Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1709: Argument and support

After finishing the meeting with Horn, Shado did not leave the Kieran Tower, but contacted Aldrin and delivered the orders for the [Microscope Mirrors] he introduced.

"The [Microscopic Mirror] made by Lord Shado has been well received in the Kieran Tower. I have a few friends who also want to order one. I wonder if it is convenient for Lord Shado?"

"It's not inconvenient, but I don't have any on hand right now, so I need them to wait for a while." Shado said casually, taking down the names Aldrin mentioned.

Aldrin saw that Xia Duo agreed readily, and his heart moved, and he couldn't help but say: "[Microscope] has a qualitative improvement in the bloodline sequencing plan, I will try to think of the above suggestions, and allocate a special fund to customize [ Microscope].

"If Lord Xado believes me, you might as well prepare more in advance. Even if there is no special fund, I can be sure to persuade more people to buy it, and I will definitely not let those [Microscope Mirrors] accumulate in Lord Xado's hands."

"Is that so?"

After thinking for a while, Chateau agreed, "Then I'll wait for your good news from Master Aldrin!"

"Lord Shado, please relax, Aldrin will not disappoint you!"



After leaving the Kieran Tower, Xia Duo had nothing to do for a while, so he casually wandered around the old town.

Tomorrow is Midsummer, and it is already afternoon. There are several times more pedestrians playing and strolling on the streets than usual.

Xia Duo only covered his face with a hazy mist. Although he did not reveal his identity, he also left several positions around him.

Ordinary people don't talk about it. Even spellcasters are afraid to come into close contact with other spellcasters, so Xia Duo is also very happy.

It's just that although the street before the festival is lively, Xia Duo's mind is not on it at all, and there is no purpose at all when walking.

Basically, he followed the direction of the flow of people, where he went where the excitement was, occasionally sprinkled gold coins to buy a few delicate gadgets, and at other times his attention was on the communication instruments.


And while Shado was wandering aimlessly in the old city, in the Gustav Tower, Badigar had already summoned all the other seven tower controllers.

"What do you think of the suggestion made by Lord Shado?"

After Badigal finished speaking, everyone exchanged glances in private, some thought it was feasible, and some thought it was inappropriate, but no one wanted to be the first to make a statement.

"I think it works!"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Horn. Usually Horn likes to disagree with Badigar, but today he uncharacteristically took the lead in expressing his support, but Badigar looked as usual.

He knew that it was more of a personal nature for Horn and him not to deal with it. Putting that aside, they should actually be considered the most staunch allies.

No matter what Horn said, Badigar was not surprised.

"Don't all look at me!"

Horn shrank back, only puffing out his chest when facing Badigar, and then continued:

"No matter whether we counteract or not, Cormanthor's hostility to us will not disappear. I think Lord Shado's suggestion is very good. After all, the current situation can't be bad no matter how bad it is, but once it succeeds, yes Our current situation can be improved a lot.”

In fact, in Horn's view, no matter whether the Seven Towers counteracted or not, it would be difficult to destroy Comanso's hostility in a short period of time, and it would also be difficult to change the balance of power between the two sides in a short period of time.

In this case, the difference between doing and not doing is actually not big. Instead, being conservative for the time being can better preserve the existing power, but——

Master Eorem is here, plus Lord Shado personally came to lobby at the Kieran Tower just now, so why didn't he push the boat and gain two favors in one fell swoop?

As he just said, the current situation can't be bad no matter how bad it is. Instead, try some new methods and maybe even break the existing pattern!

With the first person to express his position, it is not difficult for everyone to speak.

As soon as Horn finished speaking, Harris couldn't wait to raise his objection, "You think the current situation has reached the worst point, but in fact, this is the result of restraint by both of us and even by many parties.

"Although we all know that Comanso is provoking this matter now, they are powerful, and we don't need to fight them tit-for-tat. After all, this matter has nothing to do with the Seven Towers."

Harris continued to object, but he was interrupted by a passionate voice - "Harris, you really are a jerk!"

"Hadleian, what do you know! Humans in the north are weak, how can they survive carelessly? Didn't you think about Il Farang before? Then look at what they did. You dare to say that the invaders were not Il Faran before. Sent?"


Hadrian didn't expect Harris to suddenly mention the elf invader a few months ago. This incident was indeed a thorn in his heart, leaving him speechless for a while.


Seeing the atmosphere slide in a strange direction, Eorem coughed lightly and reminded: "As for that intruder, based on what we have investigated so far, we cannot conclude that it was Il Farang who did it."

"Yes! Didn't you also participate in the joint investigation Harris in Il Faron? That's not what you said at the time!"

Badigar also spoke out in support of Eorem, "It doesn't matter if you say this in private, if you put it outside, an ally who was already on good terms may be driven away by you!"

"Allies who leave because of one sentence are not real allies." Harris muttered softly, and then stopped talking.

Although everyone else heard his words, Harris had stopped talking at this time, and the other people stopped talking about it.

But after this incident, the scene fell into silence again, and Badigal frowned as he looked at the crowd.

Since the princess ascended to God, he has the highest prestige and qualifications among the seven controllers of the Seven Pagodas, which makes him the representative of the Seven Pagodas, but such a representative status needs to balance the opinions and needs of all parties, which makes him very uneasy.

If it was in the past when the princess was there, he would say whatever he wanted, and do whatever he wanted, anyway, with the princess in the middle to reconcile, how could he be so aggrieved now.

Thinking of Badigar couldn't help but glanced at the princess' chosen (Gills Tower) successor - Skum, this guy probably thought that the representative of the seven towers was very good.

As everyone knows, without the approval of other people, what can you do even if you are a representative? Do you really think that a representative can tell the truth?

Selfishness is too heavy, even Harris can't compare, let alone other people. At this moment, Badigar really regrets the princess' decision.

How could this man change so quickly!

If I had known it earlier, it would have been better to support Chaos in the ascendance!


"Scum, what do you think of Lord Shado's suggestion?"