Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1714: Lyallus, hostile form

Not long ago, Xia Duo proposed in the Seven Towers to "force Comanthor to give up the evaluation and investigation rights attached to the magic restriction treaty". On the surface, it did not bring intuitive benefits to Netheril.

It only dispelled the power of Cormanthor, and relieved a certain amount of super magic pressure for the remaining countries of the alliance in the chaotic initial stage of the treaty.

Whether Comanso is willing to accept it or not, unless he "retires" immediately, it is almost impossible to resist the common will of the alliance collective.

This approach is the same as Comanthor's previous proposal to sign the "magic restriction treaty"-even Ilfaran, who is an ally of Netheril, has clearly expressed his approval. As long as Netheril does not immediately withdraw from the group, it can only forcefully Accept it with a scalp.

So, will Cormanthor withdraw from the group?

of course not.

It’s just that it’s different from Netheril’s reason for not leaving the group because he wanted more opportunities for development. Comanthor’s reason for not leaving the group is largely to use the power of the alliance to suppress Netheril within the framework of the alliance. rising momentum.

In other words, as long as Netheril does not withdraw from the group, Cormanthor will not withdraw from the group.

Correspondingly, even if Netheril withdraws from the group, Comanthor will not necessarily withdraw. Pulling the alliance together to suppress Netheril, isn't it more labor-saving than doing it alone?

At the same time, they can use the resources of the alliance to develop themselves.

It's just that once Netheril withdraws from the Northland Alliance, Ilfaran will almost certainly withdraw, and will not continue to stay in the alliance to suffer anger. At that time, the Northland Alliance will really exist in name only.

In the second half of the meeting, Xia Duo did not talk to Larian about the current situation, but turned to topics related to the local life in Evereska.

For example, the periodicals purchased here when Xia Duo hid his identity before, the sky garden sun rose, or topics such as mythos.

The atmosphere was not as serious as it was at the beginning, and Larian later called the eldest son, Laerles, who was the father of Luna Xis.

"Lord Xiaduo, I will go to Yunguan Palace and let Lyle take you around the city first. Later, the Council of Elders will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Elder Larian, please take care of yourself, Lyle and I can chat very well, waiting for your good news."

After Larian left, Lyle offered to take Xiaduo to the city for a walk, but Xiaduo refused, but stayed in this small garden, waiting for news from Larian.

Of course, the more important thing is to chat with Lyle about the topic of mythos. After all, you can go for a tour at any time, but it is not always possible to communicate with a high-level mage who focuses on research in the field of mythos.

Lairles, as the eldest son of Elder Larian, has received systematic magic education since he was a child, and has profound attainments in the field of magic.

Although Larian didn't introduce it just now, Xia Duo was keenly aware of the powerful power that Laerles deliberately concealed.

Perhaps it was because he had just become a high-level mage, and Laerles hadn't had a good grasp of the power to control the magic net, but after all, it was elven magic, and he paid attention to the coordination with the magic net.

If you were another great arcanist, you might not be able to notice this, but Xia Duo has incarnated as an elf many times in the projection plane, and has also received a complete elf magic education, and even went deeper.

When he found out that Laerles was also a high-ranking mage, he was not surprised at all.

As far as Xia Duo knew, this Laerles was just in his early 300s, which is about 40 years old when converted to human lifespan.

To become a high-level mage at this age is not only unique in the elf world, but at least it can be called outstanding talent.

When Xia Duo communicated with his high-level mage follower Elfage, Elfage mentioned more than once that almost no elf high-level mage is less than 300 years old.

Laerles is just 300 years old, and this talent is almost considered top-notch. Of course, this is still incomparable to Hilda Lanna becoming a high-level mage before 300 years old.

But it is extremely rare for such a talented mage to emerge from a small country.

At the same time, this also gave Xia Duo a new understanding of the potential of these small countries.

Due to the super long lifespan of the elves, the number of high-ranking mages in a small country may not be less than that in a big country. The difference between a big country and a small country may be just a difference in the proportion of true elders who have only one breath left.

Of course, the influence of population factors is also there, but in an elf society where there is no universal magic education, the influence of population is almost negligible compared with time.

Although the static strength, a small country may not be weaker than a big country, but once it really fights, a small country without enough high-level mages who can continue to attack will almost certainly be beaten by a big And the most important thing is , once those true elders are consumed and cannot be replenished for a long period of time, it will be a crisis of subjugation.

Of course, correspondingly, big countries generally do not directly go to war with small countries. Although judging from the results, they are destined to win, but the losses caused during this period are immeasurable, and they may be wiped out by another big country after the fight .

Therefore, Xia Duo infers that in the future, the hostility between the countries in the North will be carried out in the form of covert operations and low-intensity conflicts, and it is unlikely that large-scale formal wars will occur.

The overall national war like in the movie is almost impossible to appear on the main plane.

The war on the projection plane was completely planned by the "Great Sage" on the main plane in the past since the birth of the empire, and it was initiated after nearly a thousand years of preparation. Anyway, no matter how fierce the fight on the projection plane is, it will not affect the main plane.

If it is the place where he lives, Xia Duo does not believe that there is really someone who is determined to drag everyone including himself into the water. If there is such a person, Xia Duo will be the first to kill him. will do so.

The communication with Lairles went very smoothly. At the beginning, Xia Duo only asked the other party some superficial questions, but the other party did not have any perfunctory intentions, and answered seriously, exceeding Xia Duo's expectations.

So, he naturally went in-depth and asked about the content related to distributed nodes, and even some questions about the design of the Floating Void City Misuo, which he recently started a project.

In this regard, although Lairles was surprised by a human being's understanding and proficiency in mythos, he still did not refuse to answer, and from his answer, Xia Duo could also see that the other party was not perfunctory.

"Lyle, I didn't expect to have such a big surprise this time. If you have the opportunity, please come to the Tower of Time as a guest."

"There will be a chance."