Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1685: Cracking scroll, learning machine

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Of course, testing again will certainly not be so simple.

After ordering the communication of the spirit of the communication tool, Xia Duo waited patiently. During this period, he also tried to test it himself, but it was probably because the spirit of the tool was intrinsically connected to him, and there was no abnormality in the test many times.

"Sure enough, I still need an outsider!"

Thinking like this, Xia Duo paused the self-test and prepared to wait for Kent to come over.

In a few minutes, Kent, who had just left not long ago, returned to the laboratory. Xia Duo nodded secretly when he saw it, but this alone did not prove that the spirit was safe.

Before Kent could speak first, Shado asked, "Kent, you just received my summons, right?"

"Yes, President."

"Very well, I have a task for you now."

"President, please speak."

"Have you seen the crystal ball on the test bench, I want you to communicate with it, determine the identity of the person behind it, and evaluate its status."

"This—" Kent was taken aback, what kind of mission is this, he is not a special spy, and if he wants to inquire on purpose, will the other party tell the truth? How can he judge this?

"What? Is it difficult?" Xia Duo asked.

"No, President, I'm worried that if I don't do well, it will delay your business, President."

"Don't worry about this, just do it with confidence. If you feel unsure by yourself, you can take the crystal ball back and ask your friends to complete it together. I will reward everyone with points according to the completion situation."

After Shado said this, Kent agreed, but asked a new question: "But how do we judge whether he is lying?"

"He won't lie, but he needs to consider whether he has withheld key information. You can test these slowly after you go back, and give me the results in two days."

After that, Shado let Kent go back.

In fact, what he wants Kent to complete is a Turing-like test. As long as he deliberately controls it, of course, it is impossible for the spirit to lie. In fact, this thing has no concept of lying at all. It doesn't even have an ego, so how can it lie?

It is only possible that he has set up a response mechanism in advance to give a different answer.

Just like Taring in the Tower of Time, when Shado is an apprentice, asking Taring requires special activation keywords, and even asking questions can't ask some abstract questions.

It was only later that he learned that Tarling was actually intelligent and could understand abstract problems, but it was only now that he understood the essence of Tarling.

Not an artificial intelligence in the true sense, but a partial essence projection of the original caster, solidified using esoteric substances.

In other words, Tarling can actually be used as a teacher!

Perhaps its intelligence cannot support teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, but it is more than enough to answer questions mechanically!

And the towering created by the smarter or the more knowledgeable will definitely be smarter and more knowledgeable than those created by the average person!

Of course, the towering here mainly refers to the unedited native towering.

If it has been specially edited and tuned, it may be even better, of course, it is not impossible for it to become worse.

After Kent left, Xia Duo silently formulated a few simple rules for the spirit of communication instruments, and then took out the enlightenment scroll again.

It's just that this time he is not going to create a new artifact, but is going to crack the scroll.

Brendes sent a total of ten enlightenment scrolls, he just used two, and now it is quite difficult to complete the cracking within eight.

Cracking a magic scroll is similar to cracking a magic item, except that the magic scroll directly writes all the details of the encrypted spells on paper, which makes it easier to crack.

But that's all, it's actually better to grind one element at a time.

Fortunately, Xia Duo also has a lot of understanding of spiritual spells. Combined with the observation of the essence of the artifact spirit, he can probably guess the design direction of this spell before encryption, as well as some details.

This is equivalent to giving him a cracked key. Although it does not exactly match the lock, the outline shape has come out, and the next step is to fill in the details.

Of course, Xia Duo is also ready to continue to buy the scroll of enlightenment.

In the next few days, Xia Duo hardly left the laboratory except for eating and sleeping. Of course, the construction of the [Misera] device on the blue crystal plane was temporarily stopped.

However, Niya's work did not stop. After lunch every day, she went to the aquamarine plane to print the Mithril circuit of the flight control system on time.

During this period, Xia Duo did not forget the Spirit of Communication Artifacts that he gave to Kent for testing. He had a hunch that he would not be able to get the editing technology of Taring from the Seven Towers, and there would not even be hints about related theories. .

That is to say, if he doesn't research it by himself, any "tool spirit" he uses in the future will be in its original state.

Not to mention all kinds of ** information, it is easy to leave the back door of the seven towers.

On this day, Xia Duo once again recovered a bunch of Mithril components used for the simulation test. The unsuccessful attempts made him feel a little irritable.

Although only two of the remaining eight Enlightenment Scrolls have been used, if the cracking speed is still at the current rate, I am afraid that after these are exhausted, I will have to buy ten or eight more!


Xia Duo sighed in his heart that it is not easy to crack, and this is still the result of Qita's intentional indulgence. If you don't want people to crack it, you can set up more and better encryption and insurance measures.

After turning around in the laboratory for two times, Xia Duo couldn't think of any new ideas for a while, so he decided to put it aside for a while to see the test situation of Kent and the others.

Of course, since the spirit of the communication tool has been connected to his essence, Xia Duo does not need to go there with his real body, and can only obtain relevant information in his consciousness.

-What is your name?

-number 1.

-where do you come from?

-(no answer)

- Are you human?


Some of the previous ones are generally normal, but the interesting ones come later. When Kent knew that the test subject was a mage and he couldn't lie, he directly put all the difficult problems he usually accumulated in his head. All thrown out.

Afterwards, other members of the Society who were invited to participate in the test also followed suit, and directly regarded the test subject as a teaching machine that would not resist, realizing the freedom of learning in advance!

"These boys!"

Xia Duo was not angry, but felt very gratified. He was gratified by the enthusiasm of these members of the Association for knowledge, and this was also a proof of the feasibility of the "learning machine" or "answering machine" in advance.

Judging from the current status of the Tower of Time, there will definitely be insufficient teachers in the future. It is almost an inevitable trend to implement answering machines or learning among some lower-grade students.

It's a good thing to be eager to learn, but these little guys may have forgotten their tasks and business affairs, which is a bit bad.