Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1627: Return to Severnton, abnormal climate

After explaining the purchase of the Light of Inspiration Potion with Niya, Xia Duo took out Niya's test paper again and began to correct and organize it.

He will leave the southern border for a while, but Niya's study progress cannot be interrupted because of this. He needs to prepare enough new test papers for Niya to cover the period of his absence before leaving.

As of now, it is unknown that Niya has learned nearly three-quarters of the "Promotion Encyclopedia". Of course, she has learned and not fully mastered.

In the knowledge star map specially drawn by Xia Duo for Niya, nearly half of the star points are relatively dim, and those are the weak links of Niya.

It is necessary for Nya to review the textbook and wrong questions, and then verify it in the next new test paper.

As for the remaining nearly one-quarter, although Shado doesn't think Nya can fully grasp it during his absence, he needs to make relevant preparations.

It must be reflected in the new test papers that follow.

Two days later, Shado still hadn't received any news about the customization of boutique magic items from Severnton, but the test paper he designed for Nya had been completed.

In addition, the date of the transaction of the Light of Inspiration Potion agreed with Hildarana was imminent, and Shado wanted to observe the Mystery Lock designed by the local distributed node after arriving in Everesca.

So he didn't wait any longer, said goodbye to Niya immediately, and set foot on the teleportation circle to Severnton with 150,000 gold coins.

Severnton, Austrian and French Federation.

In the teleportation room exclusive to senior members, Xia Duo just emerged from the teleportation formation when he felt the chill of late spring still lingering in the air.

Of course, there could also be psychological reasons, but when he disabled the weak elemental balance field on the robe, the feeling was even more pronounced.

Now it's mid-June, and it's already early summer on the southern side. Not to mention the heat, at least it won't feel cold.

But on the Severnton side, perhaps the influence of the cold winter that came early and went late last year continued, and even at this time of year, people didn't feel the arrival of summer at all.

Shado recalled carefully, and it seemed that there was no such "Little Ice Age" in Netheril's past history. He didn't know whether it was a special last year or the beginning of a new climate period.

If it's the former, it's fine, if it's the latter, it must have a big impact.

If nothing else, the planting in spring and autumn is a huge blow. Xia Duo is not an expert in climate, but he also instinctively feels the impact of abnormal climate on planting.

On the southern side, last year, the Daxia and Savile collars did not go well in autumn because of the early arrival of winter. Fortunately, this spring is only a little later than in previous years, and the summer did not even have much impact, so there was no trouble.

And in the core area of ​​Nise from the north of Rodney Territory to Severnton, the changes in climate are even more unusual, and the impact is bound to be even worse in the south.

At this moment, although Xia Duo thought that he might be able to search for a group of lost land or bankrupt people in this small natural disaster, he was more alert to the possible black hands behind this change.

Manipulating the weather is not difficult for a clever spellcaster, at least Shado can think of several ways to artificially create bad weather and affect the changing seasons.

"Well, I hope it's just a special case!"

After leaving the teleportation area, Shado visited his titular teacher Eorem for the first time. Of course, Shado has gradually regarded this respectable elder as a real teacher.

Inside the study.

Xia Duo habitually handed over a newly edited "Da Xia Cookbook". As a student, he is so poor now that he has to take orders outside to make money. It is better to send something meaningful.

"Teacher, if you have time, you can give it to the chef in the territory to try it. I guarantee that you will definitely think about it a second time after you have eaten it once."

"Really? Then I'm going to give it a try!" Eorem put away the recipe and said with a smile.

He has lived for hundreds of years and has never eaten any food, but he also knows that this student has a lot of ideas, and what he said just now was not all perfunctory, but really prepared to find someone to try it.

"By the way, I heard Hechenis say that you want to help people customize magical items? Are there any difficulties in resources? Tell me in time if you have any, and I will help you if I can."

"Thank you, teacher. There are indeed some shortage of resources recently, but the problem is not big. I can solve it myself. If there is a need, I will definitely ask the teacher for help."

Xia Duo didn't say it to death. If he really had nowhere to go, he would definitely ask Eorem for help. After all, adults are not shabby.

But now he wants to try it himself.

Then, the two chatted about the demon restriction treaty officially concluded by the Northern Alliance countries not long ago. Speaking of this, Eorem couldn't help showing a trace of anger on his face.

"Il Farang is so disappointing this time!"

"By the way, teacher, do you know who sent the elf invader before?" Xado asked curiously.

In fact, it is better not to investigate this issue, but who made him curious, and there is a channel to learn about it!

What Xadoo didn't expect was that Eorem shook his head helplessly for this question, "It's not yet now, although the elf registered in the Austrian Federation at that time was a tourist from Ilfalang, but seven The tower investigated afterwards, and there is no trace of the elf in Il Faran."

"Could it be that Il Farang deliberately covered it up?"

This is indeed possible, but Eorem still shook his head, "Il Farang is also very shocked by this, they even allowed the Seven Towers to send people directly to investigate, I can tell you this now, basically they are excluded. suspicion."

"It's not Il Farang, then it's basically Comanso."

Although Shado said so, but at this moment he couldn't help but think of what Hildarana had said before, that the other party had received reliable information that the intruder was from Il Farang.

At the same time, Hildarana also said that she had joined a secret society dominated by the high mages of Comanthor, so this judgment was probably made by Comanthor.

After all, if it was an intruder sent by Cormanthor, then the members of the High Mage Guild, who held many secrets, would not think it was Il Farang when they gathered together, but instead showed off their achievements.

It is equivalent to ruling out the suspicion of Comanso.

Shado didn't think there was any need for Hilda Lanna to deceive herself on this issue, after all, the other party and Comanso didn't deal with it very much.

Although the possibility of camouflage and acting is not ruled out, at least for now, from the point of view of the issue of smuggling cooperation between the two parties, this is indeed the case.

Furthermore, Hildarana wanted to instigate the identity of the elf invader to Cormanso before.

And now, Eorem has ruled out Il Farang's suspicion.