Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1642: Simple ideas, exchange meetings in advan

"I don't know how the Seven Towers will respond, and there is no news yet!"

Xia Duo sighed silently, and then entered the watchtower.

After maintaining the blazing sun circle, Xia Duo was about to check the status of the watchtower itself, when Belleira's news came unexpectedly—

"The enthusiasm of the participants is much higher than expected. The exchange meeting started earlier, and I will try to compress the time as much as possible."

According to the original plan, if the exchange meeting started earlier, Belleira should choose to delay the time and wait for Xia Duo to appear on the stage. Now that it has been brought forward, but the time has to be compressed, it can be seen that Belleira's "enthusiasm is high" is not a lie.

Xia Duo was happy in his heart, he didn't want this exchange meeting to be just a formality and become a dispensable "fan meeting".

He really needs a mage with a lord background to help him do things, and he also needs to solicit a wave of orders in an irresistible form of "on-site", but he is also looking forward to the exchange meeting itself.

The Great Arcanist only means that the Arcanist has touched the tenth layer of the magic net, and nothing else can represent it. Some non-arcanist mages may have just taken some detours in the initial stage, and their talents are stronger than the Great Arcanist. Teacher's.

The "talent" here is not a quantitative attribute that can be measured, but a state of intelligence that integrates all aspects of cognition, thinking, logic, and imagination.

Grand Arcanists only had a slight advantage in the early stage. If everyone could advance to the rank of Arcanist and finally develop, the nineteen Grand Arcanists in Netheril might not be ranked in the top 100.

Before the technology and system reach a certain standard, chance or luck largely determines the height of a person's development, not the person himself.

Xia Duo is very self-aware. Before time travel, he was just a middle-aged person (maybe in the top 10% if you only look at education background, but in fact, even in modern times, many people have lost their opportunities due to various reasons). Will it be able to surpass countless geniuses?

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, having a background in the world is indeed an advantage that countless geniuses cannot match.

Or to put it another way, Xia Duo has been looking forward to becoming an ordinary person again in this world, just like asking a person on Earth if he would like to change his identity to become an ancient emperor.

Xia Duo believes that as long as he thinks about it seriously, most people will not choose to be an ancient emperor.

In addition to satisfying some perverted desires for power, becoming an ancient emperor is not as good as modern people can enjoy in other aspects.

But while possessing power, one must also be able to maintain such power. Ancient people were not stupider than modern people, but their knowledge was not as good as modern people. Once they use knowledge beyond the current era for profit, they may achieve short-term results.

But in the long run, smart ancient people will quickly absorb and transform, how can a modern ordinary person play against a group of ancient people?

In the ancient system, there was a natural conflict between the superior and the inferior, which was the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, while the core of the modern system lies in "democracy and representation."

It is violence that maintains the rule of the former, and no matter how the ruler promotes public opinion, the essence is that the weak are preying on the strong; while the latter is closer to public opinion.

The reason why it is "close" is because everyone has their own selfish desires, which are chaotic when combined, and may not be able to make long-term and correct decisions.

If an advanced person who has overcome selfish desires represents public opinion, he will naturally be able to make decisions that benefit the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

And if the agent of public opinion has a lot of selfish desires, or only represents the interests of a few people, it will undoubtedly be detrimental to the public.

In Xia Duo's view, a modern person who can play with ancient times is not too ordinary in modern times, but would such a not-so-ordinary modern person expect to enter a more advanced future civilization?

Xia Duo believed it would.

Because with the continuous development of civilization, individuals in the civilization will also be more fully developed!

In Xia Duo’s hometown, for the possibility of future civilization development, there is a kind called “freedom kingdom”. In that kind of civilized society, all human activities are to realize the inner needs of the subject itself, and all people can get full development .

In Xia Duo's hometown, countless people believe that such a future exists and must come, and countless people strive for such belief and even belief.

For Xia Duo, although he still has various selfish desires, it does not prevent him from advancing towards this ideal.

In fact, such a highly developed kingdom of freedom can accommodate all selfish desires, or in other words, the existing so-called selfish desires may only be a certain stage of personal development by then.

It is hard for Xia Duo to imagine what such a world would be like, but he is looking forward to that day.

Longevity really helped him overcome many weaknesses. If this world can't live forever or if there is no hope of longevity in his lifetime, then he might just fall.

In a limited life, isn't it in line with human nature to be a local emperor for a while?

It's not that Xia Duo has no selfish desires, but that he has many desires, very big, and the few selfish desires in front of him are just ignored by him.

"There is no need to deliberately compress or procrastinate, I will be there right away!"

All kinds of thoughts flowed through Xia Duo's heart like running water. He looked calm, and after summoning Belleira, he immediately set off to return to Severton.

Austrian Federation.

After Xia Duo arrived at the teleportation room exclusive to senior members, he did not leave, but immediately adjusted the parameters of the teleportation circle and teleported again.

When he reappeared, he was already in the mysterious temple under the Great Temple of Severton.

At this time, there is a small lounge with doors and tables and chairs at the back, while the front is filled with a magical image, UU reading www. The image shows a hall scene full of spellcasters.

Xia Duo found Belleira in it, and the other party was arguing with another Seven Towers mage in the center of the hall about a problem related to the transformation of the magic net string.

Due to the large number of people in this exchange meeting, it is impossible to give everyone the opportunity to speak on stage like a small exchange meeting. Basically, the mages who can take the stage are at least high-level mages, or even arcanists.

However, in the debate session, that is, the current magic image display session, there is no restriction on speaking, but the speaker will randomly select interested participants to debate or answer questions.

Now it is obvious that the unknown mage chose Belleira as the object of the debate, of course, the premise is that Belleira has different views on what the other party said and intends to initiate an argument.

"To sum up, the ascending ring transformation of the element unit 3-ΞΩΞΔΠΣΓΟ shows obvious out-of-phase, which obviously does not follow the in-phase law you just mentioned."

"You are right. I ignored the out-of-phase divergence of the transformation of the strings of the magic net in the case of multiple elements. In addition, I will add something..."