Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1643: Rules map, impulse to change careers

In the lounge, Xia Duo could see clearly that although the two in the center of the venue communicated in the form of debate, the atmosphere was not tit-for-tat at all.

Soon, the debate between Bellera and the unknown Seven Towers Mage came to an end. Although the two sides could not fully convince each other, they also sublimated their views in the continuous debate.

As the host, Belleira was obviously happy, because she knew that she was the most likely person to be called to answer questions or argue.

"Everyone, please --"

Belleira was about to say the next mage to speak, but she stopped abruptly at this moment, and her already happy expression became even more excited, and announced loudly:

"Lord Shado has arrived, and he has commented on the views of Mage Woz just now!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone at the scene suddenly whispered, but there was no sound. The Blue and White Star Hall could not help casting spells, and almost everyone chose to communicate.

At the same time, in the middle of the venue, where Bellera was on the blue and white star podium, a little blue star appeared out of thin air, and then transformed into countless star points, forming a simple and logical arcane geometric figure.

Although everyone present is not all arcanists, at least they have the intention or desire to participate in the exchange meeting. Arcane geometry is a prerequisite subject for advanced arcanists. Most of these people are understand.

Not to mention those high-level mages who have reached the advanced level, if they do not understand arcane geometry, they are no different from "magic blindness".

Woz, who just spoke, is one of them. As a high-level mage, it has become an instinct for him to interpret arcane geometric figures.

When he saw the mysterious graphics that appeared in the center of the venue, which seemed mysterious to ordinary people, he didn't need to think much. —

"This—it's a miracle!"

As a quasi-arcanist who has chosen to focus on the transformation of the magic weave from the very beginning, Woz is not ignorant of the transformation rules of the magic weave, but now seeing such subtle and concise transformation rules, he feels that I have lived in vain in the past!

No, it's not in vain, if there is no accumulation in the past, how could it be possible to sit here and see such a great miracle now!

At this moment, Woz was extremely excited. Seeing this arcane geometric figure, he seemed to see the truth. Similar to him, there were several arcanists who had already chosen a research direction.

For example, Belleira, Udyr, and Varok, except Belleira who met Shado earlier, Udyr and Varok are just here this time.

And now, they have seen brand-new rules in the field of magic weave string transformation, which means that a series of new spells and new theories will be derived from these rules.

Even if their original research direction was not the transformation of the magic web string, at this moment, they also had the idea of ​​changing the research direction.

This is not a spur of the moment, but a tangible, well-thought-out thought.

For example, Yudier, his chosen research direction is the plane field, or more subdivided, it is the teleportation field in the plane field.

Although the Moraine Tower where he is located has a deep accumulation in the field of teleportation, the more so, the harder it is for him to make achievements.

As an Arcanist, as long as you don't die, you can definitely become a Great Arcanist, but how much sense of accomplishment can a Great Arcanist achieve in this way?

Moreover, the Moraine Tower is not like the other six towers of the Seven Towers. Inside the Moraine Tower, it attaches great importance to academic achievements. If you cannot make breakthrough results, it is almost impossible to become a Moraine High Tower. The master of the tower.

The master of the modern Moraine Tower, the Arcanist Randil, was finally able to ascend to the throne because of his breakthrough results in the study of supreme magic.

But supreme magic comes from elves after all, and Udir wants to make a breakthrough in the field of color-resistant magic.

Right now, he saw an opportunity. He found that the map of the transformation rules of the Magic Weave String, expressed in arcane geometry, given by Lord Shado, was definitely higher than the field of teleportation.

Don't say anything else, just from the point of view to distinguish the superior and the inferior.


The fact that Lord Shado can give this rule map in the exchange meeting without hesitation means that the other party has already achieved more results in related fields.

This is a big problem that is really put in front of Udyr.

Change careers, worrying that you will always be behind others, and you may not even be able to eat soil; but if you don't change careers, this unprecedented map of rules is constantly tempting him!

"Let's take a look, wait until the exchange meeting is over!"

There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. The exchange meeting has only just started, and such a smashing news broke out, and what will happen later, it makes my heart itch.


At the same time, those mages who could not understand or could not interpret this map of rules in a short period of time, when they saw the arcanists and high-level mages that they could only look up to at ordinary times, had a big face after seeing this map. Frightened and eager to hide their happy expressions, they could guess something.

"Good stuff! Write it down and talk about it!"

For a while, only the rustling sound of the tip of the pen scratching across the paper and the sound of slightly heavy breathing remained in the venue.

In the lounge, Xia Duo has been maintaining the map of the rules projected in the venue, and he did not release it until most of the people stopped writing.

That picture is nothing else, it's just a part of the rule mapping in the Evocation Equation If someone is willing to study further, they may be able to find the Evocation Equation spell.

Of course, it is more likely to find the application of this part of the rules in other fields. After all, the evocation equation exhausts all evocative spells, and it is impossible to infer the transformation rules of the magic net string only through this.

However, if a mage who has studied evocative spells in depth gets this part of the rules, and then combines a large number of evocative spell examples to abstract higher-level rules, it is indeed possible to get the evocative equation.

But there are really mages who can do that, and it doesn't matter whether there are these rules or not, it just saves a little time.

Shado didn't get this part of the magic net string transformation rules first and then get the plastic energy equation, but got the equation first, and then found this part of the rules from it, and then converted it into a map, as a reference to Mage Woz just now. The reviews, of course, are more important to supplement.

It can be predicted that the Tower of Time will be short of people for quite some time in the future, especially the high-level mages who cannot be cultivated in a short period of time.

Even if there is no shortage of people in the future, the introduction of outstanding talents will be the long-term basic policy of the Tower of Time.