Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1712: Small country sorrow, internal friction

Although Shado didn't know the specific strength and cards of the Seven Pagodas, he only speculated from the number of Great Arcanists that he believed that the Seven Pagodas had at least twenty Great Arcanists who could attack at any time.

That's all, as long as you don't fight recklessly, it's not difficult to meet the elf elder who only has one breath left. If there is another big weapon, it may be easy.

So Shado dared to ask Larian wearing the leather of the Seven Towers, and the fact was as he expected, even though his tone was not polite, Larian still suffered.

Perhaps this is the tragedy of a small country!

Fortunately, Shado is not as aggressive as Comanso, but after the question that was closer to alarmist, Shado's tone also slowed down a little:

"It is the misfortune of Everisca that the Northland Alliance has its headquarters in Everisca, but isn't it your luck?"

Although Larian didn't want to turn against Shado, he didn't want to listen to these nonsense that was almost mocking. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and replied blankly:

"This is the end of the matter, what does Lord Shado mean by saying this?"

"Of course it makes sense!"

Seeing that the other party was not indifferent, Xia Duo continued: "The five countries of the Northern Alliance are strong, and small countries can only survive in the cracks, but compared to the precarious Akola, Sluvender, Everiska I don't know how lucky you are! At least you don't have a crisis of instant destruction!"

"What exactly does Lord Shado want to say?"

"What I want to say is that Everiska should face up to his special position and must abide by neutrality. This time you and Ambassador Comansor have calculated Netheril, and next time will they calculate Il Farang, Ye Erlan, or Danzo? We can tolerate you once, but can we tolerate it again and again?"

Hearing this, Larian's expression changed, obviously thinking of a possibility, "This—Lord Shado, I—"

"Elder Larian, don't panic, I believe that you are involuntarily involved in this incident. You were completely forced by Ambassador Comansor, but you should also inform us in time! Could it be that Everisca is really going to fall to the ground. Comanso?"


Larian raised his voice subconsciously, "Everesca has absolutely no intention of falling on Cormanthor! We even summoned the elders from the Elven Court, and we have absolutely no intention of becoming an enemy of Netheril!"

Larian wasn't necessarily afraid of Netheril, but he had to be afraid of the possibility that Shado had just raised. If Everesca couldn't keep his neutrality, why would the Northland Alliance's headquarters be here?

If the headquarters of the Northland Alliance is not here, then they will inevitably be involved in the open and secret struggle between the five major powers in the Northland. He can't bear to imagine such a situation.

"Elder Nalarian, you said, how to deal with the aftermath of this matter?"

"This—" Larian hesitated.

Ask him to face Ambassador Comanso, not to mention that the bet was canceled if he could say it was canceled? But Netheril couldn't take it lightly.

For a time, Larian was really in a dilemma, knowing that when Ambassador Comanso was looking for him, he pretended to be sick and stayed away!

And that kid Vera, who told him to avoid contact with humans a long time ago, but he didn't listen, and even if he did, he wouldn't know how to keep it secret.

"Elder Larian, I have always had a favorable impression of Everisca, and I don't even have much hostility to Comanso, who has repeatedly targeted us. Do you know why?"

"Lord Shado—" Larian was immediately confused, "Why is this?"

"Of course it's because cooperation is far more meaningful than confrontation, but it's a pity that Comanso still doesn't understand this truth!"

Shado's words are not hypocritical. If possible, he really hopes that the countries in the North can develop peacefully instead of wasting energy and resources in meaningless confrontation.

There are so many sub-planes, as long as you find a few more, isn't it better than spending time in a place as big as the North?

But unfortunately, from the moment the Northland Alliance was established, the internal conflict in the Northland was destined to be difficult to end. If nothing else, there would almost be a battle between Comanso and Akola.

The legitimacy of the rulers of Comansor comes from the idea of ​​unification, and the first step of unification is undoubtedly the Forest of Listal.

But as a member of the Northland Alliance, in fact, whether or not he is a member of the Northland Alliance, Akola is almost impossible to hold back and will always resist.

And Cormanthor's road to unification begins with the forest of Starr, and the next step is undoubtedly to go west, and Netheril has become the first stumbling block on its road to unify the elf world.

However, Netheril is not an elf kingdom. It is difficult for other elven kingdoms to intervene directly. Once Netheril is annexed and cultivated for thousands of years, the entire Northland will not be a match for Cormanthor.

Under this circumstance, Netheril is destined to be impossible for Cormanthor to easily unify Listal Forest, and once Cormanthor's aggressive intentions are too obvious, other countries are bound to intervene.

Under the framework of the Northland Alliance, peacekeeping has become the best excuse.

Now this Northern Alliance, called the "Alliance", is actually just a last resort product under the threat of the Drow War.

As long as Cormanthor doesn't show his ambitions too much, even if he is a little overbearing, the rest of the nations will basically not care too much except for Netheril, who has always been targeted.

There is even a strange existence like Ye Erlan who is faintly inclined towards Comansor.

Of course, Shado believes that as long as the centralization reform of Yeerlan is completed, the will of the organization will definitely not allow them to be willing to serve as Comansor's minions and vassals. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But when will we wait?

In the history of Xia Duo's hometown, the time when the emperor took power in the hands of the emperor was mostly calculated in ten years. That is still under the centralized system. The non-centralized system, such as the west of the earth, may not be able to centralize power for thousands of years.

Not to mention, elves have a long lifespan, and if it is said to be reformed, perhaps ordinary people have only started a prelude after their whole life has passed!

For Shado, counteracting Comansor is not just a sigh of anger, but also has practical significance.

At this time, Comanso passed through the challenge of the Uvelun remnants on the day of the establishment of the Northern Alliance. In the eyes of outsiders, although his behavior is still a bit domineering, it is also much more stable than before.

The key is that King Mian of Comansor changed the ruling concept in the past and reiterated the "equality of the five races", which greatly eased the racial conflicts within Comansor.

In a disguised form, the national power has been strengthened.

And this, in Xia Duo's view, is already a sign that the development is on the right track and is gradually accelerating, which is not a good thing for human beings.

It would be fine if Cormanthor wasn't so hostile to Netheril, but he was not a thief.

How could Xia Duo wait for them to take off?

Launching a countermeasure against the Demon Limitation Treaty is just the beginning. Xardo has a ruthless one in private. Besides Comansuo, Yeerlan can also pull him into the water.

It's just that that first-hand plan is too hated and easy to implement. There is no floating city, no war spells, and he is not ready to implement it for the time being.