Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1683: Consciousness ghosting, copy Dafa

In this way, Xia Duo can barely glimpse the essence of "tool spirit".

If he guessed correctly, if he wants to study further, he may have to look inward from the perspective of the soul.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh. At first, he thought that the tower spirit was related to psionic magic, and even came directly from it, but now it seems that this idea may be wrong.

Maybe it was really related at the beginning, but it shouldn't matter much now, maybe as Eorem said, it's already something in the Nether magic system.

After adjusting his thoughts a little, Xia Duo concentrated and entered a state of high concentration. In this state, he quickly sensed his soul.

He has experienced this process many times in the past. At this time, his soul is exactly the same as his body, and even the details of his clothes are the same, but—

Different from the scene he "saw" when he sensed the soul last time, this time, Xia Duo actually saw a small ball of light around his soul that looked like the Holy Light Envoy but was slightly dimmer than the Holy Light Envoy.

"Is this—is it the spirit of the communication instrument that was just created?"

Xia Duo was both shocked and puzzled. The shock was because something that had never appeared before suddenly appeared in the soul space, and the doubt was because of the process of creating the artifact spirit just now, but he was completely insightful, but he could understand a thing or two.

In his opinion, artifact spirit exists in the communication artifact, or the artifact spirit is the communication artifact itself, and it is also a conceptual entity that is beyond the communication artifact itself and represents all the functions of the communication artifact.

Why does it appear around his soul?

Or in the form of a less obvious sphere of light?

In Shado's perception, this small ball of light is constantly revolving around the soul, just like the news planet revolves horizontally, but the strange thing is—

This guy doesn't seem to be in the same dimension as the small space reflected around the soul.

Small **** of light often pass through the outer plane scenes in space, of course, this mainly refers to the big summer home in the boundless wilderness.

The rotten swamp that was previously suspected to be somewhere in the Devil's Abyss was stripped away by Shado as an illusory star on the edge of space after the previous bloodline awakening. If necessary in the future, it can be unfolded at any time and descend into the abyss.

But whether it is the Daxia homeland or the illusory stars representing the coordinates of the abyss, the small ball of light suspected of the existence of the artifact will not be affected at all, and of course it will not affect the two.

Obviously, the existence of the suspected artifact and the small space suspected of the projection of the kingdom of God do not belong to the same system, and there seems to be no connection.

Xia Duo tried to perceive this small ball of light, but found that the other party seemed to belong to a foreign body, but it seemed to be of the same origin with the soul, and the pure soul perspective did not seem to be able to penetrate its essence.

"Maybe you just missed something?"

Xia Duo's consciousness floated up and began to examine consciousness itself. Consciousness is essentially the self, and the self is largely composed of cognition and thinking patterns.

It was previously speculated that the tool spirit has an underlying database. Perhaps the tool spirit exists at the level of consciousness, and the small light ball from the soul's perspective may only be a projection of it at the soul level.

Only in this way can it be in a different dimension from the small space that is suspected to be the projection of the kingdom of God but may be a special real space in essence.

With the rise of consciousness, Xia Duo's thoughts gradually increased. Different from perceiving the soul, perceiving consciousness is more like tracing memory. Numerous subconscious and conscious information are intertwined to form a unique and real existence called "self". underlying database.

Soon, Xia Duo discovered the anomaly!

As a person who does meditation training every morning, Xia Duo is so familiar with his own consciousness that if he just adds new memories in one day, there may be a little incongruity before it is organized, but it is not surprising.

But now, Xia Duo clearly felt that his consciousness and memory seemed to have a double image!

Consciousness itself is a virtual existence, a collection of countless information. This layer of ghosting may seem illusory, but there is no doubt that it also contains a lot of information.

Just at this moment, Xia Duo did not feel that the "self" was affected, or that the layer of double image seemed to be mixed with the conscious information that made up the self, but they were distinct from each other and did not affect each other.

Do not!

Xia Duo felt that he should be able to change the ghosting layer, but out of prudence, he has not acted for the time being, after all, he is not sure what will happen after the change.

If the ghost interacts with the self, wouldn't it pollute the self?

Although Shado is backing up his personality every day, now he is not sure how much information the ghost image contains. If there is too much, the subsequent chain reaction of its interaction with self-awareness information may make him never able to clear the pollution.

Then it's just going back.

It's just that Xia Duo is reluctant to go back whenever possible, which means that he must give up all the thought processes from this morning onwards.

In a sense, his current self will be obliterated.

Of course, in reality, the problem is not that serious.

According to his previous guesses, the [Enlightenment Technique] did not generate the underlying database of the tower spirit out of thin air, but came from the caster himself.

That Xia Duo may be able to make such a further guess——

This double image of his consciousness may be the "copy" of his consciousness.

In the words of the magical world, the essence of [Enlightenment] is that the caster creates an incomplete conscious projection and combines this conscious projection with some kind of utensil, facility or even building to make it intelligent.

The reason why it is said to be an "incomplete" consciousness projection is that a complete consciousness projection will directly resonate with the body, producing an effect similar to the perception field or the projection of the clone.

Xia Duo had read a lot of immortal cultivation which often appeared in a scene——

The protagonist creates an avatar, and then assigns a quest to the avatar, and the avatar who receives the quest often says something like this: "Daoist friend is me, I am a daoist friend, why come to work hard?"

In ancient immortality novels, the chances of this scene appearing are particularly high, but later readers thought this kind of plot was poisonous.

In the real magic world, Shado is now able to make such a clone, but there is no doubt that if there is no corresponding control method, thinking about the clone with your toes will definitely rebel.

It's not to say rebellion, but to fight for the identity of the ontology. No one wants to be just a clone of some existence.

Xia Duo himself is like this, and it is even more impossible for the Master Plane Nise to make the same copy of consciousness as the main body.

In fact, any projection spell or clone spell, the clone created is controlled by the ontology consciousness, not a copy of consciousness.

This is especially true of cloning, not to mention something as fundamental as consciousness, not even a not-so-unique soul.