Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1681: virtual spirit, test

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In fact, about the existence of Taring, Niya has said a lot in the past, and Xia Duo also remembers it, but he still can't understand Niya's perception of Taring.

Like himself, if you want to use Taring, you need to be within the sensible range of the Tower of Time to contact Taring, but Niya doesn't need it, she just needs to "think".

Literally, just think about it.

Xia Duo also had a lot of guesses about the peculiarities of Taring, but most of them were finally verified because he guessed wrong, and a few did not even have the chance to verify.

It just happened that the "Spirit of Communication Instrument" called Niya, and Xia Duo wanted to hear Niya's opinion again.

In this regard, Nia's answer is still similar to the past, "How do you say this? Actually, I don't know what Tarling is, but I can clearly feel its existence, just like my hands and feet.

"Of course, it's not accurate to say that, it should be like my perception of hands and feet, and the Tower of Time is more like my hands and feet.

"It's just that I don't feel much about this particular new organ itself, like I can't directly perceive what's going on inside the body."

After speaking, Niya asked Xia Duo again, "Why did you suddenly think of asking me this question, have you already used the Enlightenment Scroll?"

She told Shado about the news of Brendes' arrival just now, and when Shado met Brendes, she was watching from the study "by the side", and naturally knew the existence of the Enlightenment Scroll.

"Yes, I have used it."

Xia Duo raised the communication tool in his hand and said to Niya: "It's used on it, I just sent you a message, I didn't do it myself, but let it do it!"

"You actually used the Enlightenment Scroll on a communication device?!" Niya's mouth widened, as if she couldn't believe it.

But the fact is in front of him, Xia Duo can't lie to him about this kind of thing, so what's the problem now?

Niya hurriedly asked: "How is the effect? ​​Can't you perceive the existence of the communication tool now?"

"Yes, I can't feel it."

However, Xia Duo also said that he had observed a new resonance relationship between the communication tool and his body, but this resonance relationship did not allow him to directly perceive the existence of the communication tool.

As for the "spirit of communication instruments", there is not even a shadow, and it is impossible to perceive as clearly as Niya said.

"What do you think is wrong?" Nia asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe the communication tool is too small to generate a spirit with enough sense of existence, or it may be because I didn't use the spiritual substance."

These two possibilities are actually more inclined to the latter.

In the case of the former, he has basically judged that the spell itself is not complicated. In other words, no matter how large or complex the existence enlightenment is, the final "spirit" effect should be similar.

Only the spiritual essence Xia Duo can't judge.

Eorem said that the distorted phantom core-that is, the spiritual substance can act as a tower spirit carrier, so does it mean that the "spirit of communication instrument" he created now is not a real thing.

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This is also in line with the situation that "there is no spiritual substance tower spirit can exist for a long time".

"Then you want to continue experimenting with spiritual substances?"

Niya's words reminded Xia Duo that he really needs to understand the essence of Taring, otherwise he really does not worry about applying it to the floating city.

Then experimenting with spiritual substances has become an inevitable choice.

"Try it, or you'll always be worried."

However, the spiritual substance is precious after all, even if Xado had harvested some in the overlapping area of ​​ether before, it would not be possible for him to use it at will.

Thinking like this, Xia Duo opened his mind a little and strengthened a thought in his heart, "Call Niya and ask her to give me a gold coin!"

Niya came suddenly just now, and he still has a lot of tests for the "Spirit of Communication Magical Instrument" before it can be carried out, but it is not too late.

Before actually using the esoteric substance, he needs to make full use of this virtual "Spirit of Communication Magical Instrument".


And just after Xia Duo's intention to weave, the communication magic weapon flashed and started again spontaneously!

This scene fell in Xia Duo's eyes, and he could at least judge that even if he couldn't perceive the "Spirit of Communication Instrument", they still maintained some kind of mysterious connection.

Its appearance may be the resonance between the two parties using the chord of the magic web as the medium, but the depth is certainly not that simple.

The next moment, Niya took out a small purse from the dimensional bag she was carrying, and then took out a shiny Mingshui gold coin, shook it in front of Xia Duo, and asked:

"Why do you want gold coins? Is this a new test?"


Xia Duo nodded, then put the communication tool on the experimental table next to him, and said to Niya, "I'll go out for a while, and I'll send a message to tell you some numbers. When I come back, you tell me which numbers are. ."

Niya glanced at the communication magic tool next to her, as if she thought of something, and immediately agreed, "Okay, you can go!"

Seeing that Niya had entered the state, Xia Duo walked out of the laboratory. The "going out" he said just now also included going out of the laboratory.

After he got outside, Xia Duo immediately used his consciousness to order the communication tool to send a message to Niya and after he closed the laboratory door, he sent the number "2" again.

Next, he began to keep away from the laboratory, and at regular intervals he let the communication magic device communicate a new number to Niya until he left the Tower of Time.

After he came outside, Xia Duo was still the same as before. Every time he left a certain distance, he let the communication magic weapon send a message once, but compared with the tower of time, the distance was larger when he was outside, and he also gradually increase.

In the end, Xia Duo came to the foot of the Wolf God Mountain, and finally ordered the communication tool to pass a number "99", and then did not continue.

When he returned to the laboratory, Xia Duo immediately asked Niya, "What numbers did you receive just now?"

"From 1 to 99, the 99 numbers."

"Isn't there any omission in the middle?" Xia Duo confirmed it again.

After getting Niya's affirmative answer, he was basically able to determine that his connection with the communication tool should be the same as the connection between Niya and the Tower of Time. Simply put, as long as they are in the same plane, they will always maintain contact. .

Although he couldn't perceive the existence of the other party, the connection was real. In fact, when he heard Nya say the number "99", he was basically sure of it.

Next, Xia Duo is not going to do other tests. After confirming that the communication magic tool is indeed in contact with him, no more tests are to test the communication magic tool itself.

There is only one last question about the duration of the "Spirit of Communication Instrument", he needs to confirm it, but don't "unable to last" are all made up by the seven towers to deceive people to buy spiritual essence, then it will be boring.