Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1605: light of inspiration

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In the next few days, Xia Duo didn't go anywhere. While continuing to study with Niya, he was also more interested in the follow-up design of the floating city.

Of course, during this period, an equation spell observation room was quietly added to the Tower of Time, but it was just an ordinary spell laboratory, and it was just an equation spell stored by Xia Duo.

After that, he didn't care much, but Niya went back and teased twice from time to time, as if he had a pet, and even neglected the real Pegasus pet for this reason.

Yeerlan, the Moonhorn family.

Several days have passed, and Brin's funeral is being held in a low-key and solemn manner, but Hildarana, who should have appeared at the funeral scene, never showed up.

But in the corner of the Spring Dew Courtyard where the patriarch was located, a projection spell clearly showed the scene of Brin's funeral, including the scene of Brin's parents, brothers and sisters being reluctant but restrained.

"Don't look here, if you want to go, just go and send Brin the last ride."

Looking at his daughter who had lost a lot of weight in just a few days, the Moon Horn Patriarch felt extremely uncomfortable. He dismissed the magical image in front of Hildarana and said something that a father would not have wanted to say.

But his words seemed to irritate Hildarana, who was in a sensitive state, and turned around and stared at the Moon Horn Patriarch, "Father, did you know? Brin didn't arrive at the Affando home! Afu When Na and the others ask, how should I answer? You tell me, how should I answer?"

Avna is the name of Brin's younger sister. Because she is similar in age to Hildarana, she has grown up together since she was a child, and she is even closer than Hildarana's own sister.

In the cognition of Avna and other Brin family members, the elves will not disappear completely after death, but will go to the home of Avando to meet their relatives who have passed away earlier, and wait for the relatives behind.

Therefore, the Brin family's death of Brin is more like a reluctance to a relative who is about to leave, rather than a separation that will never be seen.

And because of Hildarana's identity, when Avna saw her, she was bound to ask about Avado's situation, and even ask Hildarana to go to Avado to check on Brin's current situation.

After all, according to rumors, high-level mages have been able to freely enter and leave Afanduo.

But how could Hildarana have the heart to tell her good sister that Brin was not able to reach Affando, but was annihilated together with her soul when her body died.

"Hill, cheer up, the family needs you, and Brin doesn't want you to fall because of him. Didn't you say you were going to investigate the 'Light of Inspiration'? I've already brought the information."

"Light of inspiration? Where is it?"

Hildarana's eyes gradually condensed, and she stretched out her hand in front of her father, "Give it to me!"

The Moon Horn Patriarch hesitated for a moment, but the words have already been said, even if he doesn't give it at the moment, Hildarana will get it in other ways. Instead, it is better to give it by herself.

With a long sigh in his heart, the Moonhorn Patriarch wiped a bright silver ring on his left hand, and the next moment, a thick stack of documents appeared in his hand.

After handing the materials to Hildarana, he took out two small white porcelain bottles in the shape of naked elves and placed them gently on the tea table between them.

Hildarana only glanced at the two white porcelain vials, and then opened the information her father had brought, and the time passed quickly with Hildarana's decisive page turning.

After a long time, she put down the materials, picked up a small bottle, opened it and smelled it, her face became extremely ugly.

"Do you know what you may face next? Even a family as strong as the Moon Horn may be overthrown at any time! Knowing this, do you want to continue to investigate?"

His father's words struck Hildarana's heart word by word. The information she had just read had little to do with the Moon Shadow family she had asked Brin to investigate before, but Brin sent a message of "light of inspiration".

How could she not care about it!

It's just this "light of inspiration" - she had only heard of this magical potion that was only spread among a few artists. At first, she only thought it was a reputation that was exaggerated, and didn't take it to heart at all.

But in the information her father gave her, there were many high-level mages, hidden forces behind the "Light of Inspiration", and it was even vaguely related to the reform of King Helion.

While the fog was heavy, it also made her feel extremely wary, and what shocked her even more was that this so-called "Light of Inspiration" was not just a prop that was thrown out by multiple parties to make money, but it did have a miraculous effect!

She just sniffed the potion in the bottle lightly, and felt that countless inspirations were looming in her mind. If she drank it directly, wouldn't the inspiration burst out immediately, but—

"Is such a potion really possible?"

For a time, Hildarana was also a little hesitant. In terms of magic knowledge, she far surpassed her father, but in terms of experience, she was far inferior.

After calming down, UU reading www.uukanshu. com She put the medicine bottle in her hand back on the table and asked, "Father, do you think there is something wrong with this medicine?"

"I also sent a few bottles from the family pharmacist. Although there is no result yet, judging from the fact that it has been circulated for so long and so widely, I don't think there is a problem." The Moon Horn Patriarch calmly analyzed.

The piece of information just now, which he had read before, contained an investigation into the gradual popularity of "Light of Inspiration".

And what he was able to investigate was that this magical potion first appeared at a gathering of niche artists in Sluvender, and then it began to spread in a small circle of art circles.

Due to the restrictions of the suzerain country Yeerland, Sluvender has a strong artistic atmosphere, which gives "Light of Inspiration" a very good market environment.

But also because of Yeerlan's restrictions, Sluvender did not have much communication with Yeerlan, at least in the field of art.

So much so that it was not introduced to Yeerlan until more than ten years ago. Of course, it was still spread in a small circle in the art circle at first.

It was not until a sculptor drank a bottle of "Light of Inspiration" when he was flipping through a spell book that he drank it as ordinary tea, and the effects of this magical potion outside the realm of art were discovered.

But even so, all the recipients have carefully concealed this secret, so that for more than ten years, most of the Yeerlan elves did not even know that such a magical potion still exists in their country.

As for the original creator of "Light of Inspiration" and the later upstream suppliers, the Moon Horn family has not been able to investigate, but vaguely senses that there are many shadows behind this, and it vaguely points to many upper-level families in Taiweimansa.

In contrast, most of these upper-level families are staunch supporters of King Mian Helien. It is conceivable that King Mian Helien may also be involved and benefit a lot from it.