Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1694: Democratic Centralism, Visitors from the

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As for Xia Duo, since he found these people, he naturally wouldn't mind their questions. He would never do anything duplicitous, saying that asking you to ask is asking you to ask.

Compared with the "old man" of the Tower of Old Times, the "newcomer" who entered the first department knew more about Xia Duo.

Seeing Tilak stand up, Xia Duo was not surprised at all, and even if the reason he gave could not convince Tilak, the other party would probably refuse.

Of course, he can also force the other party to obey, but this breaks the democratic and centralized atmosphere that he has managed to build up in the school for a long time.

Xia Duo glanced at the others, and then explained: "Tilak's question is also what you want to ask, it's actually very simple, I have planned a decomposition task for you that suits your respective abilities.

"Open the construction manual in your hand. There are specific construction steps on it. Just follow the instructions above. You are all excellent talents of the Tower of Time. I believe in your ability."

"Construction manual?"

It was only then that Tilak realized what he had in his hand. Just now, he thought it was related to the project of the research laboratory, but he did not expect it to be a construction manual.

When he opened it, Tilak was immediately attracted, and he saw that it clearly described the content of the work that everyone needed to complete, down to every detail, even including the various tools, spells, etc. that needed to be used.

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

Taking a closer look at these jobs, it is basically the work of the Magic Mechanic Department. Although Tilak has not experienced the training of the Magic Mechanic Department, in terms of relevant skills and experience, he believes that he is not inferior to those magic mechanics.

In addition, each small construction step is followed by an acceptance standard, and the next step can only be continued after the acceptance is completed, which makes the overall project even if there is a mistake, the loss will not be very large, and it is easy to make up.

"President, how could we not be able to do such detailed construction steps, but most of our research laboratories have projects on hand, and some of them cannot be temporarily interrupted. If we all go to build the mage tower, the loss will not be small."

"This problem is also easy to solve. All losses will be compensated by the material department. In addition, after this task is completed, the material department will have additional funding subsidies."

After speaking, Xia Duo glanced at everyone's expressions and continued to explain: "It's almost the end of the month, the Tower of Time will recruit a group of new apprentices on Midsummer's Day, can you see if the Tower of Time can accommodate them? "

"It was for this."

Tilak suddenly realized, and suddenly thought of one thing, "I heard before that the apprentices have to wait for ten minutes every night to return to the dormitory and wait for the elevator. Later, after negotiating with the Academic Affairs Office to adjust the school's dismissal time, it will be considered an improvement. Approving new apprentices, I'm afraid it will be difficult to coordinate again."

"It's good to know."

In fact, the Tower of Time is not completely unable to accommodate new apprentices, but the Tower of Time is not designed to become an academy, and it has never considered to accommodate so many people.

It is possible to continue plugging, but many things have to be changed, such as the apprentice's schedule, the frequency of using the spell laboratory, the maintenance cycle, and so on.

It is so troublesome that it is better to divert out and "build a branch school".

"After the No. 1 minaret is completed, the apprentices of the second and third levels will move in in batches. The independent research laboratory and the magic mechanic department will not be moved for the time being. In the future, the tower of time will not be so crowded."

It is a fact that the interior of the Tower of Time is crowded. Although the independent research laboratory is located on the sixth floor, it is difficult to understand it, but a large number of apprentices occupy the energy of the Tower of Time, which is deeply felt by each independent research laboratory.

Especially the heads of the research labs of the Tower of Time department, they were already official mages before the Tower of Time was reformed, and they had never experienced "energy limitation" in the past.

But now, as the number of apprentices is increasing and the level is getting higher and higher, the Tower of Time will "limit energy" every time, and many energy-consuming experiments must be selected outside the time when the apprentice's practice class is concentrated, for fear of catching up with the temporary The "energy limit" caused the experiment to fail.

Xia Duo explained that even if it is not for the subsidy of the material department, Tilak and others should support the construction of the No. 1 spire, especially those who happen to have high energy consumption projects.

For example, David and Horst.

The former researches on David strings, which is almost the most energy-intensive one among independent laboratories; while the latter, together with two other mass-production laboratories, took over the engineering design tasks of Xia Duo, and is usually very busy in simulation, and is also a large energy consumer.

"In that case, let's start work after lunch at noon!"


After leaving Conference Room 042, Xia Duo came to the Personnel Office non-stop. Although De Park is still in charge of the Personnel Office of the Tower of Time, in fact, all the personnel appointments of the Tower of Time are controlled by the Institute.

Including but not limited to the arrangement of various subordinate positions and the most important grade assessment.

Today's De Parker is more like an archivist or a clerical recorder. Of course, it may be precisely because his work has become idle that De Parker has time to improve himself.

After becoming a high-level mage, he continued to sprint towards the arcanist.

This time, Shado went to De Parker to ask him to help supervise the project of the No. 1 Spire. At the same time, there are also some tasks that must be completed by high-level mages.

Originally, Xia Duo was more interested in Aberke for this task, but because of the maintenance of the watchtower, Aberke had already sued Niya several times. If I look for com again this time, it will inevitably be another bout of nagging.

As for the high-level mages recruited later, they are basically magic mechanics, and naturally they are busy with the Magic Mechanic Department. This is related to the cash flow of the Tower of Time, and naturally it is impossible to pull them away.

That would only have to let De Parker come forward.

The great arcanist came to the door in person, and the persuasion job was naturally too simple, not to mention the advanced arcanist class of high-level mages hanging in front of it, De Park agreed almost without asking. .

In the days that followed, with De Parker staring at him, Shado devoted himself to the cracking of the Enlightenment Scroll.

If possible, he still hopes to create a towering spirit on the No. 1 minaret before Midsummer Day. As for the subsequent internal construction, this will not affect much.

The towering created by the existing carrier of the No. 1 minaret is enough to control the various equipment and facilities that will appear later.

Of course, before the creation of Taling, the more perfect the No. 1 spire, the more perfect Taling's ability will be. There is no doubt about this.

It's just that Shado doesn't pursue absolute perfection, after all, it's just a temporary excessive mage tower.

If he really wanted to pursue perfection, he wouldn't even have built a spell pool, let alone an insurance system like the Tower of Time upgrade and upgrade redundant magic circle.

Busy days always pass quickly, and as the time gets closer and closer to the end of the month, the festive atmosphere of the Midsummer Festival gradually becomes stronger.

This day, Xia Duo was having lunch with Niya in Linshui Village, and suddenly received news from De Park—

"A strange thing flew from the north. It was very big. The route was directed at the territory."