Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1729: Hostility, IOU

Remember [] for a second,!

Linking Lawrence and Akola Kingdom, Leiden couldn't help but ask: "Sir, do you want Lawrence to study and come back to give art lectures?"

"That's what it means, what do you think?"

"I think it is feasible. I am afraid that only Lawrence can do this job in the territory."

"Well, let's do it then!"

Layton didn't know whether it was subconsciously or deliberately ignoring the existence of the members of the Tower of Time. Xia Duo also cared too much. Compared with this matter, the members of the Tower of Time had more important things to do.

Furthermore, in terms of artistic attainment and speed of learning and comprehension, the members of the Tower of Time may not be stronger than Lawrence.

After chatting with Leiden for a while in the Codex Square, a bunch of scattered figures appeared in the north of the [Daxia-Saville Passage], but the marching speed was no slower than the neat queue of the Daxia collar before.

Shado even saw Ke Yan in the crowd, but he was not going to meet Ke Yan here. Before the other party's vision extended to this side, he moved the water vapor in the air to create a hazy barrier to the north of him and Leiden. screen.

"Those guys haven't received discipline training, let Merry and the others watch more in the sky, don't make anything bad, and of course don't be too protective of them, they are still their own after all, and if Keyan needs it If so, ask Simon to send him two instructors."

"I see."

"Just understand, I'll leave it to you here, feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

After speaking, Shado left the Codex Square and returned to the Tower of Time.

An hour later, Ke Yan led his team to the Codex Square, and Leiden personally stepped forward to greet him, "Commander Ke Yan, welcome to Daxia Leader."

"Consul Leiden, it's so rude, I should say hello to you first."

Although he said that, Ke Yan had no intention of coming out of the soldiers, and even revealed a hint of hostility.

And this hostility may not even be clear to him. In the end, it is because the other party came from a low-level background, and his status has surpassed him in just a few years.

Layton didn't notice it at all. Even though he had gone through a lot of world experience, he still failed to learn how to do it face to face and behind the scenes.

The so-called "official business", nothing more than this.

"Commander Ke Yan, the lord has prepared brand-new equipment for your people at the training ground. After receiving the equipment, I will take you to Linshui Sancun, where the barracks have been prepared."

As soon as these words came out, before Ke Yan had time to say anything, the soldiers under his command shouted, especially the captains, whose words were even more straightforward:

"Is the Daxia collar so rich? Hundred and ten sets of equipment will be given away?"

"Isn't that saying that Daxia is still in the process of development, and can't even be self-sufficient in food?"


Ke Yan's face suddenly gloomy, he coughed heavily, and then squeezed out a smile, and said to Leiden:

"Thank you Lord Shado for the gift, and then I will trouble Archon Leiden."

"No trouble, this is what I should do."

After finishing speaking, Leighton took Keyan and his party across the Codex Square and walked towards Linshui Village in the south.

During the period, there was also an episode. When the soldiers under Ke Yann passed the commercial street at the junction of Linshui No. 1 Village and Linshui Village, they coaxed to go in for a drink, saying that they would be exhausted from the lead from Saville.

At this time, the Midsummer Festival has just passed a few days, which can be regarded as the hottest days of the year. It is not easy for these soldiers to endure it until now.

But I'm afraid of comparison in everything. On the way when I just arrived, Ke Yann saw with his own eyes the soldiers of the Daxia leader who were lined up in two teams with uniform movements.

Although the two sides did not communicate much verbally, there is no doubt that the soldiers under his command were all intimidated by the other party. They were frolicking and talking and laughing all the way, but when the two sides met, they could not make a sound.

At this moment, with such coaxing and drinking again, Ke Yan's face darkened on the spot, and he took out his horsewhip and slammed a few soldiers who were most vigorous in coaxing, which made them stop.

"Commander Ke Yan, don't blame the soldiers, it's all my fault. The weather is so hot, I should have prepared some drinks to cool off in advance."

Looking at Leiden's appearance, he really couldn't see any element of performance. Ke Yan held his chest in one breath, and his face darkened a bit.

At this time, Leighton had already taken out the pen and paper he carried with him, wrote a line of words and left his signature, and then shouted at the Lille Tavern where everyone happened to pass by:

"Lear, the business is here, quickly bring out two barrels of light ale, I want ice!"

"Master Consul, why are you here?"

A dark-skinned middle-aged man, Gululu, who was already slightly bloated, ran out of the rift with sweat that was too late to wipe off his forehead.

Leighton shoved the note he just wrote into Lear's hand, and said, "I didn't bring enough money when I came out this time. I'll make an IOU first, and come to the Government Affairs Office to exchange gold coins tomorrow."

"My lord, it's just two barrels of light ale, so I'll take it as my invitation." With that said, Lear made a gesture to return the note to Leiden. The tavern management for more than half a year has made this peasant who was ignorant of it smooth.

But Leighton didn't accept it. Instead, he read a law in public, which made Lille's outstretched hand seem to be stabbed by a needle, and then instantly retracted.

He didn't forget that the last time Leiden read the law, a person was whipped in public, and his current behavior has been regarded as stepping on the edge of breaking the law.

His home is in Linshui No. 1 Village, only a few minutes away from the Codex Square. He is very familiar with the laws and regulations related to his own business!

This time, when Laiden came over, he also subconsciously thought he had seized the opportunity, but he almost collided with the knife edge.

I don't know how to ease the atmosphere when a series of heavy footsteps came from behind, and two tall and strong men moved out of the tavern together with a heavy wine barrel.

In addition, a thinner young man followed behind with two stacks of wooden wine glasses stacked high. This was Lear's eldest son.

The second son entered the Tower of Time and became a full-fledged mage because he caught up with the good times. The eldest son could only stay in the tavern at home to help. Compared with the past, he had a good home.

Seeing his son coming out, Reilton breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to call up his son, "Don't pour wine for everyone!"

Number 100, it's too slow to want Lear's sons to pour them one by one. Some anxious soldiers have already rushed over to grab wine glasses from Lear's sons.

At this time, Leiden suddenly raised his hand, and a strong holy light suddenly flashed under the scorching sun, and all the people who received the holy light in this area fell silent.

A hazy voice appeared in the hearts of a few people, as if telling him to obey the order and come one by one.