Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1644: Civilization Takes Home, New Theory of B

If I am stronger, you will be weaker; if you are weaker, then I will be stronger.

Xia Duo can foresee that unless special circumstances happen, it will be difficult for him to persuade other lords of Netheril to change with him.

Even if it can be persuaded, how strong the implementation is and who will take the lead will always be a big problem.

Xia Duo firmly believes that his own line is correct, and at the same time he can criticize and accept other people's views. After overcoming his selfish desires, he is convinced that he can do this.

But what about the others?

In a short period of time, you may be attracted by the dividends of change, choose to believe in him and follow him, but once you encounter greater benefits or some setbacks, will you still choose to believe in him and follow him unswervingly?

Xia Duo puts his hope on entering the Academy, and only this group of progressive young people who he personally laid the foundation will be his staunch supporters for his future career.

Of course, this cause is not just his own cause, but the common cause of all progressives who share common ideals and beliefs, and even the vast majority of the people they represent.

As for Netheril, Xiaduo wants to use it more as a petri dish, in which the new civilization needs to absorb nutrients when it cannot survive independently.

When the new civilization grows to a certain extent, this petri dish will also be absorbed and assimilated.

Next, the exchange will continue.

Another high-level mage came to speak on the stage. With the precedent of Woz just now, this Zilan High Tower mage named "Aldrin" was more open.

He directly announced the bloodline inheritance project he was researching. After he finished speaking, many people on the stage raised their hands, and Aldrin casually clicked on one and said:

"Do you have any disagreement, or want to ask me?"

"Uh, I don't have any disagreement, I just have some questions I want to ask."

"Please rest assured to ask, I know everything!"

"Just now you mentioned that ordinary people also have bloodlines, but why don't ordinary people have bloodline spells?"

The questioner is a mid-level mage. Many mid-level and low-level mages are very interested in his question. After all, bloodline spells, a shortcut that can be upgraded while lying down, are something that everyone wants to have.

As for high-level mages, the vast majority of them who can appear here are self-motivated. They know that blood only represents the lower limit, not the upper limit. If you want to become a great arcanist or legendary mage, you can't achieve it only by blood. .

At the same time, they also believe in their own abilities more, instead of pinning their hopes on illusory blood.

Although Aldrin was born in Zilan High Tower, he was also deeply influenced by the mainstream ideas of Netheril. He studied blood, but he did not rely on blood.

Although Zilan Tower has gathered a large number of bloodline warlocks and studied bloodline spells, it still focuses on the mainstream arcane magic system.

This can only be seen from the public identity of Horn, the master of the Zilan Tower, as the "Grand Arcanist", not some blood-related titles such as "Element Envoy" or "Bloodline King".

Of course, since the Zilan Tower used blood as an excuse to gather a large number of blood warlocks who were born with the ability to cast spells, they must also be very concerned about the "selling point" of blood.

Most of the research in Zilan High Tower focuses on bloodlines. In addition to further developing the upper limit of bloodline capabilities, it also focuses on creating new bloodlines.

Aldrin's research is basically in the same line in Zilan Tower. The so-called "bloodline inheritance" can be understood as a branch project of the big project of creating new bloodlines.

Aldrin still has a say in whether ordinary people have blood.

"After several adjustments in Zilan Tower's definition of bloodline, it is no longer limited to whether it can cast spells, but regards it as the most basic characteristic of a living being."

Speaking of his field of expertise, Aldrin talked eloquently, "I believe many people have heard the saying that no two fingerprints are exactly the same unless they are disguised.

"This sentence can also be used in the field of bloodlines. No two people's bloodlines are exactly the same. In other words, fingerprints are an appearance of bloodlines.

"And correspondingly, whether one can cast spells, and what kind of spells one can cast, are also the appearance of blood!

"In Zilan Tower, we call the smallest unit of bloodline [sequence]. The reason why ordinary people don't have bloodline spells is nothing else, but because their bloodline sequence doesn't contain the corresponding spellcasting mode."

As soon as the words fell, the middle-level mage who had just asked asked again: "Then is there a way to change the bloodline sequence of ordinary people so that they can also have bloodline spells?"

After speaking, not only the questioner, but also many people in the venue looked at Aldrin expectantly.

Although everyone present is already a spellcaster, their family members and descendants may not be. Although the training of a mage is not difficult, theoretically everyone can become a mage, but that is only in theory.

There are always some people who can't even step into the threshold of casting spells, or the training time is too long, so no matter how high wisdom they have, it won't help.

If you can carry out bloodline transformation and possess bloodline spells, it is equivalent to being able to cast spells naturally, and the threshold for casting spells is directly gone for these bloodline warlocks.

Even if you don't need to use this to cross the threshold of casting spells, it's good to save a little training time, sometimes it may be just a little short of time!

For example, the casting threshold of the life extension spell is the archmage. Although I don't know what the future will be, at least it is like this now.

If you can't become an archmage and learn the life extension spell before the end of your life, then even if you have the life extension spell, it's useless. It can save a little time in the early stage, and it's best not to delay it later.

At the same time, Xia Duo in the lounge also showed a look of anticipation. He did not expect that the research on bloodlines in Kiran Tower had almost surpassed the genetic theory on the previous earth.

This is a bit different from the research route of the bloodline of the great southern country Calimshan that he has The whole country of Calimshan in the south has similar bloodlines, so the research direction is more focused on this kind of bloodline Itself, developing its upper limit, lower limit, height, and width, is almost another magic system.

In these two directions, Xia Duo can't tell which is better and who is worse. He believes that whether it is Zilan Tower or Calimshan, making such a choice is always after careful consideration and is the most suitable for their own situation.

However, comparatively speaking, Xia Duo is still more inclined to Zilan Tower. After all, from his heart, he also agrees to thoroughly analyze the blood in a similar way to genes.

It's just that there are some problems in how to comment on the other party next.

Before crossing, Xia Duo had a good understanding of physics and chemistry. In terms of biology, he only took biology classes in middle school, and he had almost no knowledge of this aspect since then.

"Forget it, you can fool me casually, and no one stipulates that you must understand everything!"

(end of this chapter)