Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1606: Morning of the Magical Affairs Officer

After all, if you buy this kind of pharmaceutical entrusted relationship, the asking price is more than 100,000 yuan, even if it is the upstream channel, it is definitely not much cheaper.

In addition, the Patriarch Yuejiao has another piece of news that Hilda Lanna did not tell, that is, the "light of inspiration" did not only appear in Yeerlan, but traces of the light of inspiration were also found on Comanthor's side.

It's just that the relationship between Ye Erlan and Comanso has weakened recently, the cross-border investigation is inconvenient, and the forces involved behind this are not trivial, so the investigation has not continued.

Hearing his daughter's doubts about the "Light of Inspiration" itself at this time, the Yuejiao patriarch certainly felt that there might be various conspiracies and calculations behind it, but there was a high probability that there would be no problem with the potion itself.

Otherwise, if it spread so widely, it would have been discovered long ago.

Hilda Lanna also agreed with this, but out of some indescribable intuition, she still didn't drink the potion directly, but was going to wait for the family pharmacist to study it before making a decision.

If there is really no future trouble, the Yuejiao family may fall to Mianwang.

No matter how expensive this potion is, its existence itself means extremely strong power. Even if Hilda Lanna wants to avenge Brin again, she must consider the survival of the family.

In addition, the information given by his father did not mention the Moon Shadow family. It is hard to say whether Brin's death was due to the investigation into the Light of Inspiration or the Moon Shadow family.

If it is the former, where does the family's current information come from? Dare to kill Brin, why not kill the other investigators sent by the family?

And if it's the latter, why did Brin leave information related to the light of inspiration? Was it misleading by the Moon Shadow family? What is the purpose? Or is the Moon Shadow family really related to the Light of Inspiration?

For a while, various thoughts swirled in Hilda Lanna's mind, making her a little unsure, but the only thing that was certain was that this matter started with the Moon Shadow Family, so it should at least end with the Moon Shadow Family.

As for the "light of inspiration", Hilda Lanna gritted her teeth and swore inwardly that if it was really related to the light of inspiration, then she would never let the relevant personnel go.

"Father, please continue to investigate the Moon Shadow family. I feel that the root of the problem lies with them! As for the light of inspiration, let's stop here for the time being!"

After finishing speaking, Hilda Lanna stood up and bowed solemnly to the Patriarch Yuejiao, bowed her head and said softly, "Father, please forgive me for being capricious."


Patriarch Yuejiao sighed softly, "Brin is also a member of the family, and the family will not let any member die in vain, but sometimes as adult elves, we have to learn to choose."

Hilda Lanna was silent, and the Yuejiao patriarch sighed again, as if he had suddenly aged several decades, and said with a lonely expression: "I see, I just hope that after you take over the family in the future, you will stop being so emotional like you are now. "

After speaking, the Yuejiao patriarch got up and left.

Only Hilda Lanna stood alone for a long time.

On the other side, the southern border of Nether, the Great Xia Territory.

In the early morning, the young Magic Affairs Officer Jay was woken up from his sleep by a seductive fragrance. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, he heard the sound of thunder in the kitchen.

He knew that it must be his mother preparing breakfast in the kitchen. He could only know that it was his favorite fried egg just by smelling the smell and hearing the sound, which made him swallow his saliva.

If it was two years ago, he had experienced the exquisite food of the outdated tower, and he would probably have difficulty swallowing the coarse grains at home.

But nowadays, except for the drinks, the food at home has long exceeded the standard of the Tower of Time. When I came to the kitchen, my mother was busy in front of the stove alone, and some of the prepared meals were already placed on the table beside her. breakfast.

Jay secretly picked up a piece of fried thick-cut ham and stuffed it into his mouth. He was about to go behind the stove to help his mother add firewood, but as soon as he moved, his strong mother grabbed him and pressed him to the dining table, and then hurried back to the stove Tai picked up the fried eggs in the pan with a shovel, and at the same time kept saying:

"I'm burning thick wood. I don't need your help. Let's eat your breakfast! I'll heat up the milk and it will be fine."

That being said, Jay's mother still went to the back of the stove and fiddled with it twice. The thick firewood does not need to be added, but the firepower is also very difficult to control. If she hadn't been working in the canteen of the territory for the past few years, she would definitely not be able to use it well. This new wood fire stove.

And Jay, in fact, can understand his mother's thoughts. It's not that he really doesn't need his help, but he just doesn't want to see him, who has become a mage, busy with these low-level jobs.

This made Jay, who had always been close to his mother, inexplicably sad, and at the same time realized why the chairman had set up a magic officer in the territory.

A sense of mission from the heart arises spontaneously.

"Here comes the milk! Drink it while it's hot, it's not easy to get diarrhea when it's hot."

After bringing the milk to the table, Jay's mother also stood aside, but instead of eating, she looked at her most promising youngest son and kept giggling.

Jay drank a few sips of milk and found it a bit fishy, ​​and he was not used to drinking it, but he immediately laughed at himself, not to mention milk, when he was a child, he couldn’t get enough to eat, and now he has only had a good life for a few days, how can he dislike milk taste not good.

Being held by his mother like a prisoner and eating all the breakfast, Jay rubbed his full stomach and didn't want to move.

But the next moment, the mother's urging voice sounded again: "The lord once said that taking a walk after a meal is good for your health. Go out and take a walk. When your father comes back at noon, he will cook you a big meal."

"Understood." Jay agreed with a "wailing".

It's not that he really doesn't want to get up, it's just that he really enjoys the feeling of being at home. Today is his first day officially in office, so how could he really stay at home without moving an inch!

After returning to the bedroom, he put on the exclusive robes of the Magic Affairs Officer, and when he went out again, Jay could not help but sigh when he noticed that his mother was averting his eyes.

After walking a little far away, he heard his mother who was washing the sheets and shirts for him muttering in a low voice: "This didn't know to notify in advance when he came back."

Jay paused, wanting to turn around and tell his mother that he actually slept comfortably on old sheets and wore his father's old shirt comfortably.

Just thinking of his mother's dodging eyes just now, Jay didn't look back after all.

On the way from home to the government affairs hall, Jay saw the ever-changing Daxia collar, but he didn't feel strange, but felt very at ease.

After receiving the official letter of appointment at the Government Affairs Office, Jay continued to rush to the Codex Square. His first task today was to connect with a moral education class at the Tower of Time.

The teacher who led the team was his childhood neighbor and playmate Khabarovsk. The two entered the Tower of Time at the same time and became official mages almost at the same time.

That guy also applied for a magical affairs officer, but unfortunately he didn't even get the chance for the first round of interviews. Jay thought proudly that he planned to meet him later and show off his letter of appointment to the other party.