Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1720: stingy, new drama

Remember [] for a second,!

On the west side of the Tower of Time, Codex Square.

Compared with the central square in Savile Town, the Codex Square is larger, and the Daxia Collar is in a state of development. Most of the residents live in a concentrated place. It is very convenient to travel to and from the Codex Square, and the distance is shorter.

In the past few years, when the population of the territory was small, the territory could hardly hold any decent celebrations, but now the population of the territory has reached 70,000 or 80,000, and it is almost catching up with the Savile territory.

When Xia Duo came back, except for the area where the central Codex sculpture was reserved for a blessing ceremony, the rest of the square was crowded with people.

However, although there are many people, there is no confusion.

A large number of vigilantes in bold orange uniforms divided the square into sections, in stark contrast to the waves of crowds in the central square of Savile Town.

These areas even set aside special passages for people inside to temporarily enter and leave the square.

Of course, each area is not exactly the same. Some areas are larger, some are smaller, and some members of the territory's cultural and educational department are performing tricks and dramas.

Some are watching the show quietly, or entertaining themselves, but they can still see the obvious difference.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo couldn't help but think of the scene where the school held a meeting on the playground when he was in middle school, but there were not as many people in the school back then.

And just looking at it, Xia Duo saw that the Codex Square should only be a "main venue". It is estimated that there are still a small number of people who are arranged in the "branch venue", that is, the altar square.

When Shado and Nya appeared at the foot of the Codex sculpture, Leiden immediately received a notification, and led a few newly trained rookie priests to separate the crowd from outside the square and came to Shado.

"Sir, the arrangement has been made at the altar square. If there is no other order, the blessing ceremony can already be started here."

"Then let's get started!"


Leighton responded, and immediately called for the new priests to take their places in front of the Codex statue, and then announced to all the crowd watching in the square—

"The blessing ceremony begins!"

"Great Lord of Glory, thank you for giving us sunshine!"

Layton had already walked out of the temple in Savile Town, and the blessing ceremonies in the two places were not much different. As for the time, it was determined by the height of the sun, and the two places were basically synchronized.

As the ceremony went on, the holy light shrouded in the Codex sculpture became more and more obvious, but until the end of the ceremony, Shado could not wait for any miracle to appear.

In this blessing ceremony, he asked Leiden to "report" the results of Daxia's standard weights and measures to the top. He thought that the Lord of Glory would at least express something, but he didn't expect to be so stingy.

After the ceremony, Shado called Leiden to his side and asked in a low voice, "Did that person have any special reaction?"

"No." Layton shook his head, his expression a little disappointed, "Only regular divine favor feedback, nothing else."

"Forget it, we'll just do our own thing."


Under the influence of Shado, Leiden's thinking has also changed a lot, at least he will no longer regard divine grace as the only criterion for practicing God's idea as in the past.

It can even be said that Leiden has his own understanding on top of the teachings. Although he is still influenced by the original teachings, it can be said that he has walked a path that truly meets his inner needs.

After all, it is impossible to be completely unaffected.

A person's life is inherently subject to various external influences, ranging from deep to shallow. The difference lies in whether the process of influence is genuinely accepted by oneself.

Some people are affected without knowing it. They don’t ask about the process of influence, they only start from the results. In the end, they will almost inevitably lose themselves and become slaves to the **.

Shado didn't know which kind of Leiden belonged to, but he was quite sure that he was definitely not the kind of person who didn't ask to influence the process.

He insists on meditation training every day to ensure that the changes in his personality can always be accepted by himself at the current moment, rather than directly accepting the changed personality.

Of course, Xia Duo couldn't make a conclusion as to which of these two types of people are better or worse. It is not an attitude to accept a new self at all times, but he himself prefers to make the development of personality more controllable.

After the ceremony, although the sun was still overhead, it was already on the west side. Leiden had to go to the altar square to finish it off, so Xado did not leave him.

After that, Shado saw the difference in the celebration process between Daxia and Savile.

After the blessing ceremony, the lord of Savile led the priests to distribute holy water to the people. This activity will continue until the night. Of course, the lord only needs to be careful when it starts. No one will really stand until the night. .

This activity basically continued the tradition of the Nise people, but now more and more territories have given up the tradition.

Like Da Xia Ling's side, Xia Duo has not engaged in any holy water distribution activities since the beginning.

After the ceremony, Gibb, the leader of the Territorial Security Office, began to adjust the distribution of the areas in the square.

As for why.

Of course, the area where the Codex statue is located will stage a new-style drama created by the Territory's Ministry of Culture and Education and approved by Shado at the same time in four directions.

Actors have members of the Ministry of Culture and Education, but more are ordinary residents of the territory.

In fact, these new-style dramas have been widely circulated in the territory at ordinary times. There are more than 30 dramas such as "From Nishite Slaves to Daxia Citizens", "Daxia Legends", and "New Winds of the Territory".

They involve rich topics and cover almost all aspects of the life of the territory. This is actually part of the new life movement in the territory.

There are very few ways of entertainment for ordinary people in this era. Xia Duo promotes new-style dramas (similar to dramas on Earth) in the territory, which is deeply in line with the people of the territory.

Even if most of the territorial people have not seen all the more than 30 dramas, they can almost say casually about the classic scenes.

The second half of the Midsummer Celebration is actually a special drama.

In addition to the purpose of entertainment, the more important thing is to use the miraculous general knowledge effect of the code sculpture, so that the residents near the sculpture can integrate their understanding of the Daxia code into the process of watching the play.

When Xia Duo first heard that the Codex sculptures could still be used in this way, he even ordered the territorial culture and education department to hurry up and create a batch of new-style dramas that focused more on legal education, similar to the legal education films in Xia Duo's hometown.

But it is a pity that Xia Duo was relatively late until this incident, and only one special legal education drama was staged in this Midsummer Celebration.

The name is "Wendy Johnson Buying a Melon". Xia Duo had only read the script and thought it was quite interesting at the time, but he didn't know how the live performance would look like.

Chapter 1720 stingy, new drama