Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1616: Date meaning, then to aquamarine

The suspension in the flight control system designed by Shado is actually a 10th-level spell that is equivalent to 11th level. If the standard in the Magic Limiting Treaty is used to calculate, it takes almost 6 or 7 super magic points for a suspension.

A simple calculation shows that the 1,000 super-magic shares that Netheriel receives is enough for Xado's floating city to stay at an altitude of 1,800 kilometers for a day. (It takes about 10 minutes for a free fall of 1800 kilometers, so the frequency of suspension updates should be at least once every 10 minutes)

If the height is lower, the 1000 points share is not enough.

In fact, it is impossible for Xia Duo to give all the 1,000 points to Xia Duo. The only 20 points that are allocated to him may not be enough for Floating City to fly to an altitude of 1,800 kilometers!

Of course, Xia Duo can also choose not to turn on the security function in the flight control system. In that case, even a 20-point share can be used for a long time.

But why should he risk his own life and even the entire city's life for the malicious suppression of the elves?

What's more, even if the suspended state is not updated, there are other places that will meet the standard of large-scale magic activities defined in the magic restriction treaty.

A basic operation can be prohibited, should all basic operations be prohibited?

For a time, Xia Duo doubted whether the elf got into his head, or why did he just hit the key point of his floating city?

Of course, it was impossible for an actual elf to get into his head. This was simply a restriction and suppression of the entire Netheril. He just happened to be in the most severely suppressed range.

But it is still difficult for him to resist. The domestic seven towers may not be able to take him (will not tear his face), but Comanso will definitely hold on to him in the Northland Alliance.

Maybe there will be a farce similar to "joint law enforcement".

Of course, Xia Duo didn't want to face that kind of situation, it didn't do him any good, but the limit of the share was really stuck in front of him, making him feel like he was stuck in his throat.

It is conceivable that this feeling will continue for a long time, if Netheril does not want to be targeted by the rest of the Northern Alliance.

"Ah—" Xia Duo frowned and sighed deeply.

The flight control system of the floating city can be regarded as his proud work, especially the automatic program in it, which almost embodies his great efforts.

How could he possibly be willing to compromise for the elves!

Not to mention, the automation of the flight control system is related to the safety of the floating city. Although he has not actually tested it, he does not think that his floating city can withstand a free landing at a height of 10 meters without any damage.

Xia Duo originally wanted to pull the Floating City out of the Azurite Plane before Midsummer Festival as a temporary academy for new apprentices, but now, he has to reconsider this idea.

Seeing the description of the effective date of the treaty in the original text of the treaty, Xia Duo couldn't bear it any longer, snorted coldly, and overlapped the thick supplement.

The time when the Magic Restriction Treaty officially takes effect is this year, and it's just around the corner—in July, which is the fourth day of next month.

It's been less than a month now.

Originally, the time earlier or later was nothing to Xado, but the time point of "July 4th" is worth talking about.

The date of the official establishment of the Northland Alliance was July 4 last year, and the original text of the Magic Limitation Treaty also clearly stated that this was to commemorate the first anniversary of the establishment of the Northland Alliance.

But what the original text of the treaty did not say was that in addition to being the founding day of the Northern Alliance, July 4th was also the anniversary of the founding of Comansor.

Before the establishment of the Northland Alliance, Comansor spent a lot of words and gave up many benefits in the negotiation in order to make the date of the formal signing of the covenant on July 4th.

This seems to be just a matter of date selection, but it actually reflects the ambition of Cormanthor's Crown Prince Elisher to replace the Northland Alliance with Cormanthor.

Now that the Demon Limiting Treaty is like this again, how could Xia Duo not be disgusted!

Not to mention that the Demon Limiting Treaty itself was initiated by Cormanthor, which further deepened Shado's disgust and even hatred for Cormanthor and Irisel.

After reading the June Supplement of the Austrian Law Federation, Xia Duo Chuan and Niya said a few words, and then came to the aquamarine plane alone.

water side.

Under the extremely weak gravity of the aquamarine plane, the magnificent azure sphere has not been here for many days, nor has he found any visible enlargement of the fishman island in the distance.

Of course, after so many days, Floating Void City must have "falled" towards Fishman Island, but Xia Duo was not interested in actually measuring how much it fell.

He only thinks about one thing now, and that is whether the physical properties of the main body of the floating city are stable, and whether the next step of construction can be carried out.

He has already designed the flight control system. As long as the physical properties of the main body of the floating city are completely stable, he will be able to fly the floating city in the sky of the main plane in less than a month.

That is to say, as long as Xia Duo is willing, he can drive the floating city to the door of Comanso's house before the next month's Magic Limiting Treaty takes effect, and then continue to engage in so-called large-scale magic activities.

Although he didn't know whether any Comansor elves would be stimulated to death by his behavior, he would definitely be on the Comansor blacklist from now on.

The floating city must continue to be built, but Xia Duo has not yet decided whether to get the main plane before next month.

Anyway, there is almost one more to consider, and he is not in a hurry to do what.

Perhaps the weak positive energy environment is conducive to the stability of physical properties. After a simple inspection, Xia Duo found that the current state of the main body of the floating city completely exceeded his expectations.

The aura is basically invisible everywhere, which shows that its materiality is quite stable, and it will not be knocked back to its original shape by a [Remove Magic].

It should be known that under normal circumstances, the influence time of spells is limited, which includes a large number of transformation spells of the transformation system.

If wood is converted into gold, it may not fail in a short time, but it will return to its original state over time. In fact, if gold can be easily converted, it will not become the casting material of mainstream currency.

Another example is polymorphism, which cannot permanently transform a person into a xenogeneic creature. Only in some experimental accidents can we hear the case of permanent deformation.

Permamorph spells do exist, of course, but they're not something that all spellcasters can easily master. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Not to mention, even if it is permanent deformation and permanent transformation, it only means that it lasts for a long time, not that it cannot be recovered.

Generally speaking, it can be restored with [Remove Magic], and some special points may require corresponding disabling spells.

Of course, if the time is long enough, there may also be situations that can never be recovered, which is equivalent to a complete change in nature.

The biggest difference between the main body of the floating city obtained by Xia Duo's transformation of pure water and the general transformation spell is the length of the waiting time.

Just waiting for a short period of time can make the physical properties completely stable, that is, the essence is completely changed. Unless it is re-transformed, it will always be stone.

This is what he learned from the petrification magic on the [Saluk Witch Statue] found in the ruins of the territory. If there is no such spell, perhaps he can only choose to destroy the environment.

Or mining and smelting metals.

In short, it will not be as simple, cheap, and easy to maintain as it is now.