Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1686: Stimulate interest, test report

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In addition, these middle-level mages are not little guys, and they even asked about the details of 8th-level spells. Of course, in this regard, Xia Duo did not set any restrictions.

After all, even if you tell them, they can't try it. You should broaden their horizons and increase their motivation to learn.

However, not long after the creation of this spirit, Xia Duo deleted it from the underlying database. Of course, there are spell details and so on, but at the 8th level, most of them must have been deleted.

So the spirit can't answer.

However, these little guys are not stupid. If they can't ask the details, they just ask for some general theoretical knowledge. Although they don't need it now, it is a rare experience to know in advance.

Just like the theory of relativity in the high school textbooks in Xado's hometown, do you really expect a group of high school students to have a deep understanding?

Nothing more than to broaden their horizons and stimulate their interest in physics.

Of course, it is also possible that some people gave up physics in advance because of early contact. Xia Duo didn't think it was a pity.

On the contrary, this should also be considered a kind of humanization.

In high school, the thinking is gradually becoming mature. You should have a certain ability to plan your life. If you are interested, you may not be able to learn physics well, but if you are not interested, you will definitely not be able to develop long-term in the field of physics.

Kent and others are mostly ten years old now, and they are just a group of high school students on earth. In fact, these Nishites will only mature earlier.

Whether it was giving up early or boosting motivation, Shado respected their choice.


However, Kent and others were planning to expand the number of people who tested the "Learning Machine". Xia Duo felt it was necessary to remind him that he should not forget his business.

As soon as this idea appeared, in a workshop on the public floor of the Tower of Time, the communication magic device that was surrounded by Kent and others immediately responded and sent a message to Kent.

Kent, who was thinking about what to ask next, received the news, his face changed suddenly, he quickly separated from the crowd, squeezed to the side of the communication tool, grabbed the communication tool, and said to the crowd:

"The president just sent me a message, asking us to complete the task first."

"Ah, how could this be, it's just my turn!"

But this guy just said a word, and was suppressed by other people's words, "The mission of the president is more important. If you ask questions or something, there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

"Yeah, let's finish the mission of the president first!"

Whether it comes from his heart or not, at this moment, everyone's opinions are highly unified. Kent holds the communication magic weapon and loudly assigns tasks to everyone:

"Ron, your group analyzes the social background; Harry, your group analyzes the academic background; others have different opinions at any time. Dolan, we continue to test the blind spot."



Watching Kent and the others quickly enter the state, Xia Duo waved his hand to break up the real-time projection provided by the Tower of Time. After this adjustment, Xia Duo also regained his passion and continued to devote himself to the cracking of the Enlightenment Scroll.

The next day, Kent submitted a detailed test report.

After Xia Duo received the report, he opened it for the first time to check. The front was all the testing process. Xia Duo roughly flipped through it, omitting some questions about spell details.

In this regard, Xia Duo can understand, after all, it is already off topic, and writing it into the report is not causing trouble for himself.

Turning directly to the back, seeing the conclusion given by Kent and others, Shado laughed suddenly, and saw that the last page of the report clearly read in black and white—

"The test subject's thinking is rigid, but the logic is strict and has quite advanced knowledge of magic. It is initially judged to be a magician or an arcanist who is controlled by psychic magic."

This conclusion is somewhat different from what Xia Duo expected, but it is already very qualified, and it can even be said to be quite excellent.

Turning forward, there are also specific analysis processes, such as rigid thinking. The reason given by Kent is that the test subjects can only answer questions mechanically, and once they are asked questions that require subjective judgment, they cannot answer them.

Also, when asked about content related to emotions, preferences, and thoughts, there will be obvious stuttering.

And to some of the same questions, even when separated by many other questions, the test subjects gave almost no difference at all.

Normal people can't do that.

As for the logical rigor, it's as simple as asking some coherent questions, such as what the target's last question was.

This seems simple, but it actually involves logical consistency, so that there will be no inconsistencies. If you want to focus on verification, you need to design more problems with more complex relationships.

Kent did indeed do this. Although he did not systematically study "logic", magic is an objective existence, and the mage is a rational profession, and logic runs through it all the time, which is self-evident.

On the contrary, it was the last item—the target possessed profound knowledge of magic, and this judgment was invaluable.

To know that Kent and others are not even middle-level mages, how to judge a certain knowledge is advanced knowledge? Just some general theory?

But these general things can also be known by ordinary people!

This is no deep magic knowledge!

You must know that Xia Duo has deleted most of the details of spells. To these questions, Artifact Spirit will not answer. According to the simple judgment of ordinary people, if you don’t answer, you don’t know, and if you don’t know, you don’t have the knowledge.

But Kent and others still made a correct judgment, which is very difficult, beyond the simple judgment of ordinary, but has sufficient basis.

With this alone, Shado can conclude that there must be more than one Arcanist among the Kent group. Of course, this is based on the training system of the old era.

And now, a new era is coming. In Shado's plan, as long as the prescribed learning process is completed, Kent's group of people can become Arcanist in all probability, and those who cannot become Arcanist are considered a rare species.


After closing the report, Xia Duo pondered for a moment, and decided to continue to delete the underlying database of the tool spirit. Of course, the test must continue until a mental model that is simplified to the extreme is found.

In other words, Shado wanted to study the composition of consciousness.

The technology of Taring is very important. The floating city system is complex and different from ordinary magic items. The control and use of its various functions cannot be performed manually by relevant personnel.

This is similar to the fact that on Earth, various functions of early fighter jets were fully mechanical and fully manual, but later they became electronic, and many previous operations could be completed with one button.

In addition, before the advent of the magic version of the computer, Shado felt that the computer could be replaced by Taring, and this period may last for a long time!