Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1638: Fried too fast, huge gap

As for the funding issue, even the Floating City is already under construction, so Xia Duo is afraid of spending too much?

What's more, if the first order is negotiated, it means that Daxia Ling has established a relationship with Everiska. He is now spending money on imports, and he may not be able to export to make money in the future.

Shado has never forgotten what Seid of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce said a while ago when he visited the Tower of Time - there is a great market for human magic items in the elf world!

It only needs to be modified according to the local cultural atmosphere in terms of appearance to satisfy the aesthetics of the elves.

Thinking like this, Xia Duo has come to the side of the sky garden, and he can stretch his hand into the river seven or eight steps forward. Of course, Xia Duo is impossible to do such a thing.

He continued to walk a few steps forward and stopped beside a white stone pillar. In fact, at such a close distance, he could smell the rich aroma of sun roses.

If you distinguish carefully, you can even smell the fragrance of jasmine in the night sky.

However, Xia Duo is already very familiar with the scent of night sky jasmine, and now he pays more attention to the sun rose. Compared with the soothing effect of the night sky jasmine scent, the sun rose also has a magical effect.

Xia Duo just took a breath and felt a lot more active, and even the inspiration was looming. Although he has not traded the [Light of Inspiration] potion from Hildarana, at this moment, he is very interested in that kind of medicine. The magic potion is a bit more trustworthy.

Taking a few more deep breaths, the looming inspiration seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, and it never emerged. Xia Duo couldn't help being a little disappointed, but he also had more expectations for the [Light of Inspiration] potion.

"Could it be that the [Light of Inspiration] potion is made from sun roses?"

It's not impossible!

For a time, Xia Duo had some thoughts about Sun Rose again, and lamented that the elves' family is rich, and even if they declined, there are still so many good things!

He looked around and found a bookstore on the north side of the river walk. He hadn't noticed it when he came at night. Now that he saw it, he couldn't miss it.

"Maybe you can find books about sun roses."

After making a decision in his heart, Xia Duo walked over there without hesitation. As soon as he reached the door, he saw a young elf wearing a light green robe stumbling out of it.

Xia Duo dodged to avoid, at this time, there were waves of neat childish voices from the bookstore—

"Druid, dirty, living in the fields, without a wife!"

Accompanied by the sound of singing in unison, the seven or eight elf children rushed out from the inside each holding a thin bamboo branch.

Xia Duo avoided it again, and then saw the group of little kids jumping up and down chasing the young elf who was suspected of being a Druid, playing and singing, and performing a bullying scene.

And the young elf dodged as much as possible, and at the same time quickened his pace and ran to the south, without the slightest resistance in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo really didn't know what to say. He could see that the seven or eight young elf children should also be from civilians, and if there were no accidents, at least one Druid would emerge among them.

Not to mention that almost all of the food in Everiska is provided by Druids. In Shado's hometown, the river water does not dig wells!

What is this called? It's just "too fast to fry"!

At the same time, this also gave Shado a clearer understanding of the situation and status of Druids in the elf society of the main plane.

Obviously in the projection plane, Druid is not so bad, how can it be like this in the main plane?

Xia Duo faintly had an answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. In the end, he could only sigh silently, and then turned around and entered the bookstore.


The bookstore owner is a male moon elf, perhaps already used to the arrival of humans, he didn't move, just glanced at Xia Duo and reminded:

"All the books here are protected by the mysterious lock. Don't buy it, don't touch it, let alone hide it secretly. Tell me which one you need, and take it back to read after you buy it."

Being considered a potential thief again, Xia Duo didn't care, knowing that this was the general prejudice of elves. Of course, it was possible that some humans did steal here some time ago.

He thought that he was not the same way with the Nise people, so he responded and walked inside. In the process, he inquired about the bookstore's situation with the help of high-level authority.

Although there is no information about the store owner, he still found the permission settings for related services in the store.

The books inside are indeed protected by the mysterious locks as the shopkeeper said, but local residents can freely read and even borrow them.

As for humans, you can't even touch them. If you touch them, the alarm will be triggered. If you don't buy them, maybe the patrol will come in the next moment.

Of course, with the high-level permissions that Xia Duo now has, he can take and read at will, but he doesn't want to be so high-profile.

If the shopkeeper doesn't know the goods, he might even call in a patrol team, which would be even more troublesome.

Xia Duo didn't want to make trouble, so he did not reveal the fact that he had high-level authority, but acted in the mode of ordinary tourists.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves, Xia Duo quickly noticed that this bookstore was essentially more like a newsstand on the streets of his hometown. Most of the books here had nothing to do with magic, or were not directly related.

And many of them are monthly and weekly publications, such as the "Meera Fashion Review", which is most prominently placed at the entrance of the bookstore. The cover is clearly marked "Year of the Museum · June".

Others include "Artisan Reference" for industry information, "High Style" for entertainment gossip, "Courtyard Structure" for architecture, and so on.

Of course, there are still many regular books in the bookstore, such as "Botany" for Druids, "Encyclopedia of Natural History" similar to an encyclopedia, and even dictionaries.

It's just that the dictionary here is not a dictionary of different languages, but a dictionary based on ancient Elvish languages ​​like the "Ancient Chinese Dictionary" in Shado's hometown.

Although most of the books here have nothing to do with magic, Shado values ​​them more. It's not that he doesn't value magic, but the magic of elves is only a reference for human beings, and he already knows enough.

On the contrary, these books on humanities and social sciences can better demonstrate the inherent cultural and spiritual characteristics of a civilization. UU reading

Of course, valuing does not mean buying, Xia Duo's valuing is more focused on "valuing".

The bookstore reminded him once again that there is a huge gap between Netheril and the elf world, and it is not just one or two strategic magics at the bottom of the box that can smooth it out.

Material civilization must develop, and spiritual civilization must not be left behind either.

After wandering back and forth in the bookstore for two times, Shado finally chose a Druid-related "Sun Rose Seedling Technique", as well as several latest journals.

Among them, the "Sun Rose Seedling Technique" is the only book with "Sun Rose" in the name that Chateau found in this bookstore.

There may be others, but it's nearly impossible to find without flipping through them.

Xia Duo felt that in the future, he could arrange for people to regularly collect books in the elves world, especially periodicals, which would be very helpful for him to understand the latest trends in the elves world.