Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1648: Key 1 ring, gift

If Shado is the master of the Seven Towers, there is no doubt that he will do so!

It's just that the interior of the Seven Pagodas is almost a small Netheril, not to mention the mountains, at least they all have their own demands.

Not to mention that the tradition of territorial independence has lasted for nearly a thousand years, and it may not be so easy to change it once.

At this moment, Shado even doubted whether Cross might be a chess piece from the Seven Towers!

The Seven Towers knew that the top-down reforms launched in the name of the Severnton Council were heavily resisted, so Cross was able to gain power step by step from the bottom up.

The Green Tower Alliance and the Sevington Alliance are also alliances. When the Green Tower Alliance covers the entire Netheril, isn't it the Sevington Alliance with a different name?

And it's more centralized and more powerful.

The more Xia Duo thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, the organizational capacity of the collective system far exceeded the current form of territorial alliance. In order to deal with the competition within the Northern Alliance, the Seven Towers had every reason to do such a thing.

But if that's the case, Shado's magical civilization plan is probably going to fail, not completely. He can also implement his plan in the new Severnton alliance system.

It's just that in that case, it is inevitable to negotiate with other great arcanists. How can you be happy to decide everything by yourself now!

Although Xia Duo does not pursue Yiyantang, there is an essential difference between whether it can be Yiyantang and whether it is Yiyantang.

Sometimes what is right may not necessarily be accepted by more people. After all, most of the time, the position is the first, not my camp. Even if you know you are right, you have to forcefully twist it.

There is no doubt that Shado and Qita do not belong to the same camp, at least they did not embark on the exact same path. As long as there are differences, there will be obstacles.

In a system dominated by the other side, such differences are almost the same as dead ends, and it is difficult to seek common ground while reserving differences.

For a time, Xia Duo hesitated.

If he sticks to his own path, it may be beneficial in the long run, but in the short term, Netheril may be defeated in the internal competition of the Northland Alliance, and Netheril's collapse will do him no good.

And if he chooses to go along with the Seven Pagodas, then his plan may not be realized for a long time.

How to choose?

At this time, on the blue and white star podium in the center of the venue, Anda Tlaib was still talking eloquently, and looked at Xia Duo from time to time, as if asking for advice.

Xia Duo occasionally responded, but he couldn't make up his mind. On the issue of choosing the path of civilization, a mere exchange meeting seemed secondary.

"The key is to fall on the floating city!" Xia Duo sighed silently in his heart.

As long as the floating city can achieve the desired effect, many problems will not be a problem, but now his floating city is still the most important part—

Strategic war spells.

Although strictly speaking, he has not even built the floating city, but as long as there is a [Misera] device, there will be a place for war magic.

"I hope that the teacher will give you some strength and research the war spells suitable for the Misera device as soon as possible!"

As for now, it is still necessary to complete the floating city first. As long as the war magic is in place, it will immediately become a pivotal force in Netheril and the entire Northland.

After Anda Tlaib finished speaking, Shado gave comments as usual, and he still had some insight in the aspect of spiritual magic.

In addition to commenting on what Anda Tlaib said, he also extended a new direction, namely the concept of subconscious and conscious.

In Netheril, some psychic spells act on the conscious mind, such as interrogation and mantra, and some act on the subconscious, such as psychic curses.

However, there is no clear distinction between subconscious and apparent consciousness, and more general terms such as "mind" and "consciousness" are used directly. Xia Duo's concept of "subconscious and apparent consciousness" may lead to a new round of mental magic research. upsurge.

And this, for Xia Duo, is also very beneficial.

He has always held high expectations for the "integration of the subconscious and the surface consciousness" research, but the progress is slow, that is, he has the bloodline ability to trace the memory, and can accurately distinguish the subconscious and the surface consciousness.

Otherwise, he would have thought that this road was completely unworkable and wanted to give up.

The concept of "subconscious and conscious" is just a concept, and other people's research can save him a lot of time.

After Anda Tlaib, Shado's comments will also lead to some novel points of view, of course, mainly because he is interested and planned to study.

It is impossible for him to do everything alone. Although he cannot bring all these people into the Tower of Time, as long as he communicates a few times, it is better than thinking alone or waiting for the high-level mages of the Tower of Time to grow up and then study. much more.

Yes, Xardeau is ready to come to Severnton regularly to hold exchange meetings.

In addition to the purpose of absorbing the essence of the wisdom of mainland mages, he also has the purpose of further improving his own influence, and his next plan needs to use such influence!

Finally, the time came to the middle of the night again, and the exchange meeting was coming to an end.

Xia Duo walked to the blue and white star podium in the center of the venue, and everyone's eyes also converged on him, only to hear Xia Duo cough lightly, and said calmly:

"This exchange will surprise me. In you, I see Netheril's tomorrow. For this reason, I have specially prepared some small gifts for you. Among them, there are extra surprises for those who perform well!"

After speaking, Xia Duo controlled the portable space to completely overlap with the venue here. In an instant, a book appeared in front of everyone in the venue, and a few people had an extra box.

This scene made everyone stunned. Some people guessed something, but more people just marveled at the mighty power of the Great Arcanist.

And among those who guessed what, some of them knew something about the realm of planes, and they knew more about the difficulties behind the scene where countless gifts appeared out of thin air corresponding to each spellcaster.

After everyone took the gifts, Xia Duo separated the personal space from the venue and left the venue.

After Xia Duo left, everyone present turned over the book, opened the box, and then burst into exclamations.

The book, like everyone else, was the "Agricultural Book" carefully prepared by Xia Duo; the box contained magic items, including five high-level magic items and ten ordinary magic items.

There are none of the high-quality goods. After all, Xia Duo still expects to use this to make money, so how can he give it away so easily.

Soon, when the venue became quieter, Belleira came on stage to give a closing speech, and then everyone began to leave, and the exchange meeting officially ended.

But Belleira did not leave, and a few people stayed.

When the people from the Temple of Mysteries came to check the venue, and after the handover was completed, Belleira brought these people to the lounge next to them.

Lord Shado is waiting for them here!