Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1699: Taling worry-free, inspecting the constr

Xia Duo originally thought that the enlightenment scroll would only contain a primitive or prototype spell related to the creation of the tower spirit. After all, judging from the results, it was indeed rough enough.

It's just projecting part of the caster's consciousness out to bond with something.

But after obtaining all the details of the spell contained in the scroll, Xia Duo found that things were not that simple. First of all - whether to use the spirit matter, that is, the core of the twisted phantom as the material for casting the spell.

Whether to use it or not needs to be reflected in the spell. If it is just a primitive spell, there will be no situation where there are two usages of a scroll.

The second is the pagoda spirit editing technology that Xia Duo really wants to obtain, which is actually included in the enlightenment scroll, and the projected part of the ceremony will inevitably involve how to choose.

If it is a primitive spell, of course it can be explained by its imperfection, but a general-purpose scroll must not be so hasty, especially when the buyers are all big shots, you must be more cautious.

Only by adding exact editing techniques can we ensure that every spell is cast accurately without all kinds of weird accidents.

According to the specific spell design, it is not difficult for Xia Duo to analyze the design concept behind this spell, which is very consistent with many of his ideas—

The Seven Pagodas also believe that human consciousness can be divided into subconscious and superficial layers, and even the Seven Pagodas define in more detail what is subconscious and what is superficial consciousness.

It involves the whole process of sensory information including acquisition and preliminary processing, which is called "subconsciousness", while expressing consciousness puts more emphasis on subjectivity.

Of course, the surface consciousness can also participate in the construction and improvement of the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind also affects the surface consciousness all the time.

Therefore, in the process of creating Tower Spirit, the Seven Towers almost completely abandoned the self-awareness related to subjectivity, and chose a deep consciousness closer to primitive instinct.

Ta Ling may be able to inherit all the knowledge of spellcasting, but he cannot fully inherit all the thinking of the caster.

For Xia Duo, the most important thing about this spell is not to give him a relatively complete consciousness editing tool, but to let him confirm his understanding of the field of consciousness.

The knowledge derived from the psychology of his hometown, even if it was more hearsay or just a few words that he occasionally browsed, still gave him enough surprises.

Combined with his previous research on the possible realization of enlightenment, Xia Duo has no doubts about the creation of the tower spirit!

Now that he has spells and spirit matter is not a problem, he can start to create tower spirits in No. 1 spire.

Minaret 1, public level.

When Xia Duo came, there was a busy scene in the public hall where the central elevator was located, and the three temporarily arranged alchemy circles were continuously producing the mithril components needed for construction.

The mages of fifteen independent research rooms are constantly shuttling between the surrounding rooms and halls, using the [Mage Hand] to control the Mithril components to the construction site.

In a room facing the elevator, Xia Duo also noticed that the acceptance personnel were holding the construction manual in their hands, casting spells to verify the construction status of the mages before.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo frowned subconsciously, but then stretched it out again. He didn't see it, but it didn't mean that there was no coordinating organizer. After all, the amount of work left on the No. If it is coordinated, it will not be the current busy but not chaotic construction scene.

He turned around, and sure enough, he found Tilak and others in a room. The main coordinator of this engineering task is the first department of the Advancement Society headed by Tilak and David. In addition, Leonard and De Parker also in it.

It's just that Depak, as the only high-level mage in this project task, has some tasks that he must do. In fact, Tilak and others are leading the project.

They usually do not participate in the construction. They mainly formulate the construction plans of nearly 100 people in these 15 independent research laboratories, and provide timely support or remedies when the plans may be delayed or construction errors occur, so as to ensure the steady progress of the plans.

"President." *N

"Well, you are busy with your work, don't worry about me, Tilak, come with me."

Outside, Shadow asked Tilak: "Is the construction progressing smoothly recently? Will it be put into use after Midsummer? Even partly?"

"It's going well, the president's construction manual is very detailed, and there have been basically no mistakes during this period. As for whether it can be put into use after the festival—"

Speaking of this, Tilak hesitated for a moment, as if he hesitated to speak.

"Just tell me if you have any questions, do I still blame you for telling the truth?" Xia Duo said with some dissatisfaction.


Tilak glanced around, and then began to explain: "Our main construction project now is the magic laboratory. In order to make use of the alchemy circle as much as possible and simplify the process, we started construction in multiple laboratories at the same time. Can complete five or six, but then the speed will be faster and faster.

"It's no problem to put the spell laboratory into use, but the apprentice dormitory above and the independent research room have not started construction. Among other things, washing alone can't solve the problem."

"So that's the case, I was negligent!"

Xia Duo woke up in time and immediately put forward a new task goal, "The magic laboratory can be temporarily slowed down, and the apprentice dormitory, as well as the kitchen and dining room on the first floor can be completed first.

"Not long ago, the Magic Affairs Officer of my territory put forward a suggestion on the civilization of magic, and he just submitted a design proposal for a magic stove a few days ago.

"Although that plan is not suitable for ordinary people, it is still no problem to use it in the No. 1 minaret. I will let him come to help and complete the supporting facilities for apprentices to eat and live as soon as possible."

The magic stove proposed by Jay is actually more like a "lighter", which cannot provide a stable heat source, and it cannot be used by ordinary people.

However, Xia Duo intends to make the No. 1 minaret a test site for various new things, and let the new apprentices from Savile and Daxia first have a look, so that when the territory is promoted in the future, some unnecessary resistance can also be reduced. Even get sought after.

After all "Novelties from the Mage Tower" is still very attractive.

After Xia Duo finished speaking, Tilak also realized the urgency of time, and immediately agreed, "Yes, I will discuss the adjustment plan with David, Leonard and the others."

"Well, let's go!"

After leaving Tilak, Xia Duo went to look at the planned teleportation rooms. Spire No. 1 was originally not used as a regular mage tower, so no other hidden teleportation devices were installed.

All the teleportation rooms are arranged on the public floor. At this moment, De Parker is in charge of the construction.

Xia Duo made a rough turn just now, but he was still in the hall in the middle, and he did not enter the teleportation room. Of course, he did not see the specific construction progress.

Coming back at this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Chapter 1699