue living.

Before Hildarana returned, the Moonhorn Patriarch learned from the elder that Brin's soul was likely to be annihilated. Furthermore, even if he went to the home of Avando, without the help of the Lord God, he would not be able to restore his memories of his life.

Under normal circumstances, the Lord God has indeed promised to restore the memory for free for the elves who cannot restore their memories on their own, but now, the relationship between Yeerlan and Comansuo is somewhat sensitive.

The main **** has always been biased towards Cormanso, and whether he will continue to help for free now, and whether it will cost the mortal Moon Horn family to pay, it is unknown.